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Vitamin D may protect against Ebola

Vitamin D is a great way to quickly strengthen an immune system
Vitamin D fights many enveloped viruses like Ebola
Only a strong immune system allows people to survive Ebola

A vitamin D strengthened immune systems should:
    Increase how many will never get an Ebola symptom
    Decrease how many will die of Ebola

Vitamin D has not (yet) been proven to fight Ebola - that is what we intend to do

Rain is one of the many reasons for low D and low immunity in West Africa

Strong Immune System fights Ebola

400,000 IU of vitamin D to every person - taken as a single dose

Red line shows how quickly vitamin D levels are boosted
Response with 400,000 IU loading dose @ is.gd/7DayVitD

400,000 IU ($1.20) per person,    < $36 of vitamin D to save a life
Click here for details

$1.20 for 400,000 IU: assuming 50,000 IU capsule costs ~ 15 cents
IF we assume that the death rate in a household having Ebola is 10%
   and IF we assume that vitamin D reduces the death rate by only 30%
THEN will need 30 doses to save a life!
Thus: $36 of vitamin D will save a life (30 X $1.20)
   Costs per dose and per life will be lower with future 400,000 IU capsules

There has been 1 suspected vitamin D death in the last decade in the entire world
There could be 1,000 Ebola deaths if wait for "proof" from a trial.

Doctors and researchers contacted uniformly said vitamin D might help and it certainly would not hurt.

Large Scale distribution of Vitamin D

Give 400,000 IU of vitamin D 12,000 people per week (1,000 bottles of 50,000 IU Vitamin D)

VIA such channels as

  • Contact workers - where the household already has/had an Ebola infection
  • Home Care Kit distribution
  • Churches (which provides the best vocal instruction - essential for a population with low literacy)
Click here for possible high priority groups
  1. People living with Ebola infectious person (the only group in phase 1)
  2. People still in house where an Ebola person had lived
  3. Health care workers with high infection rates
  4. Ambulance and/or burial crews
  5. Others with known contact with an Ebola-infectious person
  6. Those having symptoms which are suspected to be Ebola - both inside and outside of clinics
  7. Those in contact with the West African public (employees in stores, restaurants, taxis, airport, buses, , , , )
  8. Military: Local, US, UK, etc.
  9. Persons leaving West Africa - to reduce possibility of spreading Ebola.
Click to see protocol refinement: dose size, other possible
  1. Add maintenance dose of vitamin D - to have a strong immune system for more than 2 months - using perhaps 50,000 IU every two weeks)
  2. Try increased or decreased Vitamin D loading dose for average adult
  3. Try increased Vitamin D loading dose for those at high risk of being vitamin D deficient: pregnant, elderly, obese, etc.
    This increased dosing might be done in Phase 1
  4. Try additional immune system boosters such as: Red Marine Algae, Vitamin C - especially if there is an indication of fast response.

Can ramp up the manufacturing to 120,000 per week fairly quickly
The limitation is that the doses should be individually packaged by either

  1. Putting eight small 50,000 IU capsules in a small bag/bottle
  2. Manufacturing a large 400,000 IU capsule

Note about children: 400,000 IU will raise the vitamin D levels of many children to > 100 ng/mL
While many researchers feel that it is desirable to not have the levels so high,
   it is far more desirable that the children do not die of Ebola.
It is difficult to:

  1. Distribute different dose sizes
  2. Communicate how many capsules each member of a family should take.
    (Only about half of West Africa is literate)

Large doses are not necessarily a problem
East Germany gave 600,000 doses of vitamin D to ALL of its infants for 30 years - with no recorded problems


Vitamin D fights MANY enveloped viruses similar to Ebola

Ebola a rare disease with extremely little research. No known research on Ebola and Vitamin D
There is, however, a lot of data of Vitamin D and prevention and/or treatment of other viruses:
H1N1, Herpes simplex, Cold sore, Shingles, Chickenpox, Influenza, Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis B, HIV Dengue
Yellow fever, Measles, Mumps, Smallpox, MERS (Middle East Respiratory. Syndrome), West Nile Virus

See also Virus in VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D quickly cures H1N1- Might it fight Ebola?: Sept 5, 2014
Dr. Gerry Schwalfenberg email to a Vitamin D newsgroup

