Vitamin D before, during, and after pregnancy =alternate name
The more vitamin D for mom, the more benefits for both of them
- The benefits to mom start about 2,000 IU daily average (2000 IU costs less than $15 per year)
- Substantial benefits proven for 4,000 IU taken during pregnancy (fewer complications, lower cost)
- Best benefits at 6,000 IU - this much is also needed if breast feeding without supplementing the infant
- Taking > 2,000 IU raises the cost, primarily due to cost of Cofactors.
- Pregnancy category listing has
931 items along with many category combinations - Vitamin D during pregnancy
- Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D
- Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
62 Studies of Pregnancy AND Intervention in VitaminDWiki 6 Studies of Pregnancy AND Loading Dose in VitaminDWiki - Pregnancy - general
- Pregnancy problems vs Vitamin D level - GrassrootsHealth Feb 2015
- Preterm and low-weight births
- Increased pre-term birth if black or if high UV index (stay inside - away from the hot sun)
- IU for infants
- Low Levels among mothers and infants
- Preeclampsia
- Infants
- High risk of being vitamin D deficient during pregnancy
21 Depression and Pregnancy studies - See also VitaminDWiki
- 6400 IU of vitamin D got mothers to 50+ nanograms
- Some Pregnancy complications if low vitamin D
- Good review of prenatal Vitamins (more than just Vitamin D) - April 2024
- See also web
- Placenta
Pregnancy category listing has
931 items along with many category combinations Vitamin D during pregnancy
IU Cumulative Benefit Blood level Cofactors Calcium $*/month 200 Better bones for mom
with 600 mg of Calcium6 ng/ml increase Not needed No effect $0.10 400 Less Rickets (but not zero with 400 IU)
3X less adolescent Schizophrenia
Fewer child seizures20-30 ng/ml Not needed No effect $0.20 2000 2X More likely to get pregnant naturally/IVF
2X Fewer dental problems with pregnancy
8X less diabetes
4X fewer C-sections (>37 ng)
4X less preeclampsia (40 ng vs 10 ng)
5X less child asthma
2X fewer language problems age 542 ng/ml Desirable < 750 mg $1 4000 2X fewer pregnancy complications
2X fewer pre-term births49 ng/ml Should have
cofactors< 750 mg $3 6000 Probable: larger benefits for above items
Just enough D for breastfed infant
More maternal and infant weightShould have
cofactors< 750 mg $4
$* assumes- You buy fairly |low cost vitamin D and Cofactors (more expensive if liquid and/or vegan )
- Using a low cost size of vitamin D - such as 5,000 IU, as often as needed. (50,000 IU costs even less)
Example: 5000 IU every other day if you only want an average of 2500 IU - Test vitamin D levels of only those moms who are at high risk for being vitamin D deficient
$30 for a blood test about 6 weeks after starting vitamin D to check that high-risk mom is getting enough
Benefits which do not fit into the previous matrix
- Vaginosis during pregnancy 5X more likely if low vitamin D – Dec 2011
- Gestational Diabetes mostly treated with just 2 doses of 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Dec 2013
- Might reduce Postpartum Depression IU not specified
- Menstruation 10 months earlier if low on vitamin D – Aug 2011
Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D
Most were taking 2,000 to 7,000 IU daily for >50% of pregnancy
Click on hyperlinks for detailsProblemVit. D
ReducesEvidence 0. Chance of not conceiving 3.4 times Observe 1. Miscarriage 2.5 times Observe 2. Pre-eclampsia 3.6 times RCT 3. Gestational Diabetes 3 times RCT 4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality 3.5 times Observe 5. Premature birth 2 times RCT 6. C-section - unplanned 1.6 times Observe Stillbirth - OMEGA-3 4 times RCT - Omega-3 7. Depression AFTER pregnancy 1.4 times RCT 8. Small for Gestational Age 1.6 times meta-analysis 9. Infant height, weight, head size
