
Overview Cancer and vitamin D

Table of contents

Asked Claude AI: Which cancers appear to be prevented or treated by vitamin D

Based on PDF of Overview of Cancer and Vitamin D + Cancer Dec 2024
Based on reviewing this comprehensive document about vitamin D and cancer, here are the key cancers that appear to be prevented or treated by vitamin D:
Major Cancers with Strong Evidence:

  1. Colorectal Cancer
    25% less likely with good vitamin D levels
    Death from colon cancer 8X less likely with good vitamin D levels
    Multiple meta-analyses show preventive effects
  2. Breast Cancer
    Risk decreased 16% for every extra ng of vitamin D
    Mortality reduced 60% with vitamin D levels above 60 ng/mL
    Treatment outcomes improved with vitamin D supplementation
  3. Prostate Cancer
    Death 40% less likely with vitamin D levels above 40 ng/mL
    Risk cut in half by consuming vitamin D along with other nutrients
    Treatment effectiveness enhanced with vitamin D
  4. Lung Cancer
    Death rates 40-60% lower with high vitamin D levels
    Risk decreases 5% for every 2.5 ng increase in vitamin D
    Up to 7X more deadly if poor vitamin D genes
  5. Melanoma/Skin Cancer
    25X more likely with low vitamin D
    Better survival rates with higher vitamin D levels
    Particularly strong connection with UV exposure and vitamin D production

Other Cancers with Evidence of Benefit:

  • Pancreatic Cancer (55% less likely with optimal vitamin D)
  • Bladder Cancer (60% less likely with high vitamin D)
  • Lymphoma (survival rates improved with adequate vitamin D)
  • Ovarian Cancer (37% less likely with high vitamin D)
  • Liver Cancer (30% less risky with vitamin D above 30 ng/mL)

Key Points:
Prevention typically requires 2,000-5,000 IU of vitamin D daily
Treatment may need >8,000 IU daily
Blood levels above 40-60 ng/mL appear optimal for cancer prevention
Vitamin D works through multiple mechanisms to fight cancer:

  • Inhibits cancer cell growth
  • Reduces metastasis
  • Stimulates cell differentiation
  • Induces cancer cell death
  • Prevents tumor blood vessel formation
  • Reduces inflammation

 Merged PDF that Claude looked at - Dec 29,2024

Many cancers are prevented by a high enough level of vitamin D (chart from 2013)

derived from Grassroots 2013

VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains

VitaminDWiki has 980+ studies with Cancer etc. in the title


VitaminDWiki - 87+ VDR pages have CANCER in the title

Vitamin D fights cancer in many ways - GrassrootsHealth Sept 2022

How Vitamin D Works to Help Prevent Cancer

  • Inhibits cancer cell growth and proliferation
  • Reduces cancer metastasis
  • Stimulates maturation of healthy cells (differentiation)
  • Induces death of cancer cells (apoptosis or programmed cell death)
  • Prevents blood vessel growth in tumors (angiogenesis)
  • Prevents inflammation associated with cancer
  • Reduces the risk of incidence and/or death due to cancer

See also (VitaminDWiki)


499 Cancer Intervention Trials with Vitamin D as of Nov 2024


43+ VitaminDWiki pages have both CANCER AND RCT in the title

The list is automatically updated

55% Cancer increase in young adults in 30 years in middle-income countries - 2023

The unexplained rise of cancer among millennials


They suspect the increase is due to Ultra-processed food ==> poor gut biome
VitaminDWiki additionally suspects herbicides & pesticides ==> poor gut biome

VitaminDWiki - 15 Infant-Child pages with CANCER in the title

This list is automatically updated

261 Cancer – Breast items

which includes

147 Cancer – Colon items

which includes

106 Cancer - Prostate items

which includes

59 Cancer - Pancreatic items

which include

56 Cancer – Lung items

which includes

116 Cancer – After items

which includes

121 Cancer – Skin items

which includes

26 Cancer – Lymphoma items

which includes

300 Cancer – General items

which includes

37+ VitaminDWiki Mortaility pages have CANCER in the title

The list is automatically updated

Following graph from the CDC August 2010

from PDF in File Gallery - More about vitamin D, also wiki
CLICK HERE for Original study by Lappe - 2007
41 minutes good video of Lappe explaining the trial
in which she mentions the next 5-year trial underway with 2,000 IU of vitamin D
Breast Cancer details from the study
For years 2-4
Placebo: 8 Breast Cancers out of 266 women
1100 IU vitamin D + Calcium 4 Breast Cancers out of 403 women
That is 8/266 ==> 4/403 with vitamin D
So roughly 3% ==> 1% with 1100 IU of vitamin D
about a 3X reduction for Breast Cancer(vs 4X reduction for all Cancers)
CLICK HERE for Lappe -2011 slide description of the original study
See wikipage:http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=931

