A surf of the web indicates that:
- There is phosphoric acid in cola drinks (both regular and diet)
- Having more than ~ 1 liter per day of colas provides more acid than the body can deal with.
- Increases acidity reduces the Calcium in the body – in bone and teeth
- Vitamin D is consumed in the body in the process of trying to restore the lost Calcium
- Reduces Magnesium Perplexity AI Jan 2025
- One additional sugary drink per day increased death rate by 7% - March 2019
- Diet soda increase waist size - (not mention vitamin D) March 2015
- Pop-cola acids and tooth erosion: an in vitro, in vivo, electron-microscopic, and clinical report. - 2010
- Soft drinks cause soft bones, but is it also time to slay the sacred cow?- 2006
- WebMD: Soda and Osteoporosis: Is There a Connection? – Feb 2007
- Clip from Wikipedia entry on Osteoporosis
- Cola at Advancing your health March 2012
- 63% of Americans Actively Avoid Soda - Dec 2014
- 22 Ways Drinking Soda Will Shorten Your Life
- See also VitaminDWiki
- See also web
- Carmel coloring can cause Cancer
- There have been
44750 visits to this page
One additional sugary drink per day increased death rate by 7% - March 2019
Sugary Drinks Tied to Shorter Life Span New York Times
- 118,000 people followed for 30 years
- "The optimal intake of these drinks is zero"
- No such attachment on this page
Diet soda increase waist size - (not mention vitamin D) March 2015
Diet Soda Intake Is Associated with Long-Term Increases in Waist Circumference in a Biethnic Cohort of Older Adults: The San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging
Sharon P.G. Fowler MPH1, Ken Williams MS1,2 andHelen P. Hazuda PhD1,*
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Article first published online: 17 MAR 2015, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.13376Objectives To examine the relationship between diet soda (DS) intake (DSI) and long-term waist circumference (WC) change (ΔWC) in the biethnic San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging (SALSA).
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting: San Antonio, Texas, neighborhoods.
Participants: SALSA examined 749 Mexican-American and European-American individuals aged 65 and older at baseline (baseline, 1992–96); 474 (79.1%) survivors completed follow-up 1 (FU1, 2000–01), 413 (73.4%) completed FU2 (2001–03), and 375 (71.0%) completed FU3 (2003–04). Participants completed a mean of 2.64 follow-up intervals, for 9.4 total follow-up years.
Measurements: DSI, WC, height, and weight were measured at outset and at the conclusion of each interval: baseline, FU1, FU2, and FU3.
Results: Adjusted for initial WC, demographic characteristics, physical activity, diabetes mellitus, and smoking, mean interval ΔWC of DS users (2.11 cm, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.45–2.76 cm) was almost triple that of nonusers (0.77 cm, 95% CI = 0.29–1.23 cm) (P < .001). Adjusted interval ΔWCs were 0.77 cm (95% CI = 0.29–1.23 cm) for nonusers, 1.76 cm (95% CI = 0.96–2.57 cm) for occasional users, and 3.04 cm (95% CI = 1.82–4.26 cm) for daily users (P = .002 for trend). This translates to ΔWCs of 0.80 inches for nonusers, 1.83 inches for occasional users, and 3.16 for daily users over the total SALSA follow-up. In subanalyses stratified for selected covariates, ΔWC point estimates were consistently higher in DS users.
Conclusion: In a striking dose-response relationship, increasing DSI was associated with escalating abdominal obesity, a potential pathway for cardiometabolic risk in this aging population.
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Described in Diet Soda Adds Inches to the Waist of Seniors, Researchers Say Mercola April 2015
Pop-cola acids and tooth erosion: an in vitro, in vivo, electron-microscopic, and clinical report. - 2010
Int J Dent. 2010;2010:957842. Epub 2010 Dec 2.
Borjian A, Ferrari CC, Anouf A, Touyz LZ.
