
Five times less mite allergy when vitamin D added in mid pregnancy and to infant – RCT April 2016

Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and infancy reduces aeroallergen sensitisation: a randomised controlled trial

Allergy, DOI: 10.1111/all.12909
Cameron C. Grant1,4,*, Julian Crane3, Edwin A. Mitchell1, Jan Sinclair4, Alistair Stewart2, Tania Milne1, Joshua Knight2, Catherine Gilchrist1 and Carlos A. Camargo Jr5
1Department of Paediatrics: Child & Youth Health, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
2Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
3Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand
4Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
5Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
* Corresponding Author: Cameron Grant, Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health,
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, cc.grant at auckland.ac.nz

VitaminDWiki Summary

Vitamin D supplementation: Woman 27 weeks till birth, Infant 0-6 months
Allergen test at 18 months

Placebo 2000 IU mother
800 IU infant
Mite Der-f118% 2%
Mite Der-f2 14%2%
Mite Der-p1 19% 3%
Mite Der-p2 12% 3%
Asthma visits (2 or more) 5%0%

VitaminDWiki would expect much better success if
1) Vitamin D supplementation varied with weight of subjects (which is rarely done in an RCT)
2) Had started earlier and lasted longer
3) Dosages caried with existing vitamin D levels
4) Dosages caried with pre-existing conditions (about 20 are very important - and rarely done in an RCT)
5) Added cofactors: Magnesium, Omega-3. etc, (which is rarely done in an RCT)
6) Used a Loading dose ( mother's vitamin D levels were still rising at 36 weeks)
   Loading dose would have provided good level all during pregnancy
See also VitaminDWiki

All of the studies in Breathing and Intervention (give vitamin D and see what happens) are listed here:

Infant-Child Intervention trials using Vitamin D:

Vitamin D has immune modulating effects. We determined whether vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and infancy prevents aeroallergen sensitisation and primary care respiratory illness presentations.

Methods: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel-group trial. We assigned pregnant women, from 27 weeks gestation to birth, and then their infants, from birth to six months, to placebo or one of two dosages of daily oral vitamin D. Woman/infant pairs were randomised to: placebo/placebo, 1000IU/400IU, or 2000IU/800IU.

When the children were 18 months old we measured specific serum IgE antibodies and identified acute primary care visits described by the doctor to be due to a cold, otitis media, an upper respiratory infection, croup, asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, a wheezy lower respiratory infection or fever and cough.

Results: Specific IgE was measured on 185/260 (71%) enrolled children.

The proportion of children sensitised differed by study group for four mite antigens: Dermatophagoides farinae (Der-f1, Der-f2) and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der-p1, Der-p2). With results presented for placebo, lower-dose, and higher-dose vitamin D, respectively (all P<0·05): Der-f1 (18%, 10%, 2%), Der-f2 (14%, 3%, 2%), Der-p1 (19%, 14%, 3%), and Der-p2 (12%, 2%, 3%).

There were study group differences in the proportion of children with primary care visits described by the doctor as being for asthma (11%, 0%, 4%, P=0·002), but not for the other respiratory diagnoses.

Conclusions: Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and infancy reduces the proportion of children sensitised to mites at age 18 months. Preliminary data indicate a possible effect on primary care visits where asthma is diagnosed.

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