Potential immune modulatory effect of vitamin D in HIV infection: A review,
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.12.005.I
Raiha Qurbana, Shamreen Saeeda, Wajiha Kanwala, Kashaf Junaidb, Abdul Rehmanarehman.mmg at pu.edu.pk
a Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab, Lahore-54590, Pakistan
b College of Applied Medical Sciences, Jouf University, Sakaka, Al Jouf, Saudi Arabia
Vitamin D is a fat soluble hormone that is majorly involved in the classical function of calcium and phosphorus hemostasis and bone mineralization as well non classical functions of immune modulation in various viral and autoimmune diseases. Both innate and adaptive immunity is aided by vitamin D. Deficiency of vitamin D is not only linked with bone and muscle disorders but it has a critical role in many infectious and noninfectious diseases. A growing body of literature suggests vitamin D deficiency in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients. HIV affects 36.7 million people worldwide. Currently a valuation of 0.13 million people are infected with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Pakistan. Various studies showed that hypovitaminosis D may aggravate the disease severity in HIV patients by compromising the immune system. Calcidiol supplementation is credibly a promising adjuvant of combination anti-retroviral therapy (cART) for the treatment of HIV by increasing CD4 T- cells and lowering the viral load. This review accentuates vitamin D's functions as an immune modulator in HIV, the effect of hypovitaminosis D in diseases severity, and its supplementation impact on the treatment of HIV infected patients.
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VitaminDWiki - HIV category
Pregnant women in HIV therapy adding Vitamin D had 3X fewer deaths - RCT April 2022
HIV treatment augmented by high-dose vitamin D, daily or weekly – Dec 2021
Low vitamin D with HIV increases risk of infections – TB by 3.5X, CMV by 10.1X – Aug 2020
HIV therapy reduces Vitamin D levels, supplementation helps - Nov 2019
Cognitive problems 2X more likely if HIV and low vitamin D – June 2019
Use of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Hepatitis-B, AIDS) requires more vitamin D – Sept 2018
Vertebral fractures 9X more likely in HIV patients having low vitamin D – Dec 2017
HIV patients helped by monthly 120,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2017
Those with HIV who doubled their vitamin D levels reduced their chance of death by 47 percent – Oct 2013
A gut-friendly form of vitamin D should be used for those with HIV and gut problems
Alternately, just use 2X to 3X more vitamin D than for a person who has a good gut
3X more African girls and women have HIV than African males Washington Post Dec 2023
Note: Many women have lower vitamin D levels than men due to hormones and not being outdoors as much
In addition, dark-skinned women often avoid the sun due to a desire to have a lighter skin shade
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- Vitamin D probably can both prevent Influenza and augment vaccine effectiveness – Aug 2018
- More than 1 hour of daily sun improved influenza vaccine by 35 percent (Vitamin D helps again) – Oct 2019
- Micronutrients such as vitamin D should improve vaccine effectiveness (and decrease side effects) – April 2022
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