Sunsprite Does not appear to adjust for
- UVB vs UVA – which varies a LOT during the day
- Age
- Amount of clothing
- Skin color
- Weight
They also recommend staying out of the noonday sun – the very time when you can get the most Vitamin D
See also VitaminDWiki
- Another vitamin D meter fails to distinguish UVB from UVA – Violet – Dec 2014
- Vitamin D Testers coming soon (low cost and easy) - June 2014
- A wrist-watch which measures UVA plus UVB - should NOT be used to increase vitamin D - June 2014
- 20 cent vitamin D pill similar to 2 hours sunbathing at 60 degree latitude – RCT Aug 2013
- 60 minutes of sunlight needed to decrease vitamin D deficiency in sunny climate – Dec 2012
- Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells