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Influenza infection 5X less likely if got vitamin D – small RCT Feb 2022

A randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza and enterovirus infection in children

Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmii.2022.01.003

This randomized, double-blind, controlled trial included children aged two to five years between April 2018 and October 2019 from daycare centers. All the participants were randomly assigned to a vitamin D supplementation group (2000 IU/day) or placebo group for one month. The primary outcome was the incidence of influenza and enterovirus infection in the following six months, and the secondary outcome was the incidence of influenza and enterovirus infection in the children's household members.

Two hundred and forty-eight children participated. The vitamin D group showed a relative risk reduction of 84% against influenza compared to the placebo group but did not reach statistical significance. Kaplan–Meier curves revealed that the placebo group had a higher probability of influenza infection than the vitamin D group (log-rank test, p = 0.055), but the incidence of enterovirus infection was similar between the two groups (p = 0.946) among children. Among children's household members, the incidence of influenza (p = 0.586) and enterovirus infection (p = 0.528) were both similar between the two groups. All children who were tested for serum 25(OH)D levels after vitamin D intervention had 25(OH)D levels above 30 ng/ml

Vitamin D supplementation may have a small preventative effect against influenza infection but does not affect enterovirus infection among preschool children. A high-dose short-term vitamin D intervention might be a way to elevate children's serum vitamin D levels in the first month of starting kindergarten.

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87+ VitaminDWiki pages have FLU or INFLUENZA in the title