  • I have been thinking a lot about the Ebola crisis
  • My understanding is that the virus is an encapsulated virus (enveloped (covered) RNA virus) and I wonder if it has the Protein associated molecular pattern (PAMP)that will trigger the vitamin D cascade that results in the transcription of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) using the innate immune system to kill the virus.
  • I have used 50,000IU for one or two days in H1N1 and had patients report back to me that they were completely well within 48 hours in all patients who did this.
  • I know of another physician who did the same with similar results.
  • What about using 100,000 IU of vitamin D daily for two days, early in the disease to aid our own natural defenses and possibly shut down the disease.
  • Vitamin D also reduces the over reaction of our immune system that often kills the patient
  • ANY THOUGHTS? Gerry     No known reply to his email

Reduced viral respiratory tract infections by half by having more than 38 ng of vitamin D – June 2010 which has the following chart


Note: 400,000 IU of vitamin D will raise vitamin D levels of most people to >40 ng

See also Immune System in VitaminDWiki

Sierra Leone: only 13% of Ebola patients are isolated - Nov 19

WHO: Ebola transmission 'intense' in Sierra Leone Associated Press
The WHO reported Nov 19?   vs Guinea 72%



Rain is one of the many reasons for low D and low immunity in West Africa

  1. Rainy Season (similar to winter) ==> people outdoors less ==> less vitamin D generated
    Note Vitamin D lowest in summer in some tropical countries
  2. Poor sanitation in slums ==> vitamin D is consumed by inflammation, etc.
  3. Women want whiter skins ==> stay out of the sun ==> Reduce Vitamin D
  4. Pregnancy ==> often drops the vitamin D levels considerably
        Note: not a single pregnant woman has survived Ebola
  5. Fear of Ebola ==>Stress ==> consumes vitamin D
  6. Stresses of unemployment, friends dying ==> stressful ==> consumes vitamin D
  7. Working long hours (health care workers) ==> stress ==> lowers immune system
  8. |Soft drinks ==> reduce Calcium ==> lowers Vitamin D
  9. Smoking (Africa is a huge growing market) ==> reduces Calcium ==> consumes vitamin D
  10. Atmospheric pollution in cities==> reduced vitamin D generated
  11. Vitamin D levels have dropped in half in two decades

Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic describes 34 reasons and has the following chart

Ebola outbreak in Monrovia is closely associated with heavy rains ==> people not getting the sunshine vitamin

This page was last updated: Sunday July 30, 2023 07:41:12 GMT-0000.

Cremations (now required) may be the reason for reduced "reported" Liberian deaths

  • Ebola cremation ruling prompts secret burials in Liberia Guardian Oct 27
    Treatment centres half-empty as families keep infected at home to avoid presidential decree that Ebola victims must be cremated
    Cremation violates values and cultural practices in the western African country.
    The order has so disturbed people that the sick are often kept at home and, if they die, are being secretly buried, increasing the risk of more infections.
    President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf decreed in August that the bodies of Ebola victims in the Monrovia area be cremated.
    there won’t be a place to honour deceased relatives. Nor are the relatives permitted to be at the cremation or get the ashes
    Sierra Leone has not ordered cremations.Their Ebola treatment units are often full.

West Point slum in Liberia with huge Ebola outbreak is being quarantined - Nov 2

  • In Liberian slum, Ebola quarantine magnifies misery USA Today Nov 2
  • estimates put the population of West Point at 75,000
  • In West Point, people live close together in wooden and corrugated metal shacks, often sleeping dozens to a room, on blankets on a mud floor
  • Most don't have toilets — there are four communal ones in the entire slum


Rainy season ending in Liberia, vitamin D levels rising, Ebola declining

My guess: Rain ==> low vitamin D ==> poor Immune System ==> Ebola growth

WHO data of Ebola daily growth - on Wikipedia
3%/day = Ebola double every 24 days
0.5%/day = Ebola double every 144 days =~ half year = very slow growth

Monrovia rainfall Sept & Oct: = 750 mm/month = about 1 inch per day average
Monrovia Average Monthly Rainfall BBC has the following bar chart

Now that the Liberian sun is coming back I expect that the Ebola growth rate will become negative sometime in Nov.

End of rainy season for Liberia: More sun, Less disease
    Which is a play on the words for our video: Does Less Sun Mean More Disease?

Note: West Africa has so much rain that the skin colors are less black.