McGill Faculty of Dentistry, Montreal, PQ, H3A 2B2, Canada.Introduction. Manufactured Colas are consumed universally as soft drinks. Evidence about the acid contents of Cola-beverages and its effects on teeth is rare. Aim. To assess (i) cola acidity and buffering capacity in vitro, (ii) tooth erosion after swishing with colas in vivo (iii) scanning electron microscopic effects on teeth of colas, and tooth-brush abrasion, and (iv) report a clinical case of erosion from cola consumption.
Materials and Methods. (i) We measured six commercially available pop "Cola beverages", pH, and buffering capacities using a pH-Mettler Automatic Titrator, with weak solution of Sodium Hydroxide (ii) two cohorts, one with teeth, the second without teeth rinsed with aliquots of Cola for 60 seconds. Swished cola samples tested for calcium and phosphorus contents using standardized chemical analytical methods (iii) enamel, dentine, and the enamel-cemental junction from unerupted extracted wisdom teeth were examined with a scanning electron microscope after exposure to colas, and tested for tooth-brush abrasion; (iv) a clinical case of pop cola erosion presentation, are all described.
Results. Comparisons among pop colas tested in vitro reveal high acidity with very low pH. Buffering capacities in millilitres of 0.5?M NaOH needed to increase one pH unit, to pH 5.5 and pH 7 are reported. Rinsing in vivo with pop cola causes leeching of calcium from teeth; SEM shows dental erosion, and pop-cola consumption induces advanced dental erosion and facilitates abrasion.
Conclusions. (i) Pop-Cola acid activity is below the critical pH 5.5 for tooth dissolution, with high buffering capacities countering neutralization effects of saliva; (ii) calcium is leeched out of teeth after rinsing with pop colas; (iii) SEM evidence explains why chronic exposure to acid pop colas causes dental frangibles; (iv) a clinical case of pop-cola erosion confirms this. PMID: 21151663 CLICK HERE for full text
Soft drinks cause soft bones, but is it also time to slay the sacred cow?- 2006
October 2006
Clipped – – – This month’s edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published a study which found that women drinking four or more cola drinks a week were at increased risk of reduced bone density (1). And this is not the first evidence that has linked the drinking of fizzy drinks to weaker bones. A number of explanations are generally put forward to attempt to explain this phenomenon. A constituent of cola is phosphoric acid, which is believed to impart a degree of acidity within the body that increases the risk that calcium is leeched from the bone. Caffeine, another common component in cola drinks, is also believed to stimulate calcium loss.
WebMD: Soda and Osteoporosis: Is There a Connection? – Feb 2007
Clip – – – –
“New research indicates that there may be more to the soda and osteoporosis connection than simply replacing the good stuff with the useless stuff.
Researchers at Tufts University, studying several thousand men and women, found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas — three or more a day — had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip, even though researchers controlled for calcium and vitamin D intake. But women who drank non-cola soft drinks, like Sprite or Mountain Dew, didn't appear to have lower bone density.”
Clip from Wikipedia entry on Osteoporosis
Soft drinks—some studies indicate that soft drinks (many of which contain phosphoric acid) may increase risk of osteoporosis; 21 Others suggest soft drinks may displace calcium-containing drinks from the diet rather than directly causing osteoporosis. 22
- 21 Tucker KL, Morita K, Qiao N, Hannan MT, Cupples LA, Kiel DP (2006). "Colas, but not other carbonated beverages, are associated with low bone mineral density in older women: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study". Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 84 (4): 936–42. PMID 17023723.
- 22 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on School Health (2004). "Soft drinks in schools". Pediatrics 113 (1 Pt 1): 152–4. doi:10.1542/peds.113.1.152. PMID 14702469.
Cola at Advancing your health March 2012
- According to findings from a study at Harvard, 9th and 10th grade girls who consume sodas are at 3X the risk for bone fractures compared to those who don’t.