within normal limitsRCT 10. Childhood Wheezing 1.3 times RCT 11. Additional child is Autistic 4 times Intervention 12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis 1.9 times Observe 13. Preeclampsia in young adult 3.5 times RCT 14. Good motor skills @ age 3 1.4 times Observe 15. Childhood Mite allergy 5 times RCT 16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits 2.5 times RCT RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial
click here for details
Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
has the following
click on chart for details
62 Studies of Pregnancy AND Intervention in VitaminDWiki This count and list are automatically updated
- Asthma reduced by 4,400 IU of Vitamin D while pregnant - RCT and video Weiss - Feb 2025
- 3X reduction in preemie Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia if add tiny amount of Vitamin D – meta-analysis June 2024
- 4,000 IU of daily Vitamin D during pregnancy is good (Mongolia this time) – RCT Oct 2023
- Resulting childhood Asthma cut in half if 4,400 IU Vitamin D daily while pregnant - RCT April 2023
- 6,400 IU of Vitamin D is safe and effective during breastfeeding – RCT Dec, 2020
- Vitamin D during pregnancy – single 200,000 IU similar to daily 5,000 IU – April 2020
- Massive improvement in vaginal microbiome during pregnancy with Vitamin D – March 2019
- Autism risk reduced 2X by prenatal vitamins (Vitamin D or Folic) – Feb 2019
- Fetal bones helped a bit by 1,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2019
- Adding 1,000 IU vitamin D while pregnant did not help much (no surprise) – RCT Jan 2019
- Pregnancies helped a lot by Vitamin D (injection then 50,000 IU monthly) – RCT May 2018
- 430 genes changed when 3,800 IU Vitamin D added in late second trimester – RCT May 2018
- 300,000 IU of Vitamin D is not enough during pregnancy – RCT May 2018
- Preeclampsia risk reduced 7X by 4,000 IU of Vitamin D daily – RCT March 2018
- Risk of infant Asthma cut in half if mother supplemented Vitamin D to get more than 30 ng – RCT Oct 2017
- Gestational diabetes 30 percent less likely if consumed more than 400 IU of vitamin D daily – Oct 2017
- Monthly 120,000 IU Vitamin D plus daily Calcium was great during pregnancies – RCT Sept 2017
- Preterm birth rate reduced by vitamin D – 78 percent if non-white, 39 percent if white – July 2017
- 1,000 IU of Vitamin D while pregnant helped a little bit (4,000 IU helps a lot) – RCT Dec 2016
- Preeclampsia recurrence reduced 2 X by 50,000 IU of vitamin D every two weeks – RCT July 2017
- Only a select group of women will get a modest benefit from 800 IU of vitamin D – Jan 2017
- Reduction of infant asthma may require good vitamin D when lung development starts (4 weeks) – March 2017
- Gestational diabetes treated by Vitamin D plus Omega-3 – RCT Feb 2017
- 3,800 IU Vitamin D during pregnancy did not help much – RCT Jan 2017
- 50,000 IU of vitamin D for 8 weeks of pregnancy raised most above 30 nanograms - RCT Jan 2017
- Gestational Diabetes reduce 3 times by 5,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2016
- Preeclampsia risk reduced by higher levels of vitamin D (VDAART 4,400 IU) - RCT Nov 2016
- Gestational Diabetes treated with 50,000 IU every two weeks – RCT Sept 2016
- Perinatal depression decreased 40 percent with just a few weeks of 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Aug 2016
- Pregnancy – adding 35,000 IU Vitamin D weekly was nice, but not enough – RCT April 2016
- Vitamin D once during pregnancy reduced infant health care costs (300 times ROI) – RCT Dec 2015
- Autism rate in siblings reduced 4X by vitamin D: 5,000 IU during pregnancy, 1,000 IU to infants – Feb 2016
- Preterm birth rate reduced 57 percent by Vitamin D – Nov 2015
- Pregnancy supplemented with 2,000 IU vitamin D got most infants to more than 12 nanograms – Aug 2015
- Preeclampsia reduced by Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly) and Calcium – Oct 2015
