- Lack of vitamin D causes problems throughout a woman's entire life
- See related in VitaminDWiki
- See also VitaminDWiki
- Vitamin D - roles in women's reproductive health - Nov 2011
- Nice summary of vitamin D levels from this paper
- Interesting way of showing non-classical influences of vitamin D
- Sufficiency is 30-60 ng, optimal 50-80 ng,toxicity does not start until 150 ng
- The Costs of Motherhood Are Rising, and Catching Women Off Guard NY Times Aug 2018
- Nice wide-ranging description of pros and cons of having a child - Dec 2023 (nothing about Vitamin D)
Lack of vitamin D causes problems throughout a woman's entire life
Columns from chart (from paper on this page)-for translation and links to more information
Childhood Schizophrenia Asthma Type I diabetes Rickets 128 | |
See related in VitaminDWiki
Pregnancy (see Pregnancy)Lactation
Gestational diabetes
Spontaneous preterm birth
Caesarean section rate
IVF success
Bacterial vaginosis
Birth weight down
Infant size down
Bone health
Cardiovascular disease
Type II diabetes
Multiple Sclerosis
Cognitive impairment
Proximal myopathy
Menopause delayed and symptoms decreased by Vitamin D - many studies
See also VitaminDWiki
- ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
- The women who most need vitamin D are the least to get it – thesis March 2013
- Women and vitamin D
197 items - Hypothesis: women live longer because of vitamin D – Oct 2011
- PMS: 1.5X more likely to have cramps, feel fatigued and anxious if low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Irregular menstrual cycles associated with low vitamin D – March 2015
- Calcium and bone disorders in pregnancy – May 2012
- Menarche 10 months earlier if low on vitamin D – Aug 2011
- Vaginal suppository of 6300 IU vitamin D helped – Feb 2011
- Sublingual vitamin D – technical 2008 suspect that sublingual is similar to vaginal absorption
- Yeast Infection and Vitamin D
- Vitamin D and mucosal immune function – July 2010
- Vitamin D fights urinary tract infections – Feb 2011
- Less risk of pelvic floor disorders when vitamin D greater than 30 ng– April 2010
- Vitamin D and urinary incontinence
- Uterine fibroids (hysterectomy) 32 percent more likely if less than 20 ng vitamin D – May 2013
- Pelvic flood disorder strongly associated with lower vitamin D – March 2012
- Off topic - the cost of being female
- Clinical Trial vitamin D levels and IVF success – May 2011 with lots of links
Women category has the following
- Vitamin D is indispensable for the health of women - editorial June 2022
- ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
- Overview Women and Vitamin D
- Pregnancy category listing has
933 items along with related searches - Vitamin D is needed before, during and after Pregnancy – May 2022
- Pretern Birth - 95 items as of Dec 2022
- Cancer - Breast category listing has
260 items along with related searches - Fertility and sperm category listing has
142 items along with related searches - Cancer - Ovarian category listing has
26 items along with related searches - Calcium and Vitamin D category listing has
229 items along with related searches - Excessive Calcium supplementation is very bad for the body, and not needed by your bones
- Search for HRT OR "hormone replacement therapy" 301 items as of Jan 2019
- Poor menstrual cycles 2X more likely if poor vitamin D levels - many studies
- Fertility problem (PCOS) reduced by vitamin D, etc: many studies
- Yeast Infection and Vitamin D - many studies
- Bacterial vaginosis reduced 10 times by 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT June 2015
- Recurrent urinary tract infection 4X more likely if low vitamin D – Aug 2013
- Endometriosis treated, and perhaps prevented, by vitamin D - many studies
- Infant-Child category listing has
860 items along with related searches
Vitamin D - roles in women's reproductive health - Nov 2011
Magdalena Grundmann Grundmann.magdalena at mh-hannover.de ; and Frauke von Versen-Hoeynck
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2011, 9:146 doi:10.1186/1477-7827-9-146In the past few years a growing interest in vitamin D can be observed in the lay and biomedical literature due to findings demonstrating a low vitamin D status in the population. In addition to its importance for the regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis recent epidemiologic studies have observed relationships between low vitamin D levels and multiple disease states. This secosteroid hormone also regulates the expression of a large number of genes in reproductive tissues implicating a role for vitamin D in female reproduction. In this report we summarize the recent evidence that vitamin D status influences female reproductive and pregnancy outcomes. Human and animal data suggest that low vitamin D status is associated with impaired fertility, endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Evidence from observational studies shows higher rates of preeclampsia, preterm birth, bacterial vaginosis and gestational diabetes in women with low vitamin D levels. However, confirmation of experimental observations establishing an association of vitamin D deficiency with adverse reproductive outcomes by high quality observational and large-scale randomized clinical trials is still lacking. The determination of optimal 25(OH)D3 levels in the reproductive period and the amount of vitamin D supplementation required to achieve those levels for the numerous actions of vitamin D throughout a woman's life would have important public health implications.
CLICK HERE for full text for translation of preliminary version to other languages
preliminary version of PDF, FINAL version of PDF
Nice summary of vitamin D levels from this paper
Interesting way of showing non-classical influences of vitamin D
Sufficiency is 30-60 ng, optimal 50-80 ng,toxicity does not start until 150 ng
The Costs of Motherhood Are Rising, and Catching Women Off Guard NY Times Aug 2018
- "Since about 1985, no more than 2 percent of female high school seniors said they planned to be “homemakers” at age 30, even though most planned to be mothers. The surveys also found no decline in overall job satisfaction post-baby. Yet consistently, between 15 percent and 18 percent of women have stayed home"
- "The cost of motherhood fell for most of the 20th century because of inventions like dishwashers, formula and the birth control pill. But that’s no longer the case, according to data cited in the paper. The cost of child care has increased by 65 percent since the early 1980s. Eighty percent of women breast-feed, up from about half. "
Nice wide-ranging description of pros and cons of having a child - Dec 2023 (nothing about Vitamin D)
How millennials learned to dread motherhood Vox
Overview Women and Vitamin D53869 visitors, last modified 04 Dec, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)