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An alarming new meta-analysis published in the journal Nutrients titled, "Cardiovascular Effects of Calcium Supplements" brings to the forefront the serious though mainly downplayed health risks associated with calcium supplementation, concluding they increase the risk of heart attack by 27%-31% and the risk of stroke by 12%-20%.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Calcium and Vitamin D category listing has
229 items along with related searches - Death by Calcium, book by Thomas Levy – Dec 2013
- Interview of Vitamin K2 and Calcium Paradox author by Dr. Mercola – Dec 2012
- Adding Calcium does NOT cause cardiovascular problems (reverses their meta-analysis) – Dec 2014
the meta-analysis at the top of this pageWhy Most Calcium Supplement Recommendations are DEAD WRONG - Sept 20133917 visitors, last modified 30 Jun, 2015, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)