How E-ZPass Lanes Could Make Premature Births Less Common
- Cities near Atlanta installed e-z pass lanes
- In one location within the study area, nitrogen oxide fell by 11 %
- Among the 30,000 births to mothers living within two kilometers of a toll plaza, 255 premature births and 275 low-birth-weight births were avoided
- estimated savings: between $9.8 and $13 million.
No mention was made that the pollution
- Reduced the amount of UVB getting to the ground
- Reduced the amount of time that pregnant women in the area would spend outdoors
Also, women would be less likely to spend time outdoors in areas with road noise.
- Walking
- Gardening
- Going to parks
Article did not say, but VitaminDWiki suspects a strong seasonal change in premature births due to seasonal change in UVB
See also VitaminDWiki
- Air pollution associated with poor bone density (less vitamin D) – Nov 2017
- Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D production - many studies
- Higher air pollution associated with 7 ng lower vitamin D levels – Aug 2013
- Search VitaminDWiki for PRE-TERM OR PREMATURE 855 items as of April 2014
- The more preterm the birth, the lower the vitamin D level (both mothers and infants) – Feb 2014
- Premature birth 2.5X more likely if mother had low vitamin D and was having twins – July 2013
- Vitamin D Webinar - cost of pre-term birth etc- Baggerly Nov 2013 which has the following chart