- Clinical trials for pregnancy with Vitamin D intervention – 51 as of Sept 2015
- No multiple sclerosis relapses during pregnancy if 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly – RCT April 2015
- Wheezing reduced 35 percent if vitamin D added during pregnancy – April 2015
- 4,000 IU raised vitamin D levels during pregnancy – July 2014
- Pregnant mothers in Quatar needed more than weekly 50,000 IU Vitamin D – Nov 2013
- Gestational diabetes – Vitamin D and Calcium provided huge benefits – RCT March 2015
- Pregnancy helped by single dose of 60,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT March 2015
- Gestational diabetes reduced by just two 50,000 IU doses of vitamin D – RCT Nov 2014
- Improved births with 2,000 IU vitamin D during pregnancy in India - RCT Feb 2015
- 50,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks reduced gestational diabetes – RCT Feb 2015
- Infant much healthier if Gestational Diabetic mother got 2 doses of vitamin D – RCT Nov 2014
- 2000 IU vitamin D during pregnancy and 800 IU to infant resulted in less use of antibiotics – RCT April 2014
- Gestational Diabetes reduced with 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 3 weeks and daily Calcium – RCT June 2014
- Gestational Diabetes reduced 40 percent by 5,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT April 2014
- 5,000 IU Vitamin D was not enough to reduce preeclampsia but did help future infant – RCT April 2014
6 Studies of Pregnancy AND Loading Dose in VitaminDWiki This count and list are automatically updated
- 40 cents of Vitamin D given once during pregnancy reduced respiratory problems by 3% – May 2023
- Breastfeeding Vitamin D loading dose of 300,000 IU is OK - UK govt. Dec 2023
- Vitamin D during pregnancy – single 200,000 IU similar to daily 5,000 IU – April 2020
- Call to action – more Vitamin D for pregnancies, loading doses are OK – Holick Aug 2019
- Pregnancies helped a lot by Vitamin D (injection then 50,000 IU monthly) – RCT May 2018
- 300,000 IU injection loading dose of vitamin D3 stopped gestational diabetes in RCT – Oct 2011
Pregnancy - general
- All items in Pregnancy and Vitamin D
931 items - Vitamin D intervention for 8 weeks of pregnancy: infants taller, heavier and bigger heads – RCT Oct 2013
- Pregnancy needs 4000 IU of vitamin D: current opinion - June 2013 4000 IU
- Pregnant women should have 4,000 IU of vitamin D – Topic review June 2013 4000 IU
- Optimal Vitamin D during pregnancy - 4000 IU March 2012 Wagner, Hollis, et al
- 4000 IU Vitamin D Safe and Effective For Healthy Pregnant Women – June 2011
- Hollis shows far healthier pregnancy when take 4000 IU of vitamin D
- Many groups of pregnant women are at high risk of being vitamin D deficient – Jan 2013
- 35,000 IU vitamin D weekly during 3rd quarter pregnancy – RCT March 2013
- Near the end of pregnancy 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly was great – RCT April 2013
- Variety of pregnancy problems with low vitamin D – systematic review Sept 2012
- Pregnancy and vitamin D meta-analysis – July 2012
- Low vitamin D increased probability of low birth weight by 60 percent – meta-analysis June 2012
- Predicted vitamin D levels during pregnancy were sort of similar to those measured – Jan 2013
- Vitamin D of 32 to 60 ng is needed before, during, and after pregnancy – Dec 2012
- Higher vitamin D in pregnancy resulted in 2X better infant psychomotor and mental scores – Sept 2012
- More vitamin D during pregnancy made for higher mental scores at 14 months – Dec 2012
yet another study with the same conclusion as above- Calcium and bone disorders in pregnancy – May 2012
- Review of recent publications on vitamin D and pregnancy – Feb 2012
article outline includes "Neonatal morbidity"
MSNBC article Aug 2011 mentions that US has poor record for deaths within 1 month of birth
Preterm delivery, asphyxia (lack of oxygen) and severe infections = 3 top causes of newborn death.