Colon Cancer Chart: Vitamin D > 40ng is good

BISCHOFF April-2010  PDF

Increase in Childhood Cancer in recent decades

Childhood Cancer Increase

Cancer $creening Doesn't Save Lives, 2 Meta-Analyses 2015, 2023

Cancer $creening Doesn't Save Lives, Meta-Study Reveals
The huge problem of false positives/overdiagnosis GreenMedInfo Jan 2015

  • Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials - Sept 2015 - doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.3798
    • "Conclusions and relevance: The findings of this meta-analysis suggest that current evidence does not substantiate the claim that common cancer screening tests save lives by extending lifetime, except possibly for colorectal cancer screening with sigmoidoscopy."
    • Can be read at DeepDyve


The Impact of Vitamin D in Cancer - book chapter - 2017

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Alternative therapies have worse outcomes when cancer therapy is ignored - July 2018

Complementary Medicine, Refusal of Conventional Cancer Therapy, and Survival Among Patients With Curable Cancers
Skyler B. Johnson, MD1; Henry S. Park, MD, MPH1; Cary P. Gross, MD2; et al James B. Yu, MD, MHS1,2
JAMA Oncol. Published online July 19, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.2487
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
"Vitamin D" does not occur once in the study
Note: The study only looks at
Cancer treatment, not prevention
Cancer mortality, not cancer survival

Cancer Treatment 101: A Primer for Non-Oncologists - Aug 2024 (nothing about vitamin D)


Cancer Factoids from The Body, by Bill Bryson, 2019

  • They (Cancers) have evolved to avoid detection,” says Vormoor. “They can hide from drugs. They can develop resistance. (VitaminDWiki also believes that many have also learned to hide.
  • Something we have only recently realized is that before cancers metastasize, they are able to prepare the ground for an invasion in distant target organs, probably through some form of chemical signaling. “What this means,” Vormoor says, “is that when cancer cells spread to other organs, they don’t just turn up and hope for the best. They already have a base camp.
  • Viruses and bacteria cause cancers, too. The World Health Organization 2011 estimated that 6 percent of cancers in the developed world but 22 percent in low- and middle-income countries are attributable to viruses alone.
  • A significant fraction of childhood cancer deaths come not from the cancer itself but from the treatments for it.

Aloe appears to help with Cancer chemo and radiation therapy - Greger - July 2022

Aloe Is Put to the Test Against Cancer
Also mentions Aloe treating eye cancer in an individual - without any surgery or other treatment.
Note: The wife of the founder of VitaminDWiki used several aloe plants to treat her Breast Cancer radiation therapy burns about 20 years ago.

Cancer Incidence in Men and Women, and Vitamin D ( 2022)

CancerMenWomen Vitamin D
Bladder 1 in 26 1 in 86D
Colorectal 1 in 24 1 in 25D
Lung 1 in 16 1 in 17 D
Melanoma 1 in 27 1 in 40D
Pancreatic 1 in 49 1 in 61D
Prostate 1 in 8 -D
Breast- 1 in 8D
Uterine- 1 in 32
Thyroid? 1 in 55 D
Ovarian - 1 in 85D

TinyURL for this page = http://is.gd/dcancer

Overview Cancer and vitamin D        
138754 visitors, last modified 29 Dec, 2024,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
22129 Overview and details of Cancer Dec 2024_CompressPdf.pdf admin 29 Dec, 2024 995.44 Kb 23
20077 Cancer Screening.jpg admin 07 Sep, 2023 21.17 Kb 807
19676 Cancer rates vs income.jpg admin 20 Jun, 2023 26.87 Kb 964
19674 Increase cancer ty type.jpg admin 20 Jun, 2023 56.07 Kb 969
19673 Cancer - young - overall rate.jpg admin 20 Jun, 2023 54.70 Kb 983
18444 Cancer GRH.jpg admin 19 Sep, 2022 178.41 Kb 1829
10235 jamaoncology_Johnson_2018_oi_180051.pdf admin 23 Jul, 2018 225.37 Kb 2493
7879 Cancer Chapter - 2017.pdf admin 25 Mar, 2017 461.98 Kb 1856