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COVID-19 Coronavirus can most likely be fought by Vitamin D

Ceased updating general COVID-19 Dec 2020 - so as to focus on Vitamin D and COVID-19

VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries

  • Image
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Mortality and Virus 59 studies

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Vitamin D meta-analyses of Virus 44 studies

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50 most-recently changed items in Virus Category

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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Categories
13851 Vaccination pages in VitaminDWiki 138134
20 Sep, 2024 11:09
admin Virus
12773 Vaccine effectiveness may drop to only 16% in 6 months if time between jabs was only 3 weeks – July 2021 7044
20 Sep, 2024 11:07
admin Top news
13008 Bird flu possible pandemic - many studies 131011
19 Sep, 2024 19:45
admin Virus
15535 COVID vaccination clots -The Embalmer Analysis Results Will Blow Your Mind - video Sept 2024 124
13 Sep, 2024 16:07
admin Virus
15529 COVID ICU use reduced by 42% if take more than 100,000 IU of vitamin D over two weeks – meta-analysis Sept 2024 70
11 Sep, 2024 15:44
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
12149 Vaccinations resulted in increased office visits for children 16 months later - Nov 2020 15062
07 Sep, 2024 22:10
admin Autism
15522 Pfizer paid 3 billion dollars in fines before COVID, now is "extreme example of a bad corporate actor" Sept 2024 2276
06 Sep, 2024 20:02
admin Virus
12259 Ivermectin and COVID-19 - many studies 171590
06 Sep, 2024 19:26
admin Virus
13586 Problems after childhood vaccinations - many studies 142883
05 Sep, 2024 02:09
admin Top news
15517 COVID US booster shot to cost 200 dollars (if uninsured) - Sept 2024 168
03 Sep, 2024 12:01
admin Virus
15509 Vitamin D or bright light treat COVID, TB, SAD, etc. 301
31 Aug, 2024 21:07
admin Noontime sun and D
12258 Vitamin D helps the immune system fight COVID-19 – Sunil video Jan 2021 4649
30 Aug, 2024 18:00
admin Books, videos on Vitamin D
12142 COVID-19 Vitamin D Overview - Sunil video and transcript - Dec 8, 2020 10898
30 Aug, 2024 17:27
admin Books, videos on Vitamin D
Loading dose for Vitamin D
15501 COVID Vaccinations can cause problems - 42% of healthcare workers (Irish survey) - Aug 2024 147
27 Aug, 2024 22:11
admin Virus
15489 Many viral diseases can be fought by immune system-augmented Vitamin D - Sunil Aug 2024 615
25 Aug, 2024 11:44
admin Immunity
3780 Vitamin D can inhibit enveloped virus (e.g. Corona, Herpes, Bird Flu, Epstein, Hepatitis, RSV, etc.) – March 2011 54630
24 Aug, 2024 12:40
admin Top news
15487 Pfizer COVID vaccinations resulted in altering immune systems (increased IgG4 ) – Aug 2024 404
21 Aug, 2024 01:49
admin Immunity
13765 Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies 199414
20 Aug, 2024 17:23
admin Top news
Vitamin D Receptor
13346 Epstein-Barr Virus increases the risk of many health problems – many studies 134048
20 Aug, 2024 17:06
admin Virus
14285 COVID 3X less likely if Xyilotol nasal spray 3X per day – RCT Dec 2022 685
20 Aug, 2024 16:24
admin Virus
7698 Hepatitis B virus and Vitamin D - many studies 201759
17 Aug, 2024 00:21
admin Liver
15473 Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024 586
13 Aug, 2024 17:51
admin Immunity
Intervention - non daily
13335 Over 715 virus studies have Vitamin D in the title 125916
11 Aug, 2024 15:06
admin Virus
8345 Warts removed by vitamin D injection - many studies 16768
10 Aug, 2024 15:26
admin Skin