- Research out of Tufts University shows that “women–but not men–who drank more than three 12-ounce servings of cola per day
had 2.3 percent to 5.1 percent lower bone-mineral density in the hip than women who consumed less than one serving of cola per day.” - In a 2010 study from the Journal of American Dietetic Association, 170 girls were followed from age 5 to 15.
Of those, the participants who drank soda at age 5 were less likely to drink milk throughout childhood than those who didn’t consume soda at age 5.
Those who drank soda from the age of 5 were also more likely to consume diets lacking in calcium, fiber, vitamin D, protein, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
63% of Americans Actively Avoid Soda - Dec 2014
63% of Americans Actively Avoid Soda Mercola
41% in 2002; Long article about insulin, etc. Nothing about Calcium and Vitamin D
22 Ways Drinking Soda Will Shorten Your Life
GreenMedInfo July 2016
1. Soda can cause a decline in kidney function.
2. Soda increases diabetes risk.
8. Caffeine in soda blocks the absorption of magnesium.
9. Soda increases obesity risk in children.
10. Soda increases heart disease in men
14. Soda depletes your mineral levels.
22. Soda is linked to Asthma.
VitaminDWiki suspects that decreased Vitamin D is the connection for many of the above
See also VitaminDWiki
- Big Tobacco Hooked Children on Sugary Drinks using flavors, colors, and marketing
- Sugary drinks associated with 5X worse Multiple Sclerosis (reduces vitamin D levels)– March 2019
- HFCS is one of the many new reasons for vitamin D deficiency
- National Estimates of Dietary Fructose Intake Increased from 1977 ...
- All items in Diabetes and Vitamin D
557 items - All items in Obesity and Vitamin D
444 items - Overview Diabetes and Vitamin D
- Overview Obesity and Vitamin D
- All items in category Predict Vitamin D
82 items - surfers in Hawaii (PDF), who drank large amount of cola soft drink, had low levels of vitamin D
- Too much fructose reduced both serum and active vitamin D in rats – April 2013
- Fructose reduces levels of active vitamin D (not measured by standard tests) – April 2014
- Fructose (High Fructose Corn Syrup) consumes 2X more Magnesium than sugar – May 2014
- More colas lower vitamin D by 3 ng– July 2014
- High-fructose diet slows recovery from brain injury - TBI, rats - Oct 2015
- Prenatal soft drink resulted in 2 times more overweight babies at age 12 months (vitamin D not mentioned) – May 2016
See also web
- ("corn syrup" OR fructose) "vitamin d" 32,000 hits in Google Scholar as of Jan 2025
- CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Colluding With Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market Mercola July 2016
- Taking the fizz out of diet soda May 2012 - summarized the results from many studies over the past decade
- 43% increase in heart attack and stroke if one per day
- decrease bone mineral density
- 34% more metabolic syndrome: in group which dr - 2013
- drank the most diet soda
- 67% increase in type 2 diabetes if one per day
- 55% increase in obesity
- Diet Sodas Tied to Dementia and Stroke NYT April 2017
2X more likely to have a stroke - Sugary Drinks Tied to Accelerated Brain Aging NYT April 2017
1 or 2 sugary drinks a day ==> 5.8 years decrease in memory loss - Soft drinks during pregnancy increased chance of Asthma or allergic rhinitis in child by 30% - PLOS 2013
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Carmel coloring can cause Cancer
- Cancer-Causing Caramel Color Greger March, 2019
..."its manufacture can sometimes lead to the formation of a carcinogen called methylimidazole, which was identified as a cancer-causing chemical in 2007"
"Pepsi may be causing thousands of cancer cases, especially non-California Pepsi products, which appear to be causing 20 times more cancer than Coke." - Soda also increases risk of Asthma by 5X and decreases size of blood vessels in eyes ==> high blood pressure, etc
Also has video summaries
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44750 visits to this page 253 visitors, last modified 27 Jan, 2025, - All items in Obesity and Vitamin D
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