CV event 56 percent more likely after vascular surgery if low on vitamin D – Oct 2011

Low Vitamin D Boosts Postsurgical CV Events

Volume 9, Issue 10, Page 32 (October 2011) Cardiology News
From the Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology

Major Finding: During the 30 days following vascular surgery, patients with severe vitamin D deficiency at baseline had a statistically significant, 56% increased rate of cardiovascular events, compared with patients with sufficient plasma levels of vitamin D in a multivariate analysis that controlled for baseline differences in demographics, medical history, and medication.

Data Source: Review of 269 patients who underwent vascular surgery at Erasmus University Medical Center during 2008-2010.

Disclosures: Dr. van de Luijtgaarden said that he and his associates had no disclosures.
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See also VitaminDWiki

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