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Improved recovery from ischemic stroke with Vitamin D (300,000 IU injection) – RCT June 2018

A randomized, double-blind study to assess if vitamin D treatment affects the outcomes of rehabilitation and balance in hemiplegic patients.

J Phys Ther Sci. 2018 Jun;30(6):874-878. doi: 10.1589/jpts.30.874. Epub 2018 Jun 12.
Sari A1, Durmus B1, Karaman CA1, Ogut E1, Aktas I2.

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[Purpose] To investigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on rehabilitation outcomes and balance in patients having hemiplegia due to ischemic stroke.

[Subjects and Methods] Vitamin D levels of 132 patients hospitalized for hemiplegia rehabilitation due to ischemic stroke were tested. Consequently, 86/132 patients had low vitamin D levels, 72 of which met the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups: Group A (injected with 300,000 IU vitamin D), and Group B (injected intramuscularly with saline). Each patient was tested at the baseline and at the third month using the Brunnstrom recovery staging, functional ambulation scale, modified Barthel index, and Berg balance scale. The findings were compared between the groups.

[Results] By the end of the third month, The Berg balance scale results and modified Barthel index scores significantly differed between the two groups, whereas Brunnstrom recovery staging and functional ambulation scale test results did not.

[Conclusion] This study found that vitamin D administration increased the activity levels and accelerated balance recovery but did not significantly affect ambulation or motor recovery. These results warrant confirmation by longer follow-up studies with a larger number of participants.

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