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450,000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe in next 3 months – WHO Nov 4, 2021

Europe the global epicentre of the Covid epidemic once again, says WHO Telegraph

  • "… infections rising by more than 55 per cent in the last four weeks. “
  • “Countries including Germany, Croatia, Russia and Slovenia have all reported record numbers of new cases, while hospitals in Romania and Belarus are on the brink of collapse amid a surge in new coronavirus admissions. “

Europe COVID-19 surge: These maps and trackers show rising cases, hardest-hit countries Fast Company Nov 2, 2021

Financial Times

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

COVID winter is coming again in Northern US, Canada, Europe, Russia - Nov 2021

COVID surge in Europe: A preview of what’s ahead for the U.S - Nov 22, 2021

COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

Perhaps 3X more likely to catch COVID-19 in a group (church) in Nov 2021 than Nov 2020__

COVID-19 cases vs. vaccination (counties and countries) - Sept 2021


Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday November 23, 2021 00:56:33 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 16)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
16540 14 day blow up.jpg admin 06 Nov, 2021 13.33 Kb 320
16539 14 day.jpg admin 06 Nov, 2021 118.83 Kb 317
16538 Covid Western Europe Nov 2021.jpg admin 05 Nov, 2021 95.77 Kb 327