Recall: Vitamin D levels are low during pregnancy. From Wikipedia: "no reported cases of pregnant mothers and unborn babies surviving Ebola in Sierra Leone.
   Thus it appears: Low vitamin D (due to pregnancy ==> poor immune system ==> Ebola wins

US military leaving Liberia via Italy are being put into quarantine- Oct 27

U.S. soldiers returning from Liberia monitored for Ebola in Italy CBS News

  • Were met by Carabinieri in full hazmat suits.
  • 11 soldiers as of Oct 26, 30 more soldiers expected Oct 27 (unless they go via some other country)
  • The soldiers being monitored include Maj. Gen. Darryl Williams who was the commander of the U.S. Army in Africa
  • The soldiers are confined to a building and unable to see their families
  • A 25-bed hospital in Monrovia, Liberia's capital, should be fully operational in the first week of November.
    Note: Liberia says that they need 3200 beds, The new hospital will supply < 1% of the number needed

US may put all troops returning from West Africa into quarantine NYT Oct 29

Misc Ebola

Tents, like those used for Spanish flu, would be faster to put up and would provide more vitamin D

Influenza of 1918 and vitamin D - July 2010
Surgeon General of Mass in 1918 noticed that infected people getting more sunlight had a better outcome
They had set up overflow tents outside of the hospital

US National Guard doctors may be sent to West Africa - Oct 16

See also web on Ebola


  • Best Defense Against Ebola Virus Dr. Zaidi - before Oct 2014
    Reduce Stress, Sleep, Good nutrition, minimize exercise, get Vitamin D: 5000 I.U. per 100 Lbs. of body weight (no mention of loading dose)
  • Ask Well: Can You Get Ebola From a Toilet Seat? NYT Oct 28
    Yes if an infectious person had recently used it
    Especially if it is a "modern" toilet which creates a mist of droplets that can splash onto the face and hands or may contaminate stall surfaces
  • Newsletter: H1N1 flu and vitamin D Vitamin D Council May 2009
    " . . if you get this flu, take 2,000 IU per kg of body weight per day for a week".
    "As I weigh 220 pounds, I would take 200,000 IU per day for seven days if I thought I had an infection with a 1918-like influenza virus"
  • How Your Immune System Works HowStuffWorks The immune system protects you in 3 different ways:
  1. It creates a barrier that prevents bacteria and viruses from entering your body.
  2. If a bacteria or virus does get into the body, the immune system tries to detect and eliminate it before it can make itself at home and reproduce.
  3. If the virus or bacteria is able to reproduce and start causing problems, your immune system is in charge of eliminating it.
     Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.
    Death rate vs age: 74% < 15 years, 69% 15-45 years, 85% > 45 years 13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023

Image Image

Great simple ways to improve the whole personal protection (Hazmat) System

Can Better Design Stop Ebola? How Creative Minds Can Help Fast Company Oct 22
sticky colored chlorine bleach- can see coverage, it stays in place
Duct tape removal tabs
“inverse” personal protection suit to be worn by the infected individual
friendly aprons with West African-inspired prints, so that workers in hazmat suits seem less scary and intimidating
    they allow you to suggest solutions on-line

Ebola Incubation time:
   WHO estimates 99% within 30 days
      CDC still say 21 days

It appears that the CDC incubation time is based on an outbreak 38 years ago
Press release for the study

Also from WHO Response Team report: 13% of Ebola infectious people never had a fever

Peter Piot - Discoverer of Ebola

Fast Ebola testers being tried in Africa


  • Small device can test for Ebola in 15 minutes Aug 2014
  • CEO of the company had previously lead the team that made the 800 pound gorilla of testers in the past which are now used in CDC facilities
  • The price for the device is $3,000 to $5,000 and the cost of a test per patient is about $25 dollars.
  • Research paid by Homeland Security - and updated Oct 10, 2014
  • Microfluidics provides Real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) chemistry
  • Unfortunately it is not (currently) expected to be at airports for 2 years
  • Apparently PCR test can detect Ebola with good confidence 3 days AFTER symptoms
  • Larger PCR testers NYT
    3 /1000 false positives (incorrectly saying that Ebola was present),
    4 / 1000 false negatives (failed to detect Ebola)
  • Unknown: # of testers needed to test say 600 people per hour. 100?
  • Hopefully it is now on a fast-track to get deployed soon.
  • Testing of pre-symtomatic Ebola patients published in Lancet (2000) is interesting (reported in NYT Oct 12, 2014)
    4/11 false negatives, 0/13 false positives -
    Thus some infected people would be missed - but about 60% would be detected - Which is far better than if there were no testing
A different Ebola test using just a few drops of blood is being tried in Africa (also 15 minutes)

