Drugs you could take instead of vitamin D – Davis Aug 2011

Clipped from You could take vitamin D or . . . August 26, 2011 Dr. William Davis

You could take vitamin D and achieve a desirable blood level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D (I aim for 60-70 ng/ml), or you could:

  • Take Actos to mimic the enhanced insulin sensitivity generated by vitamin D
  • Take lisinopril to mimic the angiotensin-converting enzyme blocking, antihypertensive effect of vitamin D
  • Take Fosamax or Boniva to mimic the bone density-increasing effect of vitamin D
  • Take Celexa or other SSRI antidepressants to mimic the mood-elevating and winter “blues”-relieving effect of vitamin D
  • Take Niaspan to mimic the HDL-increasing, small LDL-reducing effect of vitamin D
  • Take naproxen to mimic the pain-relieving effect of vitamin D

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Note: Each drug is far more expensive than vitamin D AND focuses on only one aspect.

See also VitaminDWiki

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