Genetic polymorphisms in the vitamin D pathway in relation to lung cancer risk and survival.
Oncotarget. 2015 Feb 10;6(4):2573-82.
Kong J1,2,3, Xu F1, Qu J1, Wang Y1, Gao M1, Yu H4, Qian B1,3.
1Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, National Clinical Research Center of Cancer, Tianjin, China.
2Department of Cancer Epigenetics Laboratory, First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China.
3Hongqiao International Institute of Medicine, Shanghai Tongren Hospital/Faculty of Public Health, Shanghai Jiao Tong U. School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
4Epidemiology Program, University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Studies have suggested that vitamin D may have protective effects against cancer development or tumor progression. To search for additional evidence, we investigated the role of genetic polymorphisms involved in the vitamin D pathway in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We evaluated common genetic polymorphisms associated with the vitamin D pathway in relation to NSCLC in a case-control study of 603 newly diagnosed NSCLC patients and 661 matched healthy controls. Seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped, the expression of CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 were measured in 153 tumor samples and their associations with genotypes and patient survival were also analyzed. In the case-control comparison, we found SNP rs3782130 (CYP27B1), rs7041 (GC), rs6068816 and rs4809957 (CYP24A1) associated with NSCLC risk. The risk of NSCLC was increased with the number of risk alleles. CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 expression were significantly different between tumor and normal tissues in NSCLC. High CYP27B1 expression was associated with better overall survival, and the expression was different by the rs3782130 genotype. The study suggests that some genetic polymorphisms involved in the vitamin D pathway may associate with NSCLC risk, and one of the polymorphisms (rs3782130) may affect gene expression and patient survival.
PMID: 25544771
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Notes from the web
About 85% to 90% of lung cancers diagnosis are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
NSCLCs are relatively insensitive to chemotherapy
Lung cancer in never-smokers is almost universally NSCLC
Lung Cancer summary by VitaminDWi
Lung Cancer appears to be prevented/survived if
- Live at high altitude
- Have a very high level of Vitamin D
Note: Vitamin D test does NOT notice the effect of the CYP27B1 - which is downstream from the test
Note: Can increase Vitamin D level in cells (without Kidney or CYP27B1)
by increasing Magnesium, Omega-3, Resveratrol - Have low level of Vitamin A which blocks Vitamin D
See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview Lung cancer and vitamin D
- Live longer with lung cancer if have good vitamin D genes (or perhaps lots of vitamin D) – Dec 2017
- Lung Cancer risk decreases 5 percent for every 2.5 nanogram increase in Vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2015
- Lung Cancer less likely if vitamin D (higher level or supplement) – meta-analysis May 2015
- Lung cancer death reduction: CT scan or Vitamin D – which is 40X less expensive
- Lung Cancer reduced by combination of Vitamins D and A – March 2014
- Vitamin D protects against lung cancer unless there is excess vitamin A – July 2012
- Lung and Vitamin D – Special Issue Dec 2011
- Lung cancer decreased by 7.5% for every 1260 feet in altitude
Makes one think that the risk of Lung Cancer might be reduced with vitamin D (since UVB which creates vitamin D increases with altitude) - Cancer patients 64% less likely to die if have high level of vitamin D – Dec 2011 has the following chart
63 items in CYP27B1 category - 3X higher risk of oral cancer if CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 genes were different – May 2012
- Benefits of Vitamin D often limited by genes
Genetics category listing contains the following
344 articles in the Genetics category see also
- Vitamin D Receptor has
534 items - Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC has
178 items - CYP27B1 has
63 items - CYP24A1 in title of 39+ items
- CYP2R1 25+ items
- Calcidiol has
49 items - Calcitriol has
64 items - Topical Vitamin D
- Nanoemulsion Vitamin D may be a substantially better form
- 1289 genes changed with higher doses of Vitamin D - RCT Dec 2019
- CYP3A4 (7 as of Dec 2022)
- Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
Vitamin D blood test misses a lot
- Vitamin D from coming from tissues (vs blood) was speculated to be 50% in 2014, and by 2017 was speculated to be 90%
- Note: Good blood test results (> 40 ng) does not mean that a good amount of Vitamin D actually gets to cells
- A Vitamin D test in cells rather than blood was feasible (2017 personal communication) Commercially available 2019
- However, test results would vary in each tissue due to multiple genes
- Good clues that Vitamin D is being restricted from getting to the cells
1) A vitamin D-related health problem runs in the family
especially if it is one of 51+ diseases related to Vitamin D Receptor
2) Slightly increasing Vitamin D shows benefits (even if conventional Vitamin D test shows an increase)
3) DNA and VDR tests - 100 to 200 dollars $100 to $250
4) PTH bottoms out ( shows that parathyroid cells are getting Vitamin d)
Genes are good, have enough Magnesium, etc.
5) Back Pain
probably want at least 2 clues before taking adding vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, Resveratrol, etc- The founder of VitaminDWiki took action with clues #3&5
Lung cancer – reduced deaths if have a good vitamin D gene (CYP27B1) – Feb 201510286 visitors, last modified 07 Oct, 2019, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 6347 CP27B1 lung.jpg admin 16 Jan, 2016 19.54 Kb 1536 6346 Pie_chart_of_lung_cancers.svg admin 16 Jan, 2016 18.19 Kb 621 6345 Lung cancer genes.pdf admin 16 Jan, 2016 1.22 Mb 1080 - Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC has