
Seniors 2.2 X more likely to walk slowly if very low vitamin D – meta-analysis Dec 2017

Vitamin D and walking speed in older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Maturitas. 2017 Dec;106:8-25. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2017.07.012. Epub 2017 Aug 8.


The Meta-analysis of Seniors and Vitamin D

13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023 has the following

  1. Senior skin produces 4X less Vitamin D for the same sun intensity
  2. Seniors have fewer vitamin D receptor genes as they age
    Receptors are needed to get Vitamin D in blood actually into the cells
  3. Many other Vitamin D genes decrease with age
  4. Since many gene activations are not detected by a blood test,
    more Vitamin D is often needed, especially by seniors
  5. Seniors are indoors more than when they were younger
    not as agile, weaker muscles; frail, no longer enjoy hot temperatures
  6. Seniors wear more clothing outdoors than when younger
    Seniors also are told to fear skin cancer & wrinkles
  7. Seniors often take various drugs which end up reducing vitamin D
    Some reductions are not detected by a vitamin D test of the blood
    statins, chemotherapy, anti-depressants, blood pressure, beta-blockers, etc
  8. Seniors often have one or more diseases that consume vitamin D
    osteoporosis, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, ...
  9. Seniors generally put on weight as they age - and a heavier body requires more vitamin D
  10. Seniors often (40%) have fatty livers – which do not process vitamin D as well
  11. Reduced stomach acid means less Magnesium is available to get vitamin D into the cells
  12. Vitamin D is not as bioavailable in senior intestines
  13. Seniors with poorly functioning kidneys do not process vitamin D as well
  14. Glutathione (which increases Vitamin D getting to cells) decreases with age
       Seniors category has 434 items
 Download the PDF from sci-hub via VitaminDWiki

Annweiler C1, Henni S2, Walrand S3, Montero-Odasso M4, Duque G5, Duval GT6.

  • 1 Department of Neuroscience and Aging, Division of Geriatric Medicine and Memory Clinic, Research Centre on Autonomy and Longevity, Angers University Hospital, UPRES EA 4638, University of Angers, UNAM, Angers, France; Robarts Research Institute, Department of Medical Biophysics, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. Electronic address: CeAnnweiler at chu-angers.fr.
  • 2 Department of Sports Medicine and Vascular Investigations, University Hospital, Angers, France.
  • 3 Université Clermont Auvergne, INRA, UNH, Unité de Nutrition Humaine, CRNH Auvergne, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • 4 Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Parkwood Institute, Gait and Brain Lab, Lawson Health Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
  • 5 Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science (AIMSS), The University of Melbourne and Western Health,St. Albans, Victoria, Australia; Department of Medicine - Western Health, Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, St. Albans, Victoria, Australia.
  • 6 Department of Neuroscience and Aging, Division of Geriatric Medicine and Memory Clinic, Research Centre on Autonomy and Longevity, Angers University Hospital, UPRES EA 4638, University of Angers, UNAM, Angers, France.

Vitamin D is involved in musculoskeletal health. There is no consensus on a possible association between circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations and walking speed, a 'vital sign' in older adults. Our objective was to systematically review and quantitatively assess the association of 25OHD concentration with walking speed. A Medline search was conducted on June 2017, with no limit of date, using the MeSH terms "Vitamin D" OR "Vitamin D Deficiency" combined with "Gait" OR "Gait disorders, Neurologic" OR "Walking speed" OR "Gait velocity". Fixed-effect meta-analyses were performed to compute: i) mean differences in usual and fast walking speeds and Timed Up and Go test (TUG) between participants with severe vitamin D deficiency (≤25nmol/L) (SVDD), vitamin D deficiency (≤50nmol/L) (VDD), vitamin D insufficiency (≤75nmol/L) (VDI) and normal vitamin D (>75nmol/L) (NVD); ii) risk of slow walking speed according to vitamin D status. Of the 243 retrieved studies, 22 observational studies (17 cross-sectional, 5 longitudinal) met the selection criteria. The number of participants ranged between 54 and 4100 (0-100% female). Usual walking speed was slower among participants with hypovitaminosis D, with a clinically relevant difference compared with NVD of -0.18m/s for SVDD, -0.08m/s for VDD and -0.12m/s for VDI. We found similar results regarding the fast walking speed (mean differences -0.04m/s for VDD and VDI compared with NVD) and TUG (mean difference 0.48s for SVDD compared with NVD). A slow usual walking speed was positively associated with SVDD (summary OR=2.17 [95%CI:1.52-3.10]), VDD (OR=1.38 [95%CI:1.01-1.89]) and VDI (OR=1.38 [95%CI:1.04-1.83]), using NVD as the reference. In conclusion, this meta-analysis provides robust evidence that 25OHD concentrations are positively associated with walking speed among adults.

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