- Monitored Supplementation of Vitamin D in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- 88+ VitaminDWiki pages have PRETERM or PREMIE in title
- VitaminDWiki -Infant-Child category has
862 items
Monitored Supplementation of Vitamin D in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Nutrients 2021, 13(10), 3442; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13103442
Alicja Kołodziejczyk-Nowotarska ORCID,Renata Bokiniec andJoanna Seliga-Siwecka *
Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, Medical University of Warsaw, 00-315 Warsaw, Poland
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWikiAppropriate supplementation of vitamin D can affect infections, allergy, and mental and behavioral development. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of monitored vitamin D supplementation in a population of preterm infants. 109 preterm infants (24 0/7–32 6/7 weeks of gestation) were randomized to receive 500 IU vitamin D standard therapy (n = 55; approximately 800–1000 IU from combined sources) or monitored therapy (n = 54; with an option of dose modification). 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations were measured at birth, 4 weeks of age, and 35, 40, and 52 ± 2 weeks of post-conceptional age (PCA). Vitamin D supplementation was discontinued in 23% of infants subjected to standard treatment due to increased potentially toxic 25(OH)D concentrations (>90 ng/mL) at 40 weeks of PCA. A significantly higher infants’ percentage in the monitored group had safe vitamin D levels (20−80 ng/mL) at 52 weeks of PCA (p = 0.017). We observed increased vitamin D levels and abnormal ultrasound findings in five infants. Biochemical markers of vitamin D toxicity were observed in two patients at 52 weeks of PCA in the control group. Inadequate and excessive amounts of vitamin D can lead to serious health problems. Supplementation with 800–1000 IU of vitamin D prevents deficiency and should be monitored to avoid overdose.
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“Eighty percent of calcium and phosphorus placental transfer occurs between 24–40 weeks of gestation; hence, preterm infants are especially prone to adverse effects of VDD, including MBD and low bone mineral status [21,34,35].”
88+ VitaminDWiki pages have PRETERM or PREMIE in title
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Items found: 95
VitaminDWiki -Infant-Child category has
862 items - No consensus on MINIMUM International Units (IU) for healthy infant of normal weight
- 400 IU Vitamin D is no longer enough
Was OK in the past century, but D levels have been dropping for a great many reasons.
FDA doubles the amount of vitamin D permitted in milk – July 2016 - No consensus: range is 600 to 1600 IU – based on many randomized controlled trials
- Review of 400 IU to 2000 IU daily and higher if non-daily
- Fewer pre-infants were vitamin D deficient when they got 800 IU – RCT Feb 2014
- 1600 IU was the conclusion of three JAMA studies
1000 IU recommended in France and Finland – 2013 - appears to be a good level - 5X less mite allergy after add vitamin D
- Child bone fractures with low vitamin D were 55X more likely to need surgery
- 75 % of SIDS had low vitamin D
- Children stayed in ICU 3.5 days longer if low vitamin D – Dec 2015
- 5 out of 6 children who died in pediatric critical care unit had low vitamin D – May 2014
- Infants have gotten free 400 IU of vitamin D in Turkey since 2005, More for longer would be even better – Feb 2022
- Preemies should have vitamin D supplements – reaching an agreement – April 2021
- Vitamin D loading dose was as effective as daily dosing (rickets in this case) – RCT July 2021
Having a good level of vitamin D cuts in half the amount of:
- Asthma, Chronic illness, Doctor visits, Allergies, infection
Respiratory Tract Infection, Growing pains, Bed wetting
Need even more IUs of vitamin D to get a good level if;
- Have little vitamin D: premie, twin, mother did not get much sun access
- Get little vitamin D: dark skin, little access to sun
- Vitamin D is consumed faster than normal due to sickness
- Older (need at least 100 IU/kilogram, far more if obese)
- Not get any vitamin D from formula (breast fed) or (fortified) milk
Note – formula does not even provide 400 IU of vitamin D daily
Infants-Children need Vitamin D
- Sun is great – well known for 1,000’s of years.
US govt (1934) even said infants should be out in the sun - One country recommended 2,000 IU daily for decades – with no known problems
- As with adults, infants and children can have loading doses and rarely need tests
- Daily dose appears to be best, but monthly seems OK
- Vitamin D is typically given to infants in the form of drops
big difference in taste between brands
can also use water-soluable form of vitamin D in milk, food, juice, - Infants have evolved to get a big boost of vitamin D immediately after birth
Colostrum has 3X more vitamin D than breast milk - provided the mother has any vitamin D to spare - 100 IU per kg of infant July 2011, Poland etc.
More than 100 IU/kg is probably better
Supplement preterm infants with vitamin D if less than 80 ng – RCT Sept 20215481 visitors, last modified 31 Jul, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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