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Muscle loss (sarcopenia) may be both prevented and treated by Omega-3 – Feb 2019

The role of omega-3 in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia

Aging Clinical and Experimental Research,


Sarcopenia (muscle loss) fought by Vitamin D, exercise and protein - many studies - many studies
Muscles and Vitamin D - many studies

Items in both categories Omega-3 and Sports are listed here:

VitaminDWiki pages containing SARCOPENIA in title (16 as of Oct 2021)

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 18
Title Modified
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) is reduced by vitamin D and many other supplements - July 2023 27 Aug, 2023
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) fought by Vitamin D, exercise and protein - many studies 11 Jul, 2023
Sarcopenia with obesity is more likely if dark skin, diabetes, OR COPD (all associated with low vitamin D) 16 Oct, 2021
Severe sarcopenia (loss of muscle) 6 X more likely in women with rheumatoid arthritis having low vitamin D – Oct 2021 16 Oct, 2021
Loss of muscle strength –sarcopenia – one of the suspects is vitamin D – Aug 2012 16 Oct, 2021
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) is 1.6X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2020 23 Jul, 2020
Sarcopenia reduction: Protein, Leucine, Omega-3, Vitamin D, and exercise - hypothesis Aug 2018 30 Jan, 2020
Muscle loss (sarcopenia) may be both prevented and treated by Omega-3 – Feb 2019 23 Feb, 2019
Seniors can restore lost muscle (Sarcopenia) – first restore vitamin D, then exercise – July 2018 13 Jul, 2018
Sarcopenia does not officially exist in Australia, but 1 in 3 of their seniors have it - July 2018 03 Jul, 2018
Sarcopenia: Nutrition and physical activity – systematic review – Jan 2017 10 Mar, 2017
Added 1 lb of muscle to sarcopenia adults in 13 weeks with just 800 IU vitamin D and protein – RCT Jan 2017 31 Jan, 2017
Hypothesis: Sarcopenia and other senior problems are related to low gastic acid 12 May, 2015
Sarcopenia and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (vitamin D not mentioned) – Sept 2013 07 Mar, 2015
Hypothesis: Sarcopenia and other senior problems are related to low gastric acid 01 Feb, 2015
Vitamin D is one of the treatments for sarcopenia – Nov 2012 31 Jan, 2015
No correlation found between vitamin D and sarcopenia – German dissertation Jan 2013 22 Jan, 2013
Novel treatment approaches to cachexia and sarcopenia: 13 Apr, 2010

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Sarcopenia is a geriatric syndrome with increasing importance due to the aging of the population. It is known to impose a major burden in terms of morbidity, mortality and socio-economic costs. Therefore, adequate preventive and treatment strategies are required. Progressive resistance training and protein supplementation are currently recommended for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) might be an alternative therapeutic agent for sarcopenia due to their anti-inflammatory properties, which target the ‘inflammaging’, the age-related chronic low-grade inflammation which is assumed to contribute to the development of sarcopenia. In addition, omega-3 PUFAs may also have an anabolic effect on muscle through activation of the mTOR signaling and reduction of insulin resistance. This narrative review provides an overview of the current knowledge about omega-3 PUFAs and their role in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia. We conclude that there is growing evidence for a beneficial effect of omega-3 PUFAs supplementation in sarcopenic older persons, which may add to the effect of exercise and/or protein supplementation. However, the exact dosage, frequency and use (alone or combined) in the treatment and prevention of sarcopenia still need further exploration.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday October 16, 2021 15:34:29 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
11456 Sar omega-3 table.jpg admin 23 Feb, 2019 168.65 Kb 753
11455 Omega-3 sarcopenia.jpg admin 23 Feb, 2019 31.65 Kb 977
11454 Sarcopenia omega-3.pdf admin 23 Feb, 2019 705.19 Kb 657