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Items found: 91
Title Modified
Influenza risk cut in half by the only trial giving enough vitamin D for body weight – meta-analysis Jan 2022 17 Jun, 2024
Getting more than 1,000 IU of Vitamin D cut in half childhood risk of influenza, coughs and fevers – Meta-analysis May 2024 31 May, 2024
Influenza vaccination (2022-2023) reduced hospitalizations by only 35% - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
FDA hired a person to study flu vaccine effectiveness, found problems, was fired 23 Oct, 2023
Influenza, pneumonia, or ear infections almost 2X more likely if low vitamin D - Jan 2023 24 Aug, 2023
Overview Influenza and vitamin D 16 Jul, 2023
Bird flu possible pandemic - many studies 18 Feb, 2023
Number of people to treat to prevent 1 case of flu: Vitamin D 4, Vaccination 40 – Feb 2017 10 Nov, 2022
Tripledemic: Flu, COVID, and RSV (all fought by Vitamin D) - Oct 2022 31 Oct, 2022
Do you have symptoms of COVID, Flu , RSV, Colds, Allergy - Oct 2022 28 Oct, 2022
Influenza infection 5X less likely if got vitamin D – small RCT Feb 2022 23 Oct, 2022
Pigs used to get the flu only in the winter ( had got Vitamin D in the summer) - Nov 2018 23 Oct, 2022
Flu may be much worse this year (already bad in Australia) - July 2022 04 Oct, 2022
2,500 bird flu outbreaks in past year (could be far far worse than COVID) - Oct 2022 03 Oct, 2022
Compare symptoms of Omicron, Flu and Colds 20 Sep, 2022
Bird flu could mutate to be far worse of a pandemic than COVID - Greger Aug 2020 11 Jul, 2022
Infectious diseases in the UK so far this year: Omicron, H5 bird flu, Lassa fever, haemorrhagic fever, monkeypox, and polio – June 2022 28 Jun, 2022
COVID, like influenza, may be able to mutate to avoid vaccines for decades - March 2022 29 Mar, 2022
MS flu-like symptoms resulting from interferon-beta were reduced with vitamin D – June 2013 24 Mar, 2022
Influenza vaccine antibodies not change with Vitamin D – 21 ng or 44 ng – RCT Feb 2019 22 Mar, 2022
Overview Colds and flu and Vitamin D 09 Feb, 2022
Small amounts of Vitamin D reduce Influenza risk by 22 percent (loading dose is far better) – meta-analysis Jan 2022 25 Jan, 2022
Researchers found flu vaccine increased miscarriage risk by 7X -Sept 2017 24 Dec, 2021
COVID, influenza, hepatitis B, measles, etc. vaccine responses vary with Vitamin D and its receptor 08 Dec, 2021
Nursing home vaccinated against Influenza, 800 IU of vitamin D daily cut infection rate in half – small RCT Oct 2021 04 Nov, 2021
COVID-19 and Influenza patients needing ventilation had low Vitamin D – Oct 2021 22 Oct, 2021
Poor Vitamin D receptor blocked Vitamin D from fighting avian influenza viruses (in mice) – July 2021 17 Oct, 2021
US COVID-19 deaths now exceed 1918 flu, soon AIDS (Vitamin D fights all 3) - Sept 19, 2021 22 Sep, 2021
Influenza of 1918 and vitamin D - July 2010 22 Sep, 2021
Vaccines protect for: 10 years Tetanus, 3 years Typhoid, 6 month Influenza, unknown COVID – WSJ Sep 10, 2021 13 Sep, 2021
Vitamin D probably can both prevent Influenza and augment vaccine effectiveness – Aug 2018 18 Aug, 2021
Obese get less benefit from vaccines: influenza, hepatitis B, rabies and now COVID-19 - March 2021 01 Aug, 2021
More than 1 hour of daily sun improved influenza vaccine by 35 percent (Vitamin D helps again) – Oct 2019 28 Jul, 2021
Half of COVID-19 death rate differences explained by rates of elderly influenza vaccination and low vitamin D – April 2021 26 May, 2021
Clear Association between Influenza and low Vitamin D - March 2020 12 May, 2021
Flu 26 Apr, 2021
Influenza Vaccination not benefited by lowish levels of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018 25 Mar, 2021
Half the risk of Influenza -A in infants taking 1200 IU of vitamin D for 4 months – RCT Jan 2018 19 Mar, 2021
COVID-19 precautions made 2020 the year without the flu - what about 2021 17 Mar, 2021
7X less risk of influenza if Vitamin D levels higher than 30 ng – Oct 2017 17 Feb, 2021
Vitamin D can inhibit enveloped virus (e.g. Corona, Herpes, Bird Flu, Epstein, Hepatitis, RSV, etc.) – March 2011 08 Feb, 2021
Influenza prevented by 40 ng levels or treated with vitamin D hammer (50,000 IU) – June 2015 26 Dec, 2020
Why Vitamin D is better than the Flu Vaccine – Nov 2018 18 Dec, 2020
Protect your immune system from COVID-19, flu, colds, etc with 10,000 IU of vitamin D etc. - Nov 2020 05 Dec, 2020
