Vitamin D Nutritional Status and Antenatal Depressive Symptoms in African American Women
Journal of Women's Health. Online Ahead of Print: July 23, 2012
Andrea E. Cassidy-Bushrow, Ph.D. acassid1 at, M.P.H.,1 Rosalind M. Peters, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN,2 Dayna A. Johnson, M.P.H., M.S.W., M.S.,1 Jia Li, Ph.D.,1 and D. Sudhaker Rao, MBBS3
1 Department of Public Health Sciences, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.
2 College of Nursing, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.
3 Bone & Mineral Research Laboratory, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.
Background: Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression; however, no studies have examined the relationship of vitamin D and antenatal depression. Antenatal depression increases the risk of adverse birth outcomes and poorer postpartum maternal and infant health. African American women are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency and antenatal depression. Thus, we examined if early pregnancy vitamin D nutrition (VDN) was associated with antenatal depressive symptoms among African American women in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Methods: Women (n=178) were recruited from obstetrics clinics of a large health system. VDN was assessed by serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD).
Depression symptoms were measured with the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale;
CES-D?16 equates with criteria for clinical depression.
Logistic regression was used to examine the association of log-transformed 25-OHD and elevated depression symptoms (CES-D?16).
Results: Mean 25-OHD was 13.4±8.4?ng/mL; most women (82.6%, n=147) were vitamin D inadequate or deficient (25-OHD<20?ng/mL).
Mean CES-D was 15.2±10.7, and 74 (41.6%) women had a CES-D?16, suggestive of clinical depression.
A significant inverse relationship was found between log (25-OHD) and CES-D?16 (odds ratio [OR] 0.54, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.29-0.99, p=0.046).
For every 1-unit increase in log (25-OHD) (corresponding to 2.72?ng/mL increase in 25-OHD), the odds of CES-D?16 decreased by 46%.
Conclusions: African American women with lower VDN exhibit increased depressive symptoms.
Research on vitamin D supplementation for reducing antenatal depressive symptoms is needed.
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Summary by VitaminDWiki
- Fact: Depresion is associated with low levels of vitamin D
- Fact: Dark skin women have lower vitamin D than those with white skins
- Fact: Pregnancy decreases vitamin D
- 1+2+3 = The direction of the results of this study
- Note: Without supplementation vitamin D levels drop in early pregnancy and remain low for up to a year after birth,
See also VitaminDWiki
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