
COVID increased seniors risk of Alzheimer's by 1.7X in the next year- Sept 2022

Observational Retrospective Bombshell: Elderly Infected with COVID-19 at High Risk for Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

TriaSiteNews reporting on a study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

  • "The study authors report a striking, and disturbing reality: those individuals 65-year-old and up that were afflicted with COVID-19 have nearly double the risk (0.35% to 0.68%)) for developing the neurodegenerative disease within a year of the infection."
  • "...study involving a total of 6,245,282 adults who were 65-years old and up with no previous Alzheimer’s diagnosis and no visits documented in the electronic health record."
  • For seniors >85 HR = 1.82 [95% CI, 1.69 to 1.97]

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Many virus protect themselves from Vitamin D by downregulating the Receptor

When the virus leaves the body it has no reason to restore the Vitamin D Receptor
A deactivated receptor block vitamin D to getting to cells in the body - including brain cells

37 studies in both categories Virus and VDR

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Study should have had a many-month gap between COVID and counting Alz (a disease that is slow to develop)

VitaminDWiki anticipates 3X increased Alz risk due to COVID in 3 years

VitaminDWiki - Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D contains

VitaminDWiki - 12 studies in both categories Virus and Cognitve

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Might not be cause==> effect. (3 possibilities as of Sept 17, 2022)

  1. Just being in the hospital (perhaps ICU) might increase risk of seniors getting Alzheimers
    Study does not appear to mention if the people were admitted to a hospital
  2. Perhaps COVID infection caused seniors to be more sensitive to Alzheimer's symptoms
  3. Perhaps those not getting COVID did not get checkups as much, so were less likely to get noticed with Alzheimer/s symptoms

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday September 20, 2022 18:07:16 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 20)

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18437 COVID ALz.pdf admin 16 Sep, 2022 214.12 Kb 184