
Overview Toxicity of vitamin D

Graph of dose vs week

Vertical axis = log of IU,    Horizontal axis = log of weeks

Summary (reading from the chart)

  • Examples of safe without adjusting cofactors:
    1 million IU daily for 2 days,
    200,000 IU daily for 1.5 weeks,
    150,000 IU daily for 2 weeks,
    50,000 IU daily for 5 weeks
    14,000 IU daily for 1 year

Updated chart July 2018 to show lack of Toxicity if adjust cofactors
2,000+ people with Multiple Sclerosis with up to 140,000 IU daily

In most cases, a doctor will just let the body remove any toxic amount of vitamin D by itself

  • Vitamin D DOES NOT accumulate in the body WikiPedia on Bioaccumulation
  • No medical procedure is needed. The body deals with the excess naturally

at very high levels the half-life of vitamin D is measured in days contains the following graphic
see wikipage http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=3133

Toxicity of Vitamin D

Items in both categories, Toxicity and Loading Dose, are listed here:

Items in both categories, Meta-analysis and Loading Dose, are listed here:

Items in both categories, Toxicity and Infrequent Intervention, are listed here:

Vitamin D toxicity us a complete myth - 6 minute video May 2024

Dr. Berg 7 minutes
Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common.
If you’re not taking enough magnesium while you’re taking vitamin D, you may begin to notice the following “vitamin D toxicity symptoms”:
• Irritability
• Insomnia
• Constipation
• Fatigue
• Muscle spasms/cramps
• Calcium buildup
• Arrhythmia
Coincidentally, these are also symptoms of low magnesium and low vitamin K2.
There are case studies involving vitamin D toxicity; however, the subjects did not take vitamin K2 or magnesium.
In many cases, they were taking vitamin D2 rather than vitamin D3.
You don’t want to take calcium when testing for vitamin D toxicity because one of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity is hypercalcemia or too much calcium in the blood.
According to Wikipedia, some symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are due to vitamin K depletion.
Vitamin K2 is essential to prevent calcium buildup in the soft tissues.
Vitamin D helps increase calcium absorption in the small intestine by 20 times.
Therapeutic doses of vitamin D can be especially beneficial for autoimmune conditions.
Dr. Coimbra from Brazil utilizes a vitamin D protocol involving up to 200,000 IU.
If you’re taking vitamin D supplements, also take magnesium and vitamin K2.
You also want to ensure adequate boron, zinc, and vitamin A intake.

From the Web

   versus 3,000 deaths due to Tylenol

  • No adjustment of Co-factors, ~10,000 IU daily for 2+ years, then 2 weeks of sunbathing ==> Kidney failure in one person.    PDF

Institute of Medicine said in Nov 2010 that 4,000 IU is OK (upper limit of OK)

Graph of RDA and Upper Limit
IoM again fails to look at interactions - Nov 2010
Beware of getting too much Calcium if taking more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D,
4,000 IU of Vitamin D is OK - 19 organizations agree - 2018

Many studies have shown: No toxicity <30,000 IU, <200 ng


Short URL = http://is.gd/toxicvd

Overview Toxicity of vitamin D        
165484 visitors, last modified 21 Feb, 2025,
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14599 Kidney failure D drops Auguste.pdf admin 21 Nov, 2020 516.54 Kb 1270
7636 Toxicity 2014.pdf admin 09 Jan, 2017 340.23 Kb 2623
6603 fatal 600,000 IU daily for 21 days.pdf admin 28 Apr, 2016 198.04 Kb 3274
6187 Grassroots Toxicity.jpg admin 25 Nov, 2015 64.89 Kb 59313
6186 Grassroots Toxicity.pdf admin 25 Nov, 2015 177.64 Kb 2332
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