Toggle Health Problems and D

Hypothesis: Sarcopenia and other senior problems are related to low gastric acid

Fact: Seniors have lower level of gastric acid
Fact: Gastic Acid is need to digest protein
Suspected: Low gastric acid >> low gut absorption/bioavailability of Vitamin D
Fact: Low Protein and low Vitamin D are both factors in Sarcopenia
Fact: Low Vitamin D is a factor in a great many senior health problems

See VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki pages containing SARCOPENIA in title (16 as of Oct 2021)

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Items found: 18
Title Modified
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) is reduced by vitamin D and many other supplements - July 2023 27 Aug, 2023
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) fought by Vitamin D, exercise and protein - many studies 11 Jul, 2023
Sarcopenia with obesity is more likely if dark skin, diabetes, OR COPD (all associated with low vitamin D) 16 Oct, 2021
Severe sarcopenia (loss of muscle) 6 X more likely in women with rheumatoid arthritis having low vitamin D – Oct 2021 16 Oct, 2021
Loss of muscle strength –sarcopenia – one of the suspects is vitamin D – Aug 2012 16 Oct, 2021
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) is 1.6X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2020 23 Jul, 2020
Sarcopenia reduction: Protein, Leucine, Omega-3, Vitamin D, and exercise - hypothesis Aug 2018 30 Jan, 2020
Muscle loss (sarcopenia) may be both prevented and treated by Omega-3 – Feb 2019 23 Feb, 2019
Seniors can restore lost muscle (Sarcopenia) – first restore vitamin D, then exercise – July 2018 13 Jul, 2018
Sarcopenia does not officially exist in Australia, but 1 in 3 of their seniors have it - July 2018 03 Jul, 2018
Sarcopenia: Nutrition and physical activity – systematic review – Jan 2017 10 Mar, 2017
Added 1 lb of muscle to sarcopenia adults in 13 weeks with just 800 IU vitamin D and protein – RCT Jan 2017 31 Jan, 2017
Hypothesis: Sarcopenia and other senior problems are related to low gastic acid 12 May, 2015
Sarcopenia and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (vitamin D not mentioned) – Sept 2013 07 Mar, 2015
Hypothesis: Sarcopenia and other senior problems are related to low gastric acid 01 Feb, 2015
Vitamin D is one of the treatments for sarcopenia – Nov 2012 31 Jan, 2015
No correlation found between vitamin D and sarcopenia – German dissertation Jan 2013 22 Jan, 2013
Novel treatment approaches to cachexia and sarcopenia: 13 Apr, 2010

See web

  • Gastric Balance: Heartburn Not Always Caused by Excess Acid
    Nutrition Review April 2013 shows decrease of gastric acid with age
    Heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest caused by the regurgitation of bile through the stomach into the lower esophagus, is a frequent symptom of low gastric acid.
    The traditional approach of treating heartburn is to suppress gastric acid by taking antacids or alkalizers.
    This approach is the opposite of what should often be done . . . .


Attached files

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4998 Gastric Acid vs age.jpg admin 31 Jan, 2015 53.17 Kb 50325