
Diagnosed with breast cancer – take vitamin D to cut chance of death by half – July 2018

De novo vitamin D supplement use post-diagnosis is associated with breast cancer survival.

Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Jul 23. doi: 10.1007/s10549-018-4896-6. [Epub ahead of print]
Madden JM1, Murphy L2, Zgaga L3, Bennett K2.


This is similar to many studies that have found that Vitamin D treats many health problems
Vitamin D has been proven to

  1. Kill the Cancer cells
  2. Make the chemotherapy more effective, thus smaller doses can be used
    Perhaps less chemotherapy will result in less hair loss
  3. Reduce risk of Cancer metastasis
  4. Reduce pain

Breast Cancer Studies

After Cancer Diagnosis Studies

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=396
         click on chart for details

Experimental laboratory data have indicated a protective effect of vitamin D on breast cancer progression, while epidemiological evidence is growing. Using pharmacy claims data, this study investigates the association between vitamin D supplement use initiated after a breast cancer diagnosis and associated mortality.

Women aged 50-80 years with a record of invasive breast cancer were identified on the National Cancer Registry Ireland database (n = 5417). Initiation of de novo vitamin D post-diagnosis was identified from linked national prescription data (n = 2581, 49%). Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted HRs (95% CIs) for breast cancer-specific mortality.

There was a 20% reduction in breast cancer-specific mortality in de novo vitamin D users (modelled as a time-varying variable) compared to non-users (HR 0.80; 95% CI 0.64-0.99, p = 0.048) and the reduction was greater at 49% (HR 0.51; 95% CI 0.34-0.74, p < 0.001), if vitamin D was initiated soon after the breast cancer diagnosis (within 6 months).

In this large national breast cancer cohort, de novo vitamin D use post-diagnosis was found to be associated with a reduction in breast cancer-specific mortality. Vitamin D, therefore, has the potential as a non-toxic and inexpensive agent to improve survival in breast cancer patients. Findings support the need for RCTs exploring the effect of vitamin D supplementation on breast cancer survival.


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