
Sepsis 2X-3X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Sept 2023

Association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism with the risk of sepsis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Medicine (Baltimore). 2023 Sep 22;102(38):e35130. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000035130.
Qian Li 1, Wen Li 1, Menglu Chen 1, Yihui Chai 1, Liancheng Guan 2, Yunzhi Chen 1

Background: To investigate the association between sepsis and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms.

Methods: Databases including PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMbase, CNKI, Wanfang Data, and VIP Data were systematically searched. The association was assessed using odds ratios (ORs), and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The statistical tests were performed using Review Manager 5.4.

Results: We identified a total of 5 studies. The relationship between VDR gene polymorphisms (Apa I, Bsm I, Taq I, and Fok I), and incidence of sepsis was investigated. The results of this meta-analysis showed that the

  • allelic contrast model (F vs f, P = .03, OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.44-0.95),
  • dominant genetic model (FF vs Ff + ff, P = .02, OR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.30-0.91), and
  • codominance genetic model (FF vs ff, P = .03, OR = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.16-0.91)

of VDR Fok I locus increased the risk of sepsis, and the lack of association between the VDR Fok I gene polymorphism and the risk assessment of sepsis, based on the ethnic subgroup analysis, might be attributable to the small sample size. The risk of sepsis with Apa I, Bsm I, and Taq I did not appear to be correlated.

Conclusion subsections: This meta-analysis revealed that the VDR Fok I polymorphism is closely associated with the susceptibility to sepsis, and patients with sepsis have lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. VDR Fok I gene mutations may change the risk of sepsis.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki – Sepsis is both prevented and treated by Vitamin D contains:

VitaminDWiki - The risk of 50+ diseases at least double with poor Vitamin D Receptor

VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Receptor activation can be increased in 15 ways

Resveratrol,  Omega-3,  MagnesiumZinc,   Quercetin,   non-daily Vit D,  Curcumin, intense exercise, Butyrate   Sulforaphane   Ginger,   Essential oils, etc  Note: The founder of VitaminDWiki uses 10 of the 15 known VDR activators

VitaminDWiki - 39 studies in both categories Meta-analysis and Vitamin D Receptor

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