(Note that the 1st and 3rd are associated with low vitamin D)- Profound vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy - Dec 2010 Wagner, Hollis, et al PDF
- Pregnancy slideshow - 2012 Hollis
- How much vitamin D during pregnancy - Wagner April 2010 author of the two videos and chart below.
- Wagner 53 minute video of the proceeding PDF presentation - April 2010
- Book by Hollis and Wagner on Pregnancy and vitamin D - June 2010
- OBGYN College in UK still recommends only 400 IU during pregnancy – Jan 2012 amazingly low
- French Society of Paediatics Vitamin D recommendations – Jan 2012 lots of details such as:
pregnant women: a single dose of 80,000 to 100,000 IU at the beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy
(VitaminDWiki comment: this is too much all at once)- Needed more than 1600 IU of vitamin D during pregnancy – RCT May 2013 which has the following chart
- Pregnancy and low vitamin D in Qataris and women around the world – Sept 2013 click on thumnail to see thesummary of the studies
Pregnancy problems vs Vitamin D level - GrassrootsHealth Feb 2015
Recharted by VitaminDWiki Feb 2017
All percentages reference a common reference level of 25.0 ng/ml as shown on the chart. %’s reflect the disease prevention % at the beginning and ending of available data.
Example: Gestational diabetes incidence is reduced by 11% when the serum level is 30.7 ng/ml vs the reference level of 25.0 ng/ml. There is a 33% reduction in incidence when the serum level is 41.9 ng/ml vs the reference level of 25.0 ng/ml.
References:- (Preterm Birth (1): Wagner CL, et al. 17th Workshop on Vitamin D; 2014 June 17-20.
Preterm Birth (2): Bodnar LM, et al. Obstetrics & Gynecology; 2015. - Hypertensive Pregnancy Disorders, Gestational Diabetes, and Bacterial Vaginosis: Wagner CL, et al. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2013;136:313-320.
- Depression: Huang JY, et al. J Womens Health. 2014;23(7):588-95.
- Impaired Muscle Strength: Kalliokoski P, et al. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2013;13(237).
- Postpartum Depression: Gur EB, et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014;179:110-6.
- Small for Gestational Age: Gernand, AD, et al. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;123(1):40-8.
- Common Cold, Ear Infection, and Lung Inflammation: Shin YH, et al. Korean J Pediatr. 2013;56(10):439-445.
- Asthma: Magnus MC, et al. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2013;27(6).
