Toggle Health Problems and D

Epilepsy and deficiency of vitamin D and-or Magnesium – Feb 2013

References - VitaminDWiki and Web

Magnesium Deficiency

Evidence for natural approaches to to reduce Epilepsy


Epileptic seizures most prevalent in the winter: graph from study attached at the bottom of this page


Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
3060 Epoleptic seasonality.jpg admin 01 Oct, 2013 27.34 Kb 7085
3059 Seasonality of epileptic seizures.pdf admin 01 Oct, 2013 745.21 Kb 1571
2087 Natural Cures.jpg admin 08 Feb, 2013 104.06 Kb 10897
2086 Epilepsy natural cures - 2007.rtf admin 08 Feb, 2013 503.34 Kb 1516