
Drug interactions with Vitamin D - many studies

Sometimes a drug reduces Vitamin D levels in the blood
Scores of times Vitamin D will improve the a drug efficacy
Warning: Chemotherapy and vitamin D - many studies and become deadly
In rare cases Vitamin D reduces the benefit of a drug

9 drug interaction studies in VitaminDWiki

Common drugs as vitamin D disruptors – 2020
Vitamin D generally improves the efficacy of drugs while reducing their adverse effects – Jan 2020
24 drugs that typically reduce Vitamin D levels – Review Aug 2021
Interaction of drugs with Vitamin D, Magnesium, Vitamin B12, Selenium, etc – Dec 2018
Some drugs change potency when Vitamin D is increased (increase in a hormone)
Glucocorticoid treatment reduces Vitamin D getting to cells via 3 or 4 genes
Drugs which create deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, etc. – Sept 2017
Tylenol associated with both low vitamin D and Autism
Drugs that may harm bone (vitamin D needed) -April 2016

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals - book April 2019 contains:

MedicationTypeEffect on Vitamin D
MetforminAntidiabeticMay lower vitamin D levels, with other oral antidiabetic medications
Thiazolidinediones (TDZs)AntidiabeticIncreases risk of bone loss, especially in women
Thiazide DiureticsDiureticPotential increased risk of hypercalcemia
Loop DiureticsDiureticPotential increased risk of hyperparathyroidism and increased conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D
Potassium-Sparing DiureticsDiureticMixed findings
Calcium Channel BlockersCardiovascularIncrease risk of vitamin D deficiency
Angiotensin-ConvertingEnzyme (ACE) InhibitorsCardiovascularMay lower vitamin D levels
StatinsCardiovascularMixed findings; some have shown increased vitamin D levels while others have found decreased levels with statin use
Bile Acid SequestrantsCardiovascularMay decrease vitamin D absorption, increase risk of osteomalacia at certain doses
Vitamin K AntagonistsCardiovascularMay lower vitamin D levels
Platelet Aggregation InhibitorsCardiovascularMixed findings
HeparinCardiovascularNegatively affects vitamin D metabolism, increases risk of osteoporotic fractures, especially seen with unfractionated heparin
DigoxinCardiovascularLinked to lower vitamin D
BenzodiazepinesCNSLinked to lower vitamin D
Antidepressants (SSRIs)CNSLinked to lower vitamin D
Enzyme-Inducingantiepileptic Drugs (AEDs)CNSLinked to lower vitamin D and vitamin D deficiency
Newerantiepileptic DrugsCNSMixed findings; may lower bone mineral density and increase risk of fracture
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)GastrointestinalMay increased risk of osteoporosis; vitamin D and calcium supplementation recommended
Histamine H2-Receptor AntagonistsGastrointestinalMay decrease vitamin D, mixed findings
Lipase InhibitorsGastrointestinalMay inhibit vitamin D uptake and absorption
LaxativesGastrointestinalReduce vitamin D absorption, may result in osteomalacia
CorticosteroidsAnti-InflammatoryMay reduce vitamin D levels, increase risk of osteoporosis
Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS)Anti-InflammatoryMixed findings; long term use may negatively impact bone metabolism and bone mineral density, especially in those with COPD
HydroxychloroquineAnti-InflammatoryMay increase vitamin D levels
May decrease vitamin D; increased risk of osteomalacia with prolonged use
Sulphonamides and Urea DerivativesAnti-infectives/
Lower vitamin D levels
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)Anti-infectives/
Mixed findings, may lower vitamin D
Chemotherapeutic AgentsCancerMay lower vitamin D levels; studies show vitamin D may enhance the effect of these therapies
  • CNS = Central Nervous System

24 classes of drugs that impact Vitamin D status (ignores Vitamin D getting to cells) - Dec 2022

A Literature Review of the Potential Impact of Medication on Vitamin D Status
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S316897
Michael Wakeman

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in media coverage of the putative actions of vitamin D as well as the possible health benefits that supplementation might deliver. However, the potential effect that medications may have on the vitamin D status is rarely taken into consideration. This literature review was undertaken to assess the degree to which vitamin D status may be affected by medication. Electronic databases were searched to identify literature relating to this subject, and study characteristics and conclusions were scrutinized for evidence of potential associations.
The following groups of drugs were identified in one or more studies to affect vitamin D status in some way:

  1. anti-epileptics,
  2. laxatives,
  3. metformin,
  4. loop diuretics,
  5. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,
  6. thiazide diuretics,
  7. statins,
  8. calcium channel blockers,
  9. antagonists of vitamin K,
  10. platelet aggregation inhibitors,
  11. digoxin,
  12. potassium-sparing diuretics,
  13. benzodiazepines,
  14. antidepressants,
  15. proton pump inhibitors,
  16. histamine H2-receptor antagonists,
  17. bile acid sequestrants,
  18. corticosteroids,
  19. antimicrobials,
  20. sulphonamides and urea derivatives,
  21. lipase inhibitors,
  22. hydroxychloroquine,
  23. highly active antiretroviral agents, and
  24. certain chemotherapeutic agents.

Given that the quality of the data is heterogeneous, newer, more robustly designed studies are required to better define likely interactions between vitamin D and medications.
This is especially so for cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme (CYP3A4)-metabolized medications. Nevertheless, this review suggests that providers of health care ought to be alert to the potential of vitamin D depletions induced by medications, especially in elderly people exposed to multiple-drug therapy, and to provide supplementation if required.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

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VitaminDwiki - Interactions with Vitamin D contains

Interactions with Vitamin D has 129 items

Various drugs decrease Vitamin D
Drug interactions with Vitamin D - many studies - Feb 2024
Antidepressants reduce cellular Vitamin D, increasing fractures, CVD, etc. - Oct 2022
Medications that appear to lower Vitamin D – Aug 2021
24 drugs that typically reduce Vitamin D levels – Review Aug 2021
Proton pump inhibitors decrease Vitamin D and Magnesium – Dec 2018
Statins and Vitamin D - many studies
Glyphosate decreases Vitamin D getting to cells in many ways
Antibiotics and Vitamin D are associated with many of the same diseases
More colas lower vitamin D by 3 ng– July 2014
A few Drugs increase Vitamin D
Contraceptives,   Probiotics
Vitamin D can decrease/increase impact of drugs
be careful of Chemotheraphy and Vitamin D
Vitamin D generally improves the efficacy of drugs while reducing their adverse effects – Jan 2020
Some Drugs decrease Vitiamin D co-factors or limit vitamin D getting to cells
Drugs which create deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, etc. – Sept 2017
Drugs Deplete Magnesium
Interaction of drugs with Vitamin D cofactors
Non-drugs also decrease vitamin D levels in blood and cells
Plastics, BPA, PCB and Vitamin D deficiency
Microplastics causing problems in most life forms (Vitamin D might help)- many studies
Air pollution, toxins, heavy metals and smoking each result in lower Vitamin D levels – Nov 2018
Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D production - many studies
Pesticides increase risk of Cancers, Alz, ALS, Asthma, ADHD, etc. (all related to low vitamin D) – Oct 2016
Smoking   Coffee

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