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Preeclampsia 2X more likely if low vitamin D, unless adjust for vitamin D factors (BMI, skin color) – Dec 2015

Midwifery. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2015.12.007 Available online 24 December 2015
Britte van Weert, BSc (Midwife)a, b, 1, , Denice van den Berg, BSc (Midwife)a, b, 1, , E. Jessica Hrudey, MSc (Junior Researcher, Data Manager)a, , , Adriëtte J.J.M. Oostvogels, MSc (PhD Candidate)a, , Esteriek de Miranda, PhD (Senior Researcher)c, , Tanja G.M. Vrijkotte, PhD (Assistant Professor, Epidemiologist)a,

VitaminDWiki Summary

The raw data found 2.08 X increased pre-eclampsia with low vitamin D.

From the PDF:
“When the inclusion of covariates was investigated separately, pBMI was observed to be the strongest confounder, followed by ethnicity and then years of education.”

They “adjusted” for BMI – which is strongly related to low vitamin D
They “adjusted” for Ethnicity – which is strongly related to low vitamin D

Normal Insufficient Deficient Severely
Dutch 73%19%6%2%
Turkish7%10 %28%55%
Moroccan 33%26 %24%37%

See also VitaminDWiki
Dark skin pregnancies and Vitamin D - many studies
Ethnicity and low vitamin D levels during pregnancy – Jan 2016
Preeclampsia 415 items as of Oct 2015
Pages listed in BOTH the categories Pregnancy and Hypertension (preeclampsia)

Overview Obesity and Vitamin D contains the following summary

See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies   Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies   Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D

  • Normal weight     Obese     (50 ng = 125 nanomole)

Click here for 2014 study

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

•large cohort study on vitamin D status and blood pressure related parameters during pregnancy.
•low vitamin D not related to risk of pregnancy related hypertensive disorders after correction.
•blood pressure risk factors for pregnancy related hypertensive disorders not related to vitamin D.

this study aimed to explore if maternal vitamin D status in early pregnancy was associated with pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Relationships between vitamin D status and blood pressure at the start of pregnancy as well as the occurrence of a mid-pregnancy drop in blood pressure were also explored. This secondary analysis was completed to investigate a possible mechanism for the association between vitamin D status and pregnancy related hypertensive disorders.

Design and setting
data were obtained from the Amsterdam Born Children and their Development study, a prospective community-based cohort study based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

a total of 2074 nulliparous women without pre-existing hypertension and with a known vitamin D status before 17 weeks gestation were included in the study. Vitamin D status was categorized into four groups: “normal” (≥50 nmol/L), “insufficient” (30–49.9 nmol/L) “deficient” (20–29.9 nmol/L) or “severely deficient” (<20 nmol/L).

logistic regression analysis was used to investigate if vitamin D status was related to the odds of experiencing pre-eclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Models were corrected for maternal age, ethnicity, pre-pregnancy BMI, smoking and socioeconomic status. χ2 and ANOVA tests were used to investigate relationships between vitamin D status and the blood pressure parameters.

when compared to women with a normal vitamin D status, women who were severely deficient had an increased risk for pre-eclampsia (OR 2.08; 95% CI, 1.05–4.13), but the association was rendered non-significant after correction (OR 1.88; 95% CI 0.79–4.48). There were no associations between vitamin D status and pregnancy-induced hypertension, starting blood pressure or the occurrence of a mid-pregnancy drop in blood pressure.

Key conclusions
no strong evidence was found for an association between first trimester vitamin D status and pregnancy related hypertensive disorders in nulliparous women.

Implications for practice
at this time, vitamin D supplementation is not warranted for the specific purpose of preventing pregnancy related hypertensive disorders.

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