Toggle Health Problems and D

Cost of fossil fuels to the world 5,200,000,000,000 dollars (mainly due to air pollution) – May 2019

The Hidden Subsidy of Fossil Fuels Atlantic

Atlantic article was based on International Monetary Fund analysis
Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Remain Large: An Update Based on Country-Level Estimates - May 2019
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

  • “Between 70,000 and 107,000 Americans subsidize air pollution with their lives every year.”
  • IMF only considered pollution-related: strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, and lung cancer

Each additional 10 microgram/cubic meter increase in ambient PM2.5 increases

Strokes 15%
chronic obstructive 5%
pulmonary disease8%
ischemic heart disease7%

VitaminDWiki shows the many other problems of air pollution

Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D has the following reasons
Fact: Pollution reduces the amount of time that people are outdoors
Fact: Pollution is often associated with hot temperatures - another reason to not go outdoors
Fact: Less time outdoors results in lower Vitamin D levels
Fact: Pollution attenuates the amount of UVB getting to the skin (but by only a few percent)
Fact:The body's ability to fight Irritation/Inflammation is aided by vitamin D
Fact: All of the types of PM2.5 deaths are also associated with low vitamin D
       Most air pollutions reduce Vitamin D (PM2.5 is worst) – June 2021
Conclusion: Vitamin D supplementation helps the body fight the effects of pollution.

  • There were 60+ references in Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D page as of June 2023
  • Inhaled vitamin D might turn out to be especially good form as it goes directly to the lungs.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday May 9, 2019 17:41:06 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 3)

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