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Increased risk of fracture if high level of Vitamin D (if continue to take Calcium) – umbrella analysis of meta-analyses Nov 2020

Vitamin D supplementation and fracture risk: Evidence for a U-shaped effect

Maturitas, 2020 Nov;141:63-70. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2020.06.016
Panagiotis Anagnostis 1, Julia K Bosdou 2, Eustathios Kenanidis 3, Michael Potoupnis 3, Eleftherios Tsiridis 3, Dimitrios G Goulis 4


This is one of many studies which have found that you should reduce Calcium if have high level of vitamin D
It appears that there is less/no problem when taking a Calcium from plants or take it multiple times per day

Falls and Fractures category contains the following



Items in both categories Fractures/Falls and meta-anayslis are listed here: 

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During the last decade, a cascade of evidence has questioned the anti-fracture efficacy of vitamin D supplementation. In general, vitamin D status, reflected by serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations, seems to predict fracture risk and bone mineral density (BMD). Despite the well-documented detrimental effect of vitamin D deficiency on bones, vitamin D monotherapy does not seem to reduce the risk of fractures. On the other hand, high vitamin D doses, either at monthly (60,000-100,000 IU) or daily intervals (>4000 IU), appear to be harmful with regard to falls, fracture risk and BMD, especially for people without vitamin D deficiency and at low fracture risk. Therefore, a U-shaped effect of vitamin D on the musculoskeletal system may be supported by the current evidence. Vitamin D supplementation could be of value, at daily doses of at least 800 IU, co-supplemented with calcium (1000-1200 mg/day), in elderly populations, especially those with severe vitamin D deficiency [25(OH)D <25-30 nmol/L (<10-12 ng/mL)], although its anti-fracture and anti-fall efficacy is modest. Good compliance and at least 3-5 years of therapy are required.

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