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Fauci investing 3 billion dollars to develop a safe pill to fight virus (but we already have 3) – Aug 4, 2021

Fauci Predicts 'Turnaround' in U.S. Pandemic Curve MedPageToday

  • “"I want a pill that blocks a specific viral function," Fauci said. "I want to give it once a day, if possible, I want it to be low in toxicity, and I want it to have very minimal drug-drug interactions."
  • "Give me that, and I'll be really happy," Fauci told webinar host and interviewer J. Stephen Morrison, senior vice president at CSIS and director of its Global Health Policy Center.

Comment: Helga Rhein. August 25, 2021
I am a retired general practitioner in the UK (Family doctor), now work as vaccinator. There is such "drug" which Fauci wants: it is called VITAMIN D. We do have a worldwide vitamin D deficiency problem, which public health departments appear not to admit. Evidence is accumulating: it shows that having sufficient vitamin D in the body is protective and can prevent severe Covid symptoms. SUFFICIENT means a blood level (25(OH)D) above 30ng/ml. Since an open letter was signed by more than 220 experts in December 2020, many other studies have emerged, all linking better vitamin D levels with better survival from Covid, even Covid vaccinations are more effective when an adequate vitamin D blood level is reached. Happy to provide evidence if wanted.

Comment: Professor Sunil Wimalawansa, August 25, 2021
Dr Fauci's said, "I want a pill that blocks a specific viral function; "I want to give it once a day; be low in toxicity and have very minimal drug-drug interactions." Perfect comment: we all want that. To develop such a "pill" US government apparently allocated $5 billion. In addition to vaccines, follow public health guideliens.

However, we already have THREE such drugs approved by the FDA, & regulators in other countries for different diseases. They are highly cost-effective, has little harmful effects, widely available with & without prescription. Unlike experimental vaccines, these agents do not need an Emergency Use Authorization.

Licenced physicians and nurses can prescribe, if, in their experience and opinion, what is best for the patient: especially when “evidence or experience” supports its benefits (note: definition of off-label use of drugs does not require data from RCTs).
With over 400 peer-reviewed, positive, clinical publications (with a handful of negatives studies due to faulty study designs), high doses of "vitamin D, calcifediol and ivermectin" could be used, as prophylaxis and during the early stages of COVID-19 syndrome (i.e., PCR positive, without or with mild symptoms) with proper “justification of use” of the drug with clear documentation.

As with other medications, need to assess & document “risks versus benefits,” follow contraindications & carry out monitoring requirements. The public will benefit tremendously (preventing hospitalisation & deaths). In addition to $5 billion savings of "new pill" development for govt., the health department & Medicare will save billions, each month by preventing hospitalization & incentive payments to hospitals. A win : win situation.


COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

5 most-recently changed Virus entries

Severe COVID-19 5X more likely if low vitamin D (23 studies) – 16th meta-analysis July 2021

Snips from around the web for the $3.2 billion pill development - June 18, 2021

Ivermectin and COVID-19 - many studies om VitaminDWiki

Boosting Immunity with Vitamin D to reduce COVID-19 risks - Aug 2021 Wimalawansa


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