Acne - Accutane - vitamin A - vitamin D and suicide - Nov 2010

Report of increased suicides in patients taking Accutane to reduce acne (128 of 5,700)

Many previous reports on the internet of Accutane causing dental problems CLICK HERE for example

So it appears

acne==> use accutane ==> many dental cavities, birth defects, depression, and suicide

which are all associated with very low levels of vitamin D

Dr. Cannell of vitamin D council explains the Accutane/vitamin D problem
which is in his May 2010 newsletter on VitaminDWiki

Another Vitamin D Council newsletter had the following comment

A person who had taken vitamin D for diabetes and found that in addition to losing weight that the acne went away

I have had some reports that vitamin D cured acne but frankly, I didn't believe them. Then I ran across this 1938 paper entitled Vitamin D in Acne: A Comparison with X-Ray Treatment (PDF format). You can read the entire paper yourself and see what 5,000–14,000 IU per day did for these patients with severe acne. When I was a kid, I always wondered why my pimples got better in the summer and worse in the winter.

This same concept was confirmed 3 days later on Nov 16 by FoodConsumer

Other possible relationships:

Low vitamin D ==> depression and suicide

CLICK HERE for Google Search
Psychology Today on the subject 2003
Prisoners have very low vitamin D – Cannell and another Feb 2010 and women in prision have 9X the suicide rate than outside

Low vitamin D ==> acne - see below

CLICK HERE for Google search of Acne and "Vitamin D"

Update from FoodConsumer May 2011

  • vitamin D better than Accutane/vitamin A for acne (observed in 1938)
  • get lots of vitamin D if take Accutane as chemotherapy

See also VitaminDWiki

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