Toggle Health Problems and D

Vitamin D and allergy, asthma, atopic dermatitis, food allergy, autoimmune, etc – slides May 2017

Attilio Boner - Italy Slideshare

Presented by Attilio Boner May 12, 2017 at the pediatric meeting FORMAT in Verona Italy
   attilio.boner at univr.it

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki


Breathing category starts with the following

446 items in Breathing category

Breathing-related Overviews at VitaminDWiki:
Allergy   Lung Cancer   TB   Asthma  Influenza  Colds and flu
Pneumonia   Respiratory infections   COPD   Air Polution   Smoking   Cystic Fibrosis

Items in both categories Breathing and Autoimmune are listed here:

A few of the 146 slides

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday December 30, 2018 21:19:33 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 13)

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