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RSS: The most recent WIKI PAGES are listed here - at VDW News

You can via RSS to updates of new WIKI PAGES by just clicking on the RSS icon in the Firefox or IE browser on that page
(will figure out the Google Chrome Browser later)

RSS: The most recent FILES are listed here at NewestFiles

FILES are typically Medical Journal Articles in PDF format
You can via RSS to updates of new FILES by just clicking on the RSS icon in the browser on that page

You can learn about RSS at Wikipedia  Buzzle  Ezone

E-MAIL - - - - - -

As a registered member you can also "WATCH" ANY page for changes (even the NEWS page)

Just click on the EYE icon on the right side of a page to be informed by e-mail daily of any changes to a page
Defaults for notification are daily, even if there are no changes, and HTML.
Change deafults: e.g. to weekly or monthly, by selecting Help, Personalize, then "Watched Pages" in the upper right of the page

Note: To reduce the chance that the e-mail notices will be miss-identified as SPAM, include in your Address book (especially on-line, i.e. your GMAIL account)

Registered members can WATCH for changes to a CATEGORY (wiki pages & files)

Then you will be informed of new items in a category: examples: MS, Moms, Seniors, ...

Then you will be informed of new FILES in a GALLERY: examples: MS, Moms, Seniors, ...

Stop a WATCH

Click on the EYE icon again (removing the strike-thru) is one way to cancel a single WATCH
You can also manage ALL of your "WATCHES" b: select HELP at the top toolbar, then select Personalize, then select Watches in the upper right

22516 visitors, last modified 02 Aug, 2013,
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