
Sepsis mortality cut in half with Omega-3 – RCT Sept 2017


Clinical Nutrition September 2017 Volume 36, Supplement 1, Page S199
D. K. Bilku'-'*, J. Zimmer'. C. M. Stover', T. Hall'. W. Cheung', C. Horst', A. R. Dennison'. 'University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, United Kingdom

Rationale: To correlate mortality, the effect of parenteral omega-3 fish oil and (ICU).

Methods: As part of a randomized clinical trial investigating the effects of parenteral omega-3, 20 septic patients were studied. Levels of C3 were measured by ELISA and correlated with a number of important clinical parameters.

Results: Levels of C3 were measured at two time points. Time point 1 (t1) day 0 and time point 2 (t2) is the last day of stay on ICU. All patients were found to be C3 depleted (<750 meg/ ml at baseline). They were divided into two groups, group1 (N = 8) were patients with lower C3 at t2, group 2 (N =12) were patients with stable or higher C3 at 12. The two groups were compared with regards to type of organism, mortality and effect of omega-3 on mortality.

Conclusion: In group 1 the majority of the sepsis was due to a gram negative organism whereas in group 2 it was due to a gram positive organism. In group 1, there were 3 deaths (50%) all of which were controls and had progressive depletion of C3. There were no deaths (0%) in the omega-3 sub-group.

In group 2, 6/7 patients receiving omega-3 survived (12% mortality I while 3/4 control patients survived (25% mortality). We conclude that parenteral omega- 3 reduces mortality by up to 50%. Progressive depletion of C3 is associated with poor outcome and may be used as a marker for clinical outcome.

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