Low-level antibiotics causes weight gain in mice (and most mammals) – Aug 2014

Altering the Intestinal Microbiota during a Critical Developmental Window Has Lasting Metabolic Consequences

CELL Volume 158, Issue 4, p705–721, 14 August 2014, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2014.05.052
Laura M. Cox, Shingo Yamanishi, Jiho Sohn, Alexander V. Alekseyenko, Jacqueline M. Leung, Ilseung Cho, Sungheon G. Kim, Huilin Li, Zhan Gao, Douglas Mahana, Jorge G. Zárate Rodriguez, Arlin B. Rogers, Nicolas Robine, P’ng Loke, Martin J. Blaser martin.blaser@nyumc.org


•Early life is a critical window of host-microbe metabolic interaction
•Low-dose penicillin treatment amplifies diet-induced obesity
•A transient early microbiota perturbation leads to long-term increased adiposity
•The penicillin-altered microbiota has a causal role in inducing metabolic changes

A few of the 102 charts from the PDF (marked up by VitaminDWiki for quick understanding)

Mice with low-level antibiotics gained weight at a faster rate

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Acquisition of the intestinal microbiota begins at birth, and a stable microbial community develops from a succession of key organisms. Disruption of the microbiota during maturation by low-dose antibiotic exposure can alter host metabolism and adiposity. We now show that low-dose penicillin (LDP), delivered from birth, induces metabolic alterations and affects ileal expression of genes involved in immunity. LDP that is limited to early life transiently perturbs the microbiota, which is sufficient to induce sustained effects on body composition, indicating that microbiota interactions in infancy may be critical determinants of long-term host metabolic effects. In addition, LDP enhances the effect of high-fat diet induced obesity. The growth promotion phenotype is transferrable to germ-free hosts by LDP-selected microbiota, showing that the altered microbiota, not antibiotics per se, play a causal role. These studies characterize important variables in early-life microbe-host metabolic interaction and identify several taxa consistently linked with metabolic alterations.

PDF is attached at the bottom of this page

Publisher has audio interview with Dr. Blaser one of the authors of this study and author of Missing Microbes book

See also VitaminDWiki

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