
FDA decided to double vitamin D in milk after talking 4 times with by Dr. Matthews – July 2016

Dr. L. Ray Matthews, an associate professor of surgery and vitamin D researcher, has spent the last 2.5 years educating the FDA on vitamin D in Americans and its need for optimal health.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a press release on July 15, 2016, announcing that effective July 18, 2016 that they were doubling the amount of vitamin D in milk and milk additives.

Matthews has spoken at the FDA 4 times with a 5th invitation pending.
Matthews was the first person ever allowed to speak at the FDA on vitamin supplement.
Dr. Matthews expertise was influential in persuading the FDA to make policy change concerning vitamin D.

  Download the Morehouse School of Medicine Press Release from VitaminDWiki

See also



  • Dr. L. Ray Matthews Unleashes the Power of Vitamin D
    Life Extension Magazine Oct 2013
    "Of course, Dr. Matthews wasn’t able to simply walk into his hospital and declare a new strategy for using vitamin D on all patients. It took much convincing, and that convincing began with, of all people, the staff nutritionist."
    "“The best way I could explain what I was talking about was to show the nutritionist our patients’ vitamin D levels as they were admitted,” he explains. “I would order the test right away and as they’d come back, I’d walk over to the nutritionist and show her. We had some horribly low levels. The average person coming into the ICU at Grady had a hydroxyvitamin D level of 15 ng/mL, which is very, very low. But we’d see people with single digit numbers. Four. Six. Once I showed the nutritionists these numbers, my question to them was, ‘Why aren’t you checking vitamin D levels?’” "

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Feedback and Comments from Dr. L. Ray Matthews Four Vitamin D Presentations at the FDA:

  • “ Just a note to say what a great event today's lecture was. It was informative and generated a lot of questions from our audience. It also advanced appreciation of the great work being done by our clinicians in academic medical institutions and actively serving in the community."
  • "I can't tell you how much I appreciated your coming to speak to FDA today. I have been getting so many compliments on your presentation - many, many requests are coming in for your presentation"
  • "I also got feedback from CDC. They were also very interested in your presentation as well. In all, I got nothing but really positive feedback all the way around"
  • "All of your work is so needed, I appreciate being, in some small way, a help in helping you get the word out"
  • "Hello Dr. Matthews! It was a wonderful hearing you speak again on yesterday. Your presentation was very well received. It's rare that we get very much audience participation at these events. As a non-scientist, I really appreciate your ability to make the science "accessible." And the audience appreciated it, too 0. It's a fascinating topic and I wish you much success in your future research efforts. Thank you again! Take care!"
  • "Dear Dr. Matthews, The pleasure was all ours! Thank you very much for taking the time to present your seminar on this important topic to our audience. Indeed it was a great seminar! It was very well-received, as was evident by the interest and questions from the audience. It was a privilege to be part of candid conversations over lunch before the seminar with you"
  • ."Ray: I can’t thank you enough for your presentation at FDA yesterday. In addition to it being insightful and scholarly, it was information that will be readily used by all who attended. I have received nothing but positive feedback and will forward separately some of the comments I received. Thank you again on behalf of Acting Commissioner Dr. Stephen Ostroffand all of the Food and Drug Administration." - Carol M. Moulton, Director of OEEO, FDA"
  • "Thank you very much for introducing Dr. L. Ray Matthews to the FDA today at the MLK celebration. His presentation was simply the most awesome lecture that I have ever witnessed in my sixty years here on this planet. I was equally awed to meet him in front of the elevator, with you, in Building 32 after lunch. I truly meant it when I told him that he is living at several quantum levels above mere mortals such as myself. Simply put, Dr. Matthews is the most impressive, and most humble, person that I have ever met. Thank you once again for bringing Dr. Matthews into our presence and sharing this experience with us." - Thomas, FDA chemist"
  • "Good afternoon, FYI - Attendance for the program was over 100 employees. (50 in the conference room and 62 employees participated remotely by Adobe Connect). As usual, Dr. Matthews' visit to FDA always draws a large crowd who are very interested in his lecture on Vitamin D. The program was recorded and it would be nice if Dr. Matthews was able to look at it. Since this is a link provided by FDA, he may not be able to access the recording. When he visits FDA again, we will ensure he sees the video. Thanks for your assistance and kind regards from FDA--Joyce, FDA

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FDA decided to double vitamin D in milk after talking 4 times with by Dr. Matthews – July 2016        
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6887 FDAapprovesIncreasingVitaminDMatthews.pdf admin 21 Jul, 2016 1.10 Mb 3354