COVID-19, flu, virus, Selenium, Vitamin D, Glutathione - Interview Sept 2020 29 Sep, 2020
Low vitamin D increases the risk of hepatitis, influenza, Covid-19, AIDS and other viral diseases – Sept 2020 21 Sep, 2020
Perhaps the influenza vaccine will increase the risk of COVID-19 (it did by 2X for COVID-2009) - Sept 2020 08 Sep, 2020
Swine flu not prevented by 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily (the upper limit at the time) – RCT 2014 30 Aug, 2020
Vitamin D Supplements Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infection and Death - April 9, 2020 07 Apr, 2020
Vitamin D supplementation could prevent and treat influenza, CORONAVIRUS, and pneumonia infections - March 2020 30 Mar, 2020
Influenza Virus aerosols killed by 10 minutes of sunlight (far faster if use UV-C) – Nov 2019 16 Feb, 2020
Flu vaccinations during pregnancy should NOT be the standard of care until tests show it is OK – Nov 2019 16 Nov, 2019
Virus (adeno-36) increases Obesity which then increases risk of another virus (Influenza) - Oct 2013 07 Nov, 2019
2017 Flu in Australia was bad and 79,000 died in US, 2019 Flu in Australia was worse (get flu shot AND Vitamin D) 04 Oct, 2019
How Vitamin D helps fight the cold, flu and other viruses - June 2019 04 Jun, 2019
Vitamin D 10 x better than Flu Vaccine if you have very low vitamin D – Feb 2017 04 Feb, 2019
Ultraviolet light kills cold and flu viruses, and generates Vitamin D in the skin 06 Jan, 2019
Flu vaccine effectiveness and side effects 30 Sep, 2018
Influenza virus might be prevented and treated by Vitamin D, if no vaccination – Aug 2018 16 Aug, 2018
Vitamin D Effective in Preventing Flu if not vaccinated - June 2018 04 Jul, 2018
2017 Vaccine may prevent only 10 percent of influenza, Vitamin D prevents 70 percent 16 Feb, 2018
Elderly Influenza deaths do not increase in winter in countries with high vitamin D levels 09 Feb, 2018
Influenza risk reduced 2X by 2,000 IU of Vitamin D (vs 400), RTI reduced 3X by 400 or more IU – July 2017 23 Jan, 2018
Influenza reduced by 1.7 with 1200 IU D3, also reduced related asthma by 6X – RCT May 2010 10 Jan, 2018
Take Vitamin D with flu shot: 5X more likely to avoid flu and 10X fewer side effects - Jan 2018 09 Jan, 2018
Prisoners have very low vitamin D and get TB, influenza, and depression 21 Dec, 2017
Child is 2 X more likely to get influenza if have older sibling (perhaps closely-spaced birth) – Sept 2017 28 Sep, 2017
10X reactions to flu vaccine when vitamin D deficient 09 May, 2017
Influenza virus vaccine for pregnant woman does not protect a fetus for very long – July 2016 01 Aug, 2016
Influenza virus vaccine for pregnant woman does not protect an infant for very long – July 2016 01 Aug, 2016
Reduce probability of getting the Flu 02 Sep, 2015
CDC: Influenza vaccinations not expected to work well this year (but vitamin D should) – Dec 2014 24 Mar, 2015
Major interactions between Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Influenza – Sept 2013 05 Dec, 2014
Influenzas – both seasonal and pandemic – increase in the winter (low vitamin D) – Dec 2010 07 Nov, 2014
Influenza, solar radiation and vitamin D - 2009 07 Nov, 2014
Influenza vaccine meta-analysis found moderate protection – Lancet Oct 2011 16 Oct, 2014
Ebola - tents probably faster and better than buildings - like in Spanish Flu 11 Oct, 2014
On the epidemiology of influenza – 2008 09 Oct, 2014
Epidemic influenza and vitamin D – 2007 09 Oct, 2014
Influenza A: 5X reduction in first month (only) with 2,000 IU of vitamin D– RCT July 2014 14 Jul, 2014
Influenza, seniors and vitamin D – Jan 2012 27 Apr, 2014
Reduction in Cold and Flu with Vitamin D 07 Dec, 2013
Influenza Mortality not well modeled by vitamin D – Oct 2011 02 Sep, 2013
Influenza in Norway not reduced by vitamin D – Oct 2011 03 Sep, 2012
Flu Hits 14 year low, perhaps Vitamin D 02 Apr, 2012
Should seniors get a vitamin D booster shot for Influenza – Jan 2012 19 Dec, 2011
Can Vitamin D Replace Flu Shots – WSJ Dec 2010 17 Jul, 2011
Elderly taking extra vitamin D should expect fewer falls AND less flu – June 2011 07 Jun, 2011
Pregnant women at increased influenza risk – letter to editor Aug 2010 21 Aug, 2010
Influenza not reduced by 2000 IU of vitamin D in health adults – Aug 2010 17 Aug, 2010
Flu incidence based on prescriptions – US updated map – Late 2019 No value for 'modification_date_major'

VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
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