
2.7 X more likely to die COVID-19 if too much Sodium (associated with low vitamin D) - March 2021

Inpatient sodium imbalances linked to adverse COVID-19 outcomes MD Edge

  • “In multivariable analysis, the occurrence of hypernatremia at any point during the first 5 days in the hospital was among three independent risk factors for higher in-hospital mortality (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.74; P = .02).”
  • In-hospital mortality was 21% among those with normonatremia, compared with 56.6% for those with hypernatremia (odds ratio, 3.05; P = .0038) and 45.7% for those with both (OR, 2.25; P < .0001).”
  • “Hyponatremia (serum sodium level <135 mmol/L) was associated with twice the likelihood of requiring advanced ventilatory support. In-hospital mortality was also increased among patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia.”
  • “The total in-hospital mortality rate was 31.1%. There was a strong, although nonsignificant, trend toward higher mortality in association with sodium status at admission. Death rates were 28.4%, 30.8%, and 46.1% for those who were normonatremic, hyponatremic, and hypernatremic, respectively (P = .07)”

Items in both categories Hypertension and Virus

Items in both categories Hypertension and Diabetes

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday March 12, 2021 04:02:53 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 6)