Toggle Health Problems and D

More than 700 Intervention Trials in VitaminDWiki since the IoM decision

Number of intervention trials are automatically updated

  • 51   Breathing  
  • 25   Cardiovascular  
  • 20   Depression  
  • 56   Diabetes  
  • 24   Falls and Fractures  
  • 14   Gut  
  • 17   Inflammation  
  • 82   Infant-Child  
  • 19   Multiple Sclerosis
  • 33   Obesity
  • 32   Pain - Chronic
  • 23   Seniors
  • 21   Sports
  • 21   Trauma-Surgery
  • 51   Virus
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 819   Total Interventions (Note: all are since 2014 - years after the IoM decision)
  • Only 47 Interventions are also in Loading dose category

Interventons sorted by date

Intervention - Vitamin D Interventions sorted by health concern

The trials with dosing intervals of 2-30 days

50,000 IU every 2 weeks proven to fight 27+ health problems

Additional 33 health problems proven to be fought by 50K weekly

     Note: Those big pages load slowly

Title change made 2022 caused the visitor count to reset.
There have actually been 4660 visitors to this page since it was originally made