Vitamin D, Hospital-Acquired Infections and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: Emerging Evidence
Chapter: Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2017
Part of the series Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine pp 169-183
G. De Pascale, M. Antonelli Massimo.Antonelli at, S. A. Quraishi
25(OH)D: 25-hydroxyvitamin D; ED: emergency department; HABSI: hospital-acquire bloodstream infection; ICU: intensive care unit; SAPS II: Simplified Acute Physiology Score II;APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; SSI: skin and soft tissue infection; CDI: Clostridium difficile infection; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval
- Vitamin D and Glutamine reduced Trauma Center deaths by half – Matthews March 2017
- Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric critical illness: Time to move on from observational studies – Nov 2016
- Chance of dying in hospital cut in half by just 10 ng higher level of Vitamin D – April 2016
- ICU death rate reduced 3X when a vitamin D injection changed the PTH – Nov 2015
- Vitamin D intervention increased by 20 percent the survival of critically ill patients- RCT June 2014
- Hospitalized cats 8X more likely to die if low vitamin D (Vit. D helps humans too) – May 2015
- Vitamin D intervention increased by 20 percent the survival of critically ill patients- RCT June 2014
Trauma and surgery category starts with the following
Trauma and Surgery category hasLarge dose Vitamin D before surgery was found to help by 35 studies
Vitamin D is needed before many surgeries – many studies and RCTs
4.8 X more likely to die within 28 days of ICU if low Vitamin D - Jan 2024
Sepsis is both prevented and treated by Vitamin D - many studies
Thyroidectomy and Vitamin D - many studies
Orthopaedic surgeries need Vitamin D – many studies
Cancer - After diagnosis chemotherapy
TBI OR "Traumatic Brain Injury - 21 in title as of Sept 2022
Superbug (Clostridium difficile) Infections strongly associated with low vitamin D - many studies
Glutamine and Omega-3 have also been proven to help several traumas/surgeries
Note: Vitamin D also prevents the need for various surgeries and Omega-3 prevents many concussions/TBI
Trauma and Surgery is associated with 22 other VitaminDWiki categories
Such as loading dose 33, Mortality 23, Infant-Child 21 Intervention 19 Cardiovascular 13, Injection 13 in Sept 2022
 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub from VitaminDWiki
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