Preterm and low-weight births
- Improved births with 2,000 IU vitamin D during pregnancy in India - RCT Feb 2015
less preterm, less c-section, weight more, better APGAR scores - Premature birth 2.5X more likely if mother had low vitamin D and was having twins – July 2013
- Pre-term birth 3X more likely and C-section 4X if less than 20 ng of vitamin D – May 2012
- Why vitamin D reduces premature birth - April 2011 Note: 2X death rate for premature birth
- Premature delivery associated with low vitamin D in Japanese women – Mar 2011
- Premature or low birth weight resulted in children 3X more likely to be anxious – May 2011
- 50% of very low birthweight infants develop osteopenia with rickets before May 2011
- 7X more likely to have low birth weight babies when mother very low on vitamin D – March 2010
- Arab pre-term infants often have less than 10 ng of vitamin D - 2010
- Pre-term births report USA-Today May 2012
Of all births: US Blacks 17%, US whites 11%, Germany 9%, UK Canada, Australia 8%, France 7%, Japan 6%
For 62 out of 65 countries, the rate of premature births has been increasing
comment by a reader " maternal obesity which increases chance of premature delivery 30%" see original 126 page study - Osteopenia in preterm infants – May 2012
- The worldwide incidence of preterm birth WHO 2009 PDF is at the bottom of this page
- Vitamin D Webinar - cost of pre-term birth etc- Baggerly Nov 2013 which has the following chart
- Preterm birth vs UV in the US now Vitamin D Council July 2014
Health problems like preterm birth now INCREASE with hot sun (more UV) - people with air conditioning can totally avoid the benefits of UV - Low Vitamin D – 2X more likely to have premie AND mother later to have heart problems – Feb 2015
Increased pre-term birth if black or if high UV index (stay inside - away from the hot sun)
IU for infants
- Third study found that Infants needed 1600 IU of vitamin D – JAMA RCT May 2013
- 400 IU vitamin D for breastfed - American Association of Pediatrics - Feb 2012
- Intervention of 400 IU of vitamin D raised infant blood levels 14 ng – Jan 2012
- French Society of Paediatics Vitamin D recommendations – Jan 2012 breastfed infants: 1000 to 1200 IU
- One study gave infants 50,000 IU very two months (833 IU /day) note: This is too long of a time between doses,
- Hypothesis at VitaminDWiki: infant Jaundice and vitamin D
- Recommend 100 IU of vitamin D per kg of infant weight in Poland – July 2011 has a graph
- Only about 10 % of breastfed infants get even the minimum recommended vitamin D – April 2010
- Infants getting 200 IU (1400 IU vitamin D weekly) grew better – May 2011
- Breastfed infants in Germany with 250 IU of vitamin D got to 56ng – Sept 2010
- Infants getting 500 IU achieved 60 ng vitamin D in blood – Jan 2011 RCT
- Infants in Finland who got 2000 IU vitamin D daily grew to normal height – March 2011
excellent proof that a lot of vitamin D does not harm - the only outcome appears to be a huge decrease in diabetes as the cohort got older - Infants do not tolerate some brands of Vitamin D – additives, color, etc
Low Levels among mothers and infants
Chart from Grassroots Health May 2016
- All items in Infant and child and Vitamin D
859 items - Infants lacking vitamin D supplementation were 19X more likely to be deficient – April 2012
- 80 % of South Asian Women in UK had less than 10 ng of vitamin D in winter – April 2012
- Mothers and infants in India have very low levels of vitamin D – April 2012
95 % of mothers had < 20 ng of vitamin D- 90 % of Indian mothers and infants had less than 20 ng of vitamin D – May 2011
- Low D in developing countries – less than 5 ng in some children in China – Oct 2010
- Percent of populations with less than 20 ng of vitamin D graph of a great many countries with low vitamin D levels
- 82% of pregnant in Southern US were vitamin D insufficient – Sept 2010
- CDC vitamin D statistics for women – March 2012 which has
Women with less than 20 nanograms: +37% average for all women, 55% if less than high school education, 78% if blackPreeclampsia
- 2X more preeclampsia when vitamin D less than 30 ng, etc. - meta-analysis March 2013
- Preeclampsia and small infants associated with 7 ng less vitamin D – Mar 2011
- How to reduce preeclampsia - May 2011
- Eclampsia 2X more frequency in Swedish winter – Jan 2011
- Pre-eclampsia3X more likely if low vitamin D at 25 week – April 2012
- Preeclampsia Vitamin D Council, March 2013
Finland had recommended a huge amount of vitamin D for the infant:
20X more than US standard - Wagner April 2010 slide 31
Fewer than 40% of infants got 400 IU of vitamin D, The amount recommended by American Academy of Pediatrics
A June 2010 study which includes the following graph, found that MANY children do not even get 200 IU
and NONE of the children got more than 480 IU
Note: When infant stops drinking vitamin D fortified milk, be sure to supplement with vitamin D - as most fruit juice is not fortified.
