No new autumn wave thanks to vitamin D: This is how the corona virus can be stopped!
By Editorial | August 9, 2022 | Basic information , prevention , vitamin D and sun , studies , new health culture
Even after more than two years, hardly any topic divides minds and society more than the corona virus. But instead of conducting an emotionally charged debate in which medical facts usually only play a subordinate role, it makes sense to take a sober look at the basics of immunology and the actual research situation.
The Academy for Human Medicine has best-selling author, physician, and molecular geneticist Dr. medical Michael Nehls to do just that. What actually happens when corona viruses infect our body and what does the sun hormone vitamin D have to do with the performance of our immune system? Look forward to an informative conversation that provides facts and explains important basics in an understandable way!
Herd immunity against the corona virus cannot exist
The misconception that so-called herd immunity would pave the way out of the pandemic and that the corona virus would disappear as a result is quite widespread. Apart from the fact that various corona viruses have been with mankind for quite a long time and will continue to do so, this also applies to the well-known virus strain, which has been heating up tempers worldwide since the end of 2020: The specific RNA properties of the pathogen and its frequent mutations make herd immunity impossible.
"There can be no herd immunity against corona viruses, but there can be herd health," says Dr. medical Michael Nehls in a top-level discussion with Prof. Dr. medical Jorg Spitz.
Herd health instead of herd immunity
In any case, it is important to correctly assess the basic relationships:
“For the vast majority of people, the corona virus is relatively harmless. Nevertheless, there are of course cases of severe courses or even death as a result of a corona infection.
Nehls asked himself what connects these cases and what they have in common. Which factor ensures that our immune system functions adequately and can or cannot fight off a virus infection?
Data from the Robert Koch Institute shows that as early as 2020, the probability of dying in winter as a result of a corona infection was about 76 times higher than in summer. The media and politicians are also currently warning of another fall wave. But how can this seasonality be explained?!!Less sun means less vitamin D - why our immune system is weakened in winter
A very simple connection explains why severe courses, some of which have to be treated in intensive care units, and even deaths in connection with a corona infection occur much more frequently in winter than in summer: unless we actively raise our vitamin D levels with appropriate preparations , our body only produces the important hormone in sufficient quantities with the help of summer sunshine. In autumn and winter, the body's own vitamin D production is reduced and finally comes to a complete standstill. With sometimes serious effects on the performance of our immune system.
A corresponding correlation of the vitamin D level and the severity of the course of infection can be scientifically proven: If the vitamin D level is below 50 nmol/l, mortality in the event of a corona infection increases fourfold , at values from less than 30 nmol/l by a factor of 18 ! At the same time, from a purely statistical point of view, from a vitamin D level of 125 nmol/l, practically no more corona-related deaths are to be expected, as a corresponding meta-analysis found.
Correlation vs. causality - How can these connections be interpreted?
All of these connections have been known for a long time and are sometimes also dealt with in the wide-ranging press, but mostly insufficiently and with wrong conclusions. After all, the correlation shown between vitamin D levels and the course of the disease would not be proof that the vitamin D factor really plays the decisive role. In principle, this argument is initially valid, but no longer if you take a closer look at further research results.
Vitamin D protects against COVID-19: Scientific studies show clear causality
If scientists want to find out whether there is a causality in addition to a correlation, the method of choice is the clinical intervention study: under otherwise identical conditions, some of the patients are given vitamin D, while others – the control group – are not. In this way it can be said whether the isolated factor makes a significant difference, or whether it is better to look for explanations elsewhere.
Exactly these intervention studies have long been available in large numbers and show that vitamin D makes the decisive difference in the question of whether a corona infection is mild or severe, whether the result is a speedy recovery or whether an intensive care unit or even death is to be expected.
This was already proven in October 2020 by the so-called " Small Cordoba Study ". While there were no deaths in the vitamin D group, 8% of people in the control group died. The participants in the control group also required intensive care 25 times more often. Although critics noted here that the sample size of the study was too small for valid statements, mathematicians from the world's leading MIT were able to calculate that the study with a p-value of <0.000001 has a particularly high validity and provides significant results. You would have to run the study a million times to get the results you found by accident.