15453 COVID 8X more likely to be asymptomatic if had 3 or more vaccinations – Aug 2024 397
10 Aug, 2024 00:32
admin Virus
14703 10 Mice were used to test the Newest Pfizer Vaccine against a previous virus - Sept 2023 2297
10 Aug, 2024 00:21
admin Virus
15442 Long-COVID and Vitamin D - several studies 1061
05 Aug, 2024 02:01
admin Virus
15439 Vaccinations did not stop COVID (68 studies) – meta-analysis May 2023 368
03 Aug, 2024 11:16
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
15358 Within 3 months of COVID vaccination 2.3 X incidence in cognitive problems – Korea May 2024 659
01 Aug, 2024 09:56
admin Cognitive
12634 How Vitamin D, Magnesium, Omega-3 and Zinc prevent and treat COVID-19 etc. – June 2021 14630
01 Aug, 2024 08:54
admin Vitamin D and Magnesium
Top news
Vitamin D and Omega-3
13434 Excess deaths - 5 possible reasons - many studies 173746
31 Jul, 2024 17:53
admin Virus
15429 Long-COVID fatigue, anxiety, and cognition treated by 60,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT July 2024 591
29 Jul, 2024 21:48
admin Intervention
Intervention - non daily
15417 15.3 X fewer COVID deaths in those getting Vitamin D injections in ICU – RCT July 2024 649
22 Jul, 2024 18:14
admin Mortality and D
15182 COVID fought by Vitamin D: 2.3X less likely to die of COVID if supplemented, 1.9 X less likely to become infected – m... 1289
22 Jul, 2024 17:58
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
15191 CDC forced to release 780,000 COVID-19 vaccine problems not previously reported - April 2024 446
22 Jul, 2024 17:57
admin Virus
15239 COVID and Vitamin D: 2X more likely to die if low, 2X more likely to survive if supplement – umbrella meta-analysis A... 815
22 Jul, 2024 17:55
admin Mortality and D
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
15297 COVID death rate in hospital halved if take any amount of vitamin D for any length of time – meta-analysis May 2024 698
22 Jul, 2024 17:54
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
15325 Multiple Vitamin D doses reduced COVID ICU by 2.5 X , Mech. Ventilation by 5.5 X – meta-analysis May 2024 16810
22 Jul, 2024 17:52
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
7499 Virus 92828
22 Jul, 2024 17:34
admin Category
15412 400X fewer COVID deaths in countries with fewer vaccinations – July 2024 795
19 Jul, 2024 22:17
admin Virus
13771 Calcifediol (semi-activated Vitamin D) might treat Respiratory Diseases such as COVID - July 2022 19952
14 Jul, 2024 20:11
admin Breathing
15401 18,951 VAERS US vaccination deaths reported by medical professionals, 12% occurred within 48 hours of injection – Jul... 341
11 Jul, 2024 01:13
admin Virus
14221 Dengue Fever decimated by Vitamin D - many studies 153061
10 Jul, 2024 10:48
admin Vitamin D Receptor
15391 Phizer had performed no toxicology testing of the COVID-19 injections (vaccines)– July 2024 360
08 Jul, 2024 16:48
admin Virus
15376 Some early Long-COVID symptoms persist for at least 3 years in US veterans – May 2024 656
02 Jul, 2024 15:25
admin Virus
15372 COVID vaccines during pregnancy resulted in 37 types of adverse events. -preprint June 2024 402
30 Jun, 2024 21:09
admin Pregnancy
15359 Chonic absenteeism in US studies had doubled since before COVID - June 2024 166
22 Jun, 2024 19:34
admin Virus
11977 COVID-19, flu, virus, Selenium, Vitamin D, Glutathione - Interview Sept 2020 6085
21 Jun, 2024 19:59
admin Virus
9112 Vitamin D increases Glutathione (a great antioxidant) which fights COVID 14348
21 Jun, 2024 19:58
admin Virus
15348 Global surge in infectious diseases as over 40 countries report outbreaks 10-fold over pre-pandemic levels - June 2024 907
17 Jun, 2024 15:35
admin Immunity