Rickets/Battered Child/Weak bones
- Overview of Rickets and Vitamin D
- See all items in category Rickets in VitaminDWiki
128 items - Rickets in 30 % of infants in India who had low vitamin D – March 2011
- Death of Babies in UK due to vitamin D deficiency – Jan 2012
- Turkey gave 400 IU vitamin D to needy infants and reduced Rickets by 60X - 2011
- Dark Skinned babies probably need vit D supplements to prevent rickets -2001
- Death of Babies in UK due to vitamin D deficiency – Jan 2012
- Mother and father on trial for infant death – set free – death was due to rickets – Dec 2011
- Mercola March 2011
lack of vitamins C, D, or K is mistaken for shaken baby syndrome- Your vitamin D deficient infant could be taken away from you – Sept 2010
The above item from the Vitamin D council includes the following quotes:
"1/4 of all otherwise normal infants have evidence of infantile rickets while they are still in the womb."
"... it is likely that tens of thousands of infants are being sent home from the hospital with multiple fractures because no one has ever done a study looking for asymptomatic fractures."- Mercola Dec 2010 man acquitted of beating his 3 month old - after 14 months of being kept away from his child
- Vitamin D and infants- Dec 2010 see page 10+ for battered child
- Vitamin D Levels in Kids are So Low that Rickets is Back with a Vengeance – Kerri Knox
High risk of being vitamin D deficient during pregnancy
Potential high risk if : dark skin, twins, recent pregnancy, smoking, very far from equator, obese, excessive clothes,
- Dark skin births are much riskier due to lack of vitamin D
- Assess your level of vitamin D deficiency - especially if dark skin, far from equator, medical condition, ..
- Black = 97% Hispanic = 81%, White = 67% Pregnant women vitamin D insufficient – July 2010
- Overview of Obesity and Vitamin D Obese people have significantly lower levels of vitamin D
- Should consider loading up on vitamin D very early in the pregnancy if high risk of vitamin D deficiency
Typical loading dose: 300,000 IU spread over 2 months - Low cost tests instant free test to see if anyone is extremely low on vitamin D
- Twins, no tan, winter, and smoking all associated with low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy – Jan 2013
BEFORE: Help getting pregnant - woman & man
Vitamin D increases the fertility of BOTH the woman.and the man
Each 1 ng increase in blood level of vitamin D increases clinical pregnancy by 6%
You may not have heard much about it since it has been patented
see also Who said vitamin D could not be patented
Vitamin D has been used by zoos and vets for a long time to increase fertility- Vitamin D and fertility: a systematic review – May 2012 great diagrams
- All items in category Fertility
142 items - How 60 ng of vitamin D enabled pregnancy - a personal story in VitaminDWiki
- 63% having conception problems were Vitamin D deficient
100% of those which specific problems had normal vitamin D level- More details on the above information from
- Vitamin D: The Wonder Vitamin That May Help Me Conceive IVF
- The men also need vitamin D- Dr. Sorenson, author of Vitamin D3 and Solar Power
- Vitamin D Boosts IVF Success
- Peak months for births in Czech Republic were March to May - 9 months after peak vitamin D blood levels
- Better sperm if have higher level of vitamin D - has lots of details and links
- Vitamin D and fertility and birth problems with dark skin – Jan 2011
- Fertility improved with Vitamin D – systematic review Jan 2012
- Clinical Trial vitamin D levels and IVF success – May 2011 good overview
- Oral contraceptive use associated with higher levels of vitamin D – thesis June 2012
- IVF 4X more successful for white women with lots of vitamin D – Oct 2012