Dr. Bob Garry is a Virologist who previously developed the test for the Lassa virus
CNN interview of Dr. Garry Oct 10, 2014
Nanomx is developing the test - which can be also distinguish between Lassa, Ebola, and Dengue viruses
Nanomix_AACC_poster.pdf download from VitaminDWiki

Dallas Hospital Had the Ebola Screening Machine That the Military Is Using in Africa Oct 16
  • It’s a toaster-sized box called Film Array, produced by a company called BioFire, a subsidiary of bioMérieux
  • PCR in under an hour, costs about $39,000
  • Current FDA guidelines would not have allowed Dallas Presbyterian Hospital to get that kit. (for Ebola)
  • But unless hospitals agree to use the machine specifically for research purposes, rather than actually diagnosing patients with Ebola, they can’t look for Ebola in samples.
    UPDATE Oct 25: FDA permits Film Array use to test for Ebola.- emergency authorization


Ebola eZSCREEN being developed in France - 15 minute test in Africa end of Oct?


Ebola tester which uses essence of blood cells in paper - 30 minute test

Harvard Press Release Oct 23
no electricity needed, very low cost. tests blood or saliva
Press release has extensive description, a video, study published in the journal Cell
Early prototype: no indication of accuracy (false positives or false negatives)
No indication of how infectious a person must be, (typical PRT tests apparently are not accurate until 2nd day of symptoms)

Possible Ebola TREATMENTS - some might provide prevention

Vitamin C

Teatment possible, but have found no claim/hint that Vitamin C can PREVENT Ebola

  • Dr. Gerry Schwalfenberg Oct 6, 2014
    Vitamin C has been shown to work for dengue fever and a couple of the nasty viruses.
    My suspicion is that you need both for Eboli
  • Surprising solution for Ebola virus Dr Thomas Levy, Aug 3 2014
    He has a LOT of information on high dose vitamin C - including use to TREAT Ebola
    Lots of interesting reader comments
  • High Doses of Vitamin C Could Rid the Body of the Ebola Virus NaturalSociety Oct 5, 2014
  • Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola? GreenMedInfo Sept 17, 2014 >10 grams per day
  • Mega-dose vitamin C kills the Ebola virus
    The WHO and CDC know that ebola kills by depleting the body of all vitamin C. So why are the WHO and the CDC not reassuring the world that vitamin C cures ebola by resupplying what the body lost?
    The very first symptoms of ebola are exactly the same as scurvy,which is caused by inadequate vitamin C.
    To date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
  • Ebola and Marburg Virus Orthomolecular Medicine - huge amount of information on Vitamin C and some on Ebola
    My experience with giving massive doses of ascorbic acid orally to over 30,000 patients and with giving intravenous sodium ascorbate to over 2,000 patients would indicate that with Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fever diseases that intravenous sodium ascorbate should be used in doses beginning with at least 180 grams per 24 hours.
  • YouTiube has hundreds of videos on Vitamin C CURING Ebola Large dose, intravenous, or liposomal
  • Guest view: Could Ebola patients be helped by Vitamin C? Oct 18 DR. DAVE MCCARTHY
  • Dr. Levy Oct 19 update
Comment by VitaminDWiki on use of massive doses of Vitamin C

The human body is not used to massive doses of vitamin C
Taken orally, it appears that normal Vitamin C would have to be taken >10 times per day
Vitamin C could also be taken intravenously.
In both cases I suspect that medical observation would be needed to look for resulting imbalances in the body
There are, however, VERY FEW medical personnel in many countries concerned with Ebola
    Example: Liberia has the same population as Kentucky, but has 400X fewer doctors
Have yet (Oct 6) to see ANY data to support the claim that Ebola consumes vitamin C
Have not seen any indication that massive vitamin C can PREVENT Ebola

Many supplements slowly build immune systems - which is OK if you have 3-6 months

Some have just a single ingredient, most have many combinations

Red marine algae might PREVENT and TREAT Ebola in humans

  • Red Algae Extract Fights Ebola ... and HIV, SARS and HCV GreenMedInfo Oct 2014
    Summary after a quick read:
    1) 30% of people infected with Ebola did not get symptoms a decade ago
    2) Those people had developed antibodies via mechanism called mannose-binding lectins and griffithsin
    3) Red marine algae also produces griffithsin
    4) Tests were made giving a recombinant form both before and after giving Ebola to mice ,
    5) More mice survived Ebola in both cases.

