Estimate that there will have been about 12,000 new vitamin D publications by the end of 2012 since IoM data cutoff
The following text is copied from the chart for translation to other languages
Exponential growth in research, how much evidence is needed?
longer title: The exponential growth of the vitamin D research literature; how much evidence is required before mainstream acceptance?
*Actual 2011 = 3097; First 48 days of 2012 = 571; extrapolated for all of 2012 ==> 4342 publications
Publication = PubMed search: "vitamin d" [Title/Abstract]
Vertical axis: number of publications per year
See also VitaminDWiki
- Proof that vitamin D works
- Recent Vitamin D Meta-analysis and Reviews - July 2011
- All items in Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
667 items - Summary of Vitamin D trials - Grant Jan 2012
- Overview Evidence for vitamin D
- All items in category Evidence for Vitamin D
60 items - Clinical Trials for Vitamin D - 2012
784 Vitamin D Intervention trials as of Dec 2011- 101 vitamin D INVERVENTION trials added during first 7 months of 2012
- When will low vitamin D be a crime? which has the following
Doctors are slow to change for many reasons
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary is dependent upon his not understanding it” Upton Sinclair
Gynecologists may have the most to lose when patients have enough vitamin D- Far more vitamin D publications than other vitamins - Sept 2012 which has the following chart
Expodential growth in vitamin D publications11865 visitors, last modified 28 Sep, 2012,