Wonder if high levels of vitamin D after stopping oral contraceptives result in increased chance of pregnancy- Clinical Trials Search intervention and (pregnancy OR infants OR babies) and"vitamin d"180 intervention trials as of May 2018
- Reproductive endocrinology: Vitamin D and AMH levels are correlated in human adults May 2012, no abstract
AMH provides a good indication of number of eggs left (fertility)
Decrease in C-sections as Vitamin D levels are increased
C-section 4X more likely if less than 20 ng of vitamin D – May 2012
Risk of Cesarean 2X higher if low vitamin D – April 2012
C-section 4X more likely when vitamin D less than 37 ng – many items
Search VitaminDWiki for cesarean 90 items as of Aug 2014
21 Depression and Pregnancy studies - Post-partum depression and low Vitamin D - many studies
- Postpartum depression 3.6 X higher risk if low vitamin D – Jan 2022
- ADHD 3.7 X higher risk if depressed pregnancy (low vitamin D) – Dec 2020
- Depression after childbirth 5 X less likely if good Omega-3 index – April 2019
- Postpartum Depression 3.3 X more likely if low vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Vitamin D prevents pregnancy depression (US Prevention Task Force say it cannot be prevented) - Feb 2019
- Depressed black pregnant women should take vitamin D – April 2018
- Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
- Perinatal depression decreased 40 percent with just a few weeks of 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Aug 2016
- Depression in youths associated with low vitamin D during pregnancy – Oct 2014
- Postpartum depression 7X more likely if less than 10 ng of vitamin D – Sept 2014
- Depression after pregnancy and vitamin D – Nov 2013
- Depression and Vitamin D during Pregnancy – Dissertation Aug 2014
- Depression during pregnancy twice as likely if consume little vitamin D – July 2014
- Antidepressants might increase infertility and pregnancy problems – Nov 2012
- Association between season of birth and suicide – perhaps vitamin D – Sept 2012
- Depression 50 percent more likely if low vitamin D in early pregnancy – Aug 2012
- Pregnant blacks 50 pcnt more likely to be depressed if 3 ng less vitamin D – July 2012
- Depressed mothers more likely to have small babies – Aug 2010
- An Exploratory Study of Postpartum Depression and Vitamin D - May 2010
See also VitaminDWiki
- Gestational Diabetes reduced 40 percent by 5,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT April 2014
- Overview Deficiency of vitamin D
- Overview Women and Vitamin D
- All items in Women and vitamin D
196 items - Smoking while pregnant lowers vitamin D and increases child asthma by 3.6 X – Aug 2011
- Dark skin births are much riskier due to lack of vitamin D
- Doctors in the UK, who are pro-vitamin D, think that pregnancy and infants are some "low hanging fruit'
- Diseases correlated to month of birth – 2008
- Vitamin D Recommendations from around the world
- Why vitamin D has gotten so low in last 40 years
- So many forms of vitamin D are available at very low cost
tiny soft-gel, oil, sublingual etc.
6400 IU of vitamin D got mothers to 50+ nanograms
Some Pregnancy complications if low vitamin D
From 3 to 55 X more likely to have these health problems if low Vitamin D
7 X more likely to have low birth weight infant
5 X more likely to get vaginosis during pregnancy
4 X more likely to have preeclampsia during pregnancy
4 X more likely to have C-section
Good review of prenatal Vitamins (more than just Vitamin D) - April 2024
- "However, it’s important not to exceed the recommended daily intake during pregnancy, as higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals may be harmful to the fetus (e.g., iron, folic acid, zinc)"
- "These may encompass vitamins vitamin B1, vitamin B2, B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, C, D, E, and K, along with folic acid, iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, and sometimes additional components like omega-3."