Short URL = is.gd/CoronaD

The title revision of Feb 2020 caused the visitor count to reset.
There have actually been


visitors to this page since it was originally made


Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday July 12, 2023 18:02:08 GMT-0000 by mustak. (Version 1101)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
14571 US New daily cases.jpg admin 14 Nov, 2020 37.57 Kb 6868
14466 College map.jpg admin 26 Oct, 2020 170.26 Kb 7095
14464 College caption.jpg admin 26 Oct, 2020 17.93 Kb 6778
14456 Mask percentage.jpg admin 24 Oct, 2020 73.58 Kb 7159
14425 Weekly Deaths.jpg admin 12 Oct, 2020 105.65 Kb 7574
14424 Weekly cases.jpg admin 12 Oct, 2020 93.25 Kb 7611
14361 Large. M, S Cities.jpg admin 23 Sep, 2020 77.49 Kb 8918
14289 College counties.jpg admin 09 Sep, 2020 29.82 Kb 9369
14175 Unemployment drop.jpg admin 13 Aug, 2020 43.76 Kb 10670
14162 Asymptomatic.jpg admin 11 Aug, 2020 106.27 Kb 10530
14109 History of Pandemics.jpg admin 01 Aug, 2020 337.56 Kb 11358
14104 US Passport.jpg admin 31 Jul, 2020 54.53 Kb 11227
14076 Cases per million.jpg admin 24 Jul, 2020 32.01 Kb 11672
14064 COVID safety chart - color coded.jpg admin 21 Jul, 2020 331.41 Kb 12103
14054 NY Deaths.jpg admin 18 Jul, 2020 52.44 Kb 12384
14004 Countries and states July.jpg admin 08 Jul, 2020 40.17 Kb 13506
13963 mutation.jpg admin 29 Jun, 2020 20.87 Kb 13437
13954 State increase 2.jpg admin 26 Jun, 2020 42.07 Kb 13766
13953 State increase 1.jpg admin 26 Jun, 2020 45.00 Kb 13660
13952 US most cases ever.jpg admin 26 Jun, 2020 36.98 Kb 13676
13948 Purple map caption.jpg admin 24 Jun, 2020 19.47 Kb 13848
13947 Purple US map.jpg admin 24 Jun, 2020 76.09 Kb 14036
13927 Daily worldwide.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2020 51.59 Kb 3850
13926 Daily US.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2020 50.15 Kb 3743
13917 US,India, and Mexico are reopening, Brazil was never closed.jpg admin 12 Jun, 2020 31.57 Kb 15112
13914 Alabama.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2020 27.57 Kb 15104
13913 Minnisota.jpg admin 09 Jun, 2020 27.80 Kb 15035
13912 Maine.jpg admin 09 Jun, 2020 27.73 Kb 15078
13911 Florida.jpg admin 09 Jun, 2020 28.45 Kb 15143
13901 Overweight and obese deaths.jpg admin 09 Jun, 2020 65.81 Kb 10313
13870 Excess deaths.jpg admin 30 May, 2020 49.50 Kb 11146
13864 Mexico.jpg admin 27 May, 2020 19.76 Kb 11540
13861 Rural May 3-22.jpg admin 27 May, 2020 165.59 Kb 11668
13821 Why go back to work.jpg admin 18 May, 2020 29.22 Kb 13438
13820 Rising Falling 2.jpg admin 17 May, 2020 101.23 Kb 2905
13819 Rising Falling 1.jpg admin 17 May, 2020 19.12 Kb 2758
13812 Friday.jpg admin 13 May, 2020 38.07 Kb 15154
13796 Sri Lanka expodential.jpg admin 08 May, 2020 17.42 Kb 17505
13788 Deaths forecast for May 30.jpg admin 05 May, 2020 24.99 Kb 18798
13771 Raven.jpg admin 28 Apr, 2020 57.40 Kb 22674
13770 FT April 25.jpg admin 28 Apr, 2020 68.07 Kb 22767
13768 N95 X.jpg admin 28 Apr, 2020 26.80 Kb 22586
13767 Excess deaths.jpg admin 27 Apr, 2020 27.59 Kb 23157
13760 health problems Times.jpg admin 23 Apr, 2020 18.68 Kb 31721