The researchers at the world's leading cancer research center, the DKFZ in Heidelberg , also stated that it is ethically very questionable to carry out further examinations of this type instead of simply implementing the knowledge gained. Nevertheless, further intervention studies followed, which confirmed the results:
- The " Large Cordoba Study " found that the risk of death in COVID patients can be reduced by 84% with the right dose of vitamin D
- The " Barcelona Study " calculated values of 70% lower risk of death with vitamin D administration and 87% reduction in the need for intensive care
- A US study quantifies its findings as follows: vitamin D prohormone group: 0% deaths, control group: 12% deaths; Length of stay in hospital roughly halved, lung function significantly better
The website lists a total of 85 (as of August 2022) scientific studies on the subject and vitamin D. The overall result: Vitamin D has a particularly strong preventive effect to prevent infection, but is not an emergency "drug" that is only used first allowed if the infection has already occurred or is far advanced. Nevertheless, even the late administration of vitamin D prohormones can alleviate severe courses.
Vitamin D Research: Misleading Studies Arrive at Wrong Results
There are various reasons why all of this has not long been common knowledge in society. One of these reasons is the fact that there are also studies that come to completely different conclusions and claim to refute the above findings. However, if you take a closer look at this work, it becomes apparent that the sun hormone vitamin D was simply wrongly administered to the subjects - namely as a one-time high dose in the late phase of the infection or the vitamin D levels were too low .
Although these isolated studies do not actually have any meaningfulness, the wide-ranging media show a special interest in them and so far mostly still prefer to falsely reflect the scientific state of affairs based on these works.
Prof. Dr. medical Joerg Spitz and Dr. Michael Nehls also deal with these questions and look back on two years of media blackout on the subject of vitamin D and COVID-19. What this has to do with the ZDF program "Markus Lanz", what can be learned from these experiences and why the past two years are also a great opportunity for an urgently needed new health culture, you can find out in our top-level discussion:
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- Here you can download the slides of the conversation , including all references in PDF format
- More notes from Dr. Michael Nehls on this interview can be found here
- The free fact sheet " For bright minds - supplement vitamin D - but correctly! " from the non-profit and independent German Foundation for Health Information and Prevention (DSGiP) answers all questions about the right vitamin D supply.
- The foundation project Die SonnenAllianz also offers well-founded detailed knowledge on the subject of vitamin D.
dr medical Michael Nehls studied medicine in Freiburg and Heidelberg from 1983 to 1989, and in 1997 he habilitated in molecular genetics. As a scientist, he has published over 50 original scientific papers, two of them together with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans.
His molecular biological discovery of the molecular switch for the development of the adaptive immune system was recognized by the American Society of Immunologists as a "pillar of immunological research". honored.
In 2015 he was awarded the Hanseatic Prize for Psychiatry for his Alzheimer's research.
Secure your ticket now: On September 3rd and 4th, the AMM invites you to the Congress for Human Medicine 2022 at the Riedberg campus of the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. This year's theme: cardiovascular diseases .
Summary by a reader of this page
This article is chock full of great references, including Lorenz's et al. review and meta-analysis, the Cordoba studies, Brenner and Schottker's "9 of 10 Covid deaths" article, the link to, etc. It points out the misleading studies based on too late or too little treatment - not to mention, the wrong emergency treatment, cholecalciferol instead of calcifediol - and media's fixation on them. The SonnenAllianz website has great discussions on vitamin d and its critical co-factors: Mg, K2, Ca. The video and discussion from Dr. Michael Nehls is excellent. He clearly presents the case for causality vs. mere correlation, while politely suggesting that MSM and business interests have suppressed a necessary discussion these last few years.
VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had: trial results, meta-analyses and reviews, Mortality studies see related: Governments, HealthProblems, Hospitals, Dark Skins, All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D, Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly Vaccines Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID 166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023) Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
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