- VitaminDWiki: Vitamin D is at least 100 X better than Folic Acid
See also web
- Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System CDC
- Clinical Trials for Pregnacy with vitamin D INTERVENTION 75 as of July 2017
- Pharmacokinetics of a single oral dose of vitamin D3 (70,000 IU) in pregnant and non-pregnant women Dec 2012
PDF is attached at the bottom of this page - Vitamin D Supplementation During Pregnancy: Is It Necessary? Medscape Sept 2013
Nope maternal 25(OH)D levels in any trimester failed to significantly affect the bone-mineral content of offspring
They fail to consider anything other than bone content at age 10!! - Google Sites on Vitamin D and pregnancy Oct 2013 included links to the following
Vitamin D may be useful as immunotherapy in treatment of recurrent miscarriage
Vitamin D reduces inflammation associated with miscarriage
4000 IU Vitamin D daily lowers rates of infection, preterm labor and preterm birth
Vitamin D required for fetal development; deficiency causes preeclampsia, gestational diabetes
Vitamin D levels not associated with fertility or pregnancy outcome except late miscarriage
Plasma vitamin D concentrations may affect pregnancy outcomes.
Low vitamin D leads to failed IVF attempts
Having sufficient vitamin D levels is associated with 4 times higher success rate in IVF
93% of infertile women were low in vitamin D
High or low vitamin D associated with lower sperm count, motility and morphology
High vitamin D levels associated with higher sperm motility and morphology
Extra vitamin D increases litter size in pigs and has a trend toward higher pregnancy rates
Vitamin D deficiency leads to fewer offspring in mice
Vitamin D deficiency impairs egg production, elevates LH and FSH
Vitamin D stimulates estrogen and progesterone production by the placenta
Vitamin D stimulates progesterone and estrogen production in the ovary
Excess Vitamin D reduces the function of the corpus luteum and decreases progesterone - Effect of Vitamin D Levels on Intrapartum Epidural Consumption Oct 2014 presentation
12 mg of Epidural for average vitamin D = 41 ng,
18 mg of Epidural for average vitamin D = 26 ng
Much less pain among the 93 women who had high levels of vitamin D.
Note that scheduled cesareans were excluded from the analysis
The Placenta, an Afterthought No Longer New York Times Dec 2018
- "An ephemeral organ, long dismissed merely as afterbirth, increasingly is viewed as critical to understanding the health and course of pregnancy."
- "Ninety percent of the placenta is made up of cells not from the mother but from the fetus."
- "As the placental beachhead grows, its cells specialize to do the work of heart, lungs, liver and kidneys until the fetus can fend for itself. Groups of cells exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide; provide nutrients and hormones; protect the fetus from harmful stress, germs and chemicals; and remove waste"
- "Male fetuses typically are larger than females throughout gestation, but they also have higher rates of spontaneous abortions, stillbirth, premature birth and neurodevelopmental conditions."
Human Placenta Project
Previously had studied placenta after birth.
Now studying the placenta as early as 1st trimester - to detect and hopefully avoid problemsShort url =
Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D156423 visitors, last modified 01 Apr, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 10959 The Placenta, an Afterthought No Longer - The New York Times.pdf admin 03 Dec, 2018 547.96 Kb 1132 10671 Pregnancy related mortality - CDC.jpg admin 13 Oct, 2018 38.32 Kb 3395 3437 Preterm birth 10 percent WHO 2009.pdf admin 23 Dec, 2013 439.61 Kb 2642 2994 70,000 IU.pdf admin 13 Sep, 2013 479.99 Kb 2552 264 Vitamin D preconception to birth - 2010.gif admin 26 Oct, 2010 9.17 Kb 5225 194 Knox on breastfeeding - 2010.gif admin 27 Sep, 2010 18.51 Kb 7871 193 Gum pockets vs vitamin D Hollis slides 2010 - 28.gif admin 26 Sep, 2010 15.53 Kb 4958 192 Finland vitamin D for infants - Wagner 2010 pg 31.gif admin 26 Sep, 2010 11.25 Kb 18347 191 6400 vs 400 IU during pregnancy - Wagner April 2010 pg 84.gif admin 26 Sep, 2010 12.28 Kb 23858 190 2000 and 4000 IU during pregnancy - Wagner April 2010 pg 51.gif admin 26 Sep, 2010 25.84 Kb 2718