13756 Missing deaths.jpg admin 21 Apr, 2020 35.75 Kb 31286
13742 Risk vs income.jpg admin 18 Apr, 2020 142.75 Kb 34470
13730 NYC probable.jpg admin 17 Apr, 2020 28.23 Kb 35312
13724 Disproportionately Killing African Americans.pdf admin 13 Apr, 2020 410.69 Kb 716
13723 Covid-19 Vit D Video high risk.jpg admin 12 Apr, 2020 20.79 Kb 14240
13722 Covid-19 Vit D Video.jpg admin 12 Apr, 2020 58.19 Kb 16013
13697 Strains March 30.jpg admin 30 Mar, 2020 60.87 Kb 46327
13694 Morgue.jpg admin 29 Mar, 2020 67.78 Kb 48138
13692 Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor sterilization.pdf admin 28 Mar, 2020 133.72 Kb 664
13691 UV Sterilization of Personal Protective Equipment.pdf admin 28 Mar, 2020 632.71 Kb 633
13686 1918.jpg admin 25 Mar, 2020 29.21 Kb 73117
13654 Preprint as of March 20.jpg admin 21 Mar, 2020 168.87 Kb 47688
13653 Temperature.jpg admin 19 Mar, 2020 77.97 Kb 88966
13644 Not more than 10.jpg admin 17 Mar, 2020 65.17 Kb 93129
13633 Acute care beds.jpg admin 15 Mar, 2020 60.09 Kb 103126
13632 March 14 warm countries.jpg admin 15 Mar, 2020 112.91 Kb 101168
13631 COVID-19 growth rates March 14 UCL.pdf admin 15 Mar, 2020 495.42 Kb 841
13629 CDC playbook_compressed.pdf admin 14 Mar, 2020 8.19 Mb 7897
13625 WEAPONS AGAINST INFLUENZA - 1918.pdf admin 13 Mar, 2020 341.57 Kb 635
13623 Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference.pdf admin 13 Mar, 2020 253.97 Kb 1415
13609 Children PP March 8.pdf admin 11 Mar, 2020 193.92 Kb 586
13597 Iran's Coronavirus Problem Is a Lot Worse Than It Seems - The Atlantic.pdf admin 09 Mar, 2020 644.85 Kb 812
13596 Map March 9.jpg admin 09 Mar, 2020 119.01 Kb 106928
13594 Pre-print Corona Children.pdf admin 08 Mar, 2020 274.44 Kb 795
13576 Vitamin D monitoring clinical trial in China as of March 6.pdf admin 06 Mar, 2020 271.93 Kb 1640
13567 who-china-joint-mission-on-covid-19-final-report.pdf admin 03 Mar, 2020 1.49 Mb 1157
13531 Spreading Feb 24.jpg admin 24 Feb, 2020 30.08 Kb 4605
13506 H Lockdowns.jpg admin 15 Feb, 2020 129.88 Kb 143415
13505 Symptoms_of_2019_novel_coronavirus Wikipeida.png admin 15 Feb, 2020 366.42 Kb 142573
13504 Wikipedia Map.jpg admin 15 Feb, 2020 77.98 Kb 139270
13494 Virus dynamia epi preprint Spencer.pdf admin 14 Feb, 2020 1.88 Mb 1197
13493 Daily increases Feb 14.jpg admin 14 Feb, 2020 28.07 Kb 1524
13488 Spanish tentsjpg.jpg admin 12 Feb, 2020 71.43 Kb 7623
13485 Cases Feb 12 2020.jpg admin 12 Feb, 2020 20.97 Kb 11368
13476 Spanish flu used tents.jpg admin 12 Feb, 2020 63.78 Kb 910
13475 WuHan Coronavirus - no tents.jpg admin 12 Feb, 2020 90.32 Kb 11083
13473 Coronavirus surfaces.jpg admin 10 Feb, 2020 99.36 Kb 132083
13458 Y linear.jpg admin 06 Feb, 2020 35.70 Kb 4487
13457 Bed1.jpg admin 06 Feb, 2020 77.91 Kb 12856
13433 Masks.jpg admin 02 Feb, 2020 29.80 Kb 14552
13430 Air travel infections.jpg admin 01 Feb, 2020 47.56 Kb 3416
13429 Chart all virus.jpg admin 01 Feb, 2020 42.79 Kb 7375
13428 Comare virus charts.jpg admin 31 Jan, 2020 39.61 Kb 8710
13425 tracker adjusted.jpg admin 30 Jan, 2020 122.88 Kb 41325
13409 Coronavirus body diagram.jpg admin 26 Jan, 2020 78.84 Kb 181697