
Dermatologists are reminded of the importance of vitamin D in 8 diseases – Oct 2017

Vitamin D and the Skin: An Update for Dermatologists

American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, pp 1–13
Elio Kechichian, Khaled Ezzedine

Vitamin D plays a key role in skeletal and cardiovascular disorders, cancers, central nervous system diseases, reproductive diseases, infections, and autoimmune and dermatological disorders. The two main sources of vitamin D are sun exposure and oral intake, including vitamin D supplementation and dietary intake. Multiple factors are linked to vitamin D status, such as Fitzpatrick skin type, sex, body mass index, physical activity, alcohol intake, and vitamin D receptor polymorphisms. Patients with photosensitive disorders tend to avoid sun exposure, and this practice, along with photoprotection, can put this category of patients at risk for vitamin D deficiency.
Maintaining a vitamin D serum concentration within normal levels is warranted in

  1. atopic dermatitis,
  2. psoriasis,
  3. vitiligo,
  4. polymorphous light eruption,
  5. mycosis fungoides,
  6. alopecia areata,
  7. systemic lupus erythematosus, and
  8. melanoma patients.

The potential determinants of vitamin D status, as well as the benefits and risks of vitamin D (with a special focus on the skin), will be discussed in this article.

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See also VitaminDWiki
  • Skin category listing has 123 items along with related searches
  • Psorasis category listing has 72 items along with related searches
  • Lupus category listing has 79 items along with related searches
  • Cancer – Skin category listing has 121 items along with related searches

References (Some specific diseases are bolded)

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