So: it appears that red marine algae might both prevent Ebola and as well as treat early stage Ebola.
    Noticed that there were > 190 suppliers of red marine algae supplements on Amazon (US) - Oct 2014
    None of the suppliers seem to provide % ingredient information on Amazon - need to do some research
    Have no idea if 1 gram or 100 grams of the stuff is needed
    Have no idea if it takes months to build up the immune system with red marine algae
    Basically - lots and lots of unknowns

Glutathione: might prevent, treat Ebola

Appears that Glutathione used to be much more prevalent in the body
Have not had time to evaluate the following items

Ozone: might treat Ebola (no prevention indication)

Ozone Therapy: A Possible Answer to Ebola? Mercola Oct 26

  • Dr. Robert Rowen who is a leading expert on oxidative therapy,
  • has video and transcript
  • ozone actually disinfects 10 times faster than chlorine. It’s the most powerful natural oxidant in the world.
  • Ozone also has the advantage of stimulating the immune system, and modulating it—either up or down depending on what your system requires.
  • “Ozone is only hard on the lungs, but it can be given in other ways. It can be given intravenously.
    It can be given in the bladder, in the vagina, in the rectum, via injection – anywhere. It’s just [that] it can be tough on the lungs. You don’t want to be breathing it...
  • Ozone therapy: A clinical review Jan 2011 full text on-line

Selenium and some of the above

Clinics overwhelmed - majority of the infectious have to return home - Oct 2014

Also: Most likely even more people do not even try to go to a clinic, since they expect that they wil be turned away


Doctors without Borders

New York Times Oct 11, 2014
Most of its $1.3 billion in donations last year came from private individuals across the globe (expect more donations with Ebola)
Nobel Peace Prize in 1999
The charity sent about 6,000 health, logistics and other experts to 67 countries last year, and hired 30,000 local workers.
Ebola Front-Line Doctors at Breaking Point Bloomberg Oct 19
They have treated almost a third of the roughly 9,000 confirmed Ebola cases in Africa .

Medical supply needs of Liberia as of Oct 15


Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
4552 Ebola safe burial WHO Oct 2014.pdf admin 08 Nov, 2014 2.00 Mb 2533
4539 West Point.jpg admin 02 Nov, 2014 48.28 Kb 5522
4537 Home care kits.jpg admin 01 Nov, 2014 14.58 Kb 5434
4530 Paper test for Ebola.jpg admin 30 Oct, 2014 7.86 Kb 5530
4518 Liberia skin color.jpg admin 27 Oct, 2014 20.37 Kb 5644
4517 Monrovia rain.jpg admin 27 Oct, 2014 23.64 Kb 7966
4516 Ebola Daily Growth.jpg admin 27 Oct, 2014 33.40 Kb 7042
4504 Ebola eZYSCREEN.jpg admin 22 Oct, 2014 18.04 Kb 6457
4501 4 hours of training.jpg admin 18 Oct, 2014 36.15 Kb 1509
4500 Gun and ebola.jpg admin 18 Oct, 2014 36.56 Kb 2017
4498 Protect done.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2014 15.18 Kb 6286
4497 Protect start.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2014 29.87 Kb 6235
4495 Ebola incubation time.jpg admin 16 Oct, 2014 87.47 Kb 6880
4494 On the Quarantine Period for Ebola Virus.pdf admin 16 Oct, 2014 3.16 Mb 2536
4471 HowStuffWorks _How Your Immune System Works_.pdf admin 09 Oct, 2014 2.46 Mb 2101
4469 Nature Ebola.jpg admin 09 Oct, 2014 33.88 Kb 3685
4466 WHO time between infecting case and infection.jpg admin 08 Oct, 2014 30.48 Kb 7997
4465 WHO Ebola Response Team Sept 2014.pdf admin 08 Oct, 2014 1.09 Mb 2462