
Hives treatment augmented by 60,000 IU Vitamin D weekly – RCT June 2015

Chronic urticaria merits serum vitamin D evaluation and supplementation; a randomized case control study

World Allergy Organ J. 2015 Jun 4;8(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s40413-015-0066-z. eCollection 2015.
Rasool R1, Masoodi KZ2, Shera IA1, Yosuf Q1, Bhat IA1, Qasim I1, Nissar S1, Shah ZA1.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Medicine, Sher-i- Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar, J&K 190011 India.
2Division of Biotechnology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K 190025 India.

VitaminDWiki Summary
Visual Score drop
(from 6.7 baseline)
Vitamin D 60,000 IU/week5.2
Antihistamine + systemic corticosteroid3.3
Vit D +antihistamine + systemic corticosteroid1.9

The supplementation dose size did not vary with the vitamin D deficiency
Expect far better improvement if larger doses were used for those who were deficient
Also expect far better improvment if loading dose were used or if trial were longer
See also VitaminDWiki
Chronic Hives treated by Vitamin D - many studies many studies

Several studies suggest that Vitamin D (Vit-D3) supplementation reduces Chronic Urticaria (CU) symptoms.

Evaluation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D (25 (OH)2D) level and assessment of therapeutic effect of VitD3in CU patients.

192 subjects were stratified according to the baseline 25(OH)2D levels and subsequently randomized into three subgroups to receive Vit-D3 alone (VD) or antihistamine and systemic corticosteroid (H+S) or VitD3 with antihistamine and systemic corticosteroid (VD+H+S) for 6 weeks between July 2012 to Oct 2014. 130 healthy controls (HC) were followed without any intervention. The patients were evaluated for reduction in urticarial symptoms using visual analogue scale (VAS) and 5-D itch score.

Low serum levels of 25 (OH)2D was observed in 91% of CU patients and 64% of the healthy controls (P < 0.0001). VAS and 5-D Score in subgroups VD, H + S and VD + H + S decreased significantly from 6 • 7 ± 0 • 043, 6 • 6 ± 0 • 42 and 6 • 68 ± 0 • 40 at baseline to 5 • 2 ± 0 • 70 (P = 0 • 0088), 3 • 3 ± 0 • 50 (P < 0 • 0001) and1 • 86 ± 0 • 39 (P < 0 • 0001) after treatment and from 14 • 5 ± 0 • 72, 13 • 9 ± 0 • 77 and 13 • 9 ± 0 • 221 to 12 • 06 ± 1 • 10 (P = 0 • 0072), 8 • 1 ± 1 • 13 (P < 0 • 0001) and 5 • 01 ± 0 • 94 (P < 0 • 0001) respectively.

CU patients have low serum 25(OH)2D levels and Vit-D3 supplementation in combination with antihistamine and systemic corticosteroid show elevated response in resolving the symptoms of CU. This study also warrants that each subject with CU should be screened for serum 25 (OH)2D levels before starting a treatment.

PMID: 26097642

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