- Pharmacokinetics of Oral Vitamin D in Children with Obesity and Asthma
- VitaminDWiki -
37 studies in both categories Obesity and Infant-Child - See also VitaminDWiki
Pharmacokinetics of Oral Vitamin D in Children with Obesity and Asthma
Clin Pharmacokinet . 2023 Nov;62(11):1567-1579. doi: 10.1007/s40262-023-01285-9
Jason E Lang 1 2, Rodrigo Gonzalez Ramirez 3, Stephen Balevic 4 3, Scott Bickel 5, Christoph P Hornik 4 3, J Marc Majure 6, Saranya Venkatachalam 3, Jessica Snowden 7, Brian O'Sullivan 8, Laura James 7
Background and objective: Vitamin D insufficiency is common in several pediatric diseases including obesity and asthma. Little data exist describing the pharmacokinetics of oral vitamin D in children or the optimal dosing to achieve therapeutic 25(OH)D targets. Describe the pharmacokinetics of oral Vitamin D in children with asthma.Methods: This was a multi-center, randomized, open-label, oral supplementation study to describe the pharmacokinetics of vitamin D in children aged 6-17 years who have asthma and were overweight/obese. Participants had a serum 25(OH)D concentration between 10 and < 30 ng/mL at baseline. In Part 1 of the study, we assessed four 16-week dosing regimens for their ability to achieve 25(OH)D concentrations ≥ 40 ng/mL. Using serial serum 25(OH)D sampling over 28 weeks, we created a population pharmacokinetic model and performed dosing simulations to achieve 25(OH)D concentrations ≥ 40 ng/mL. In Part 2, the optimal regimen chosen from Part 1 was compared (2:1) to a standard-of-care control dose (600 international units IU daily) over 16 weeks. A final population pharmacokinetic model using both parts was developed to perform dosing simulations and determine important co-variates in the pharmacokinetics of vitamin D.
Results: Based on empiric and simulation data, the daily dose of 8000 IU and a loading dose of 50,000 IU were chosen; this regimen raised 25(OH)D concentrations above 40 ng/mL in the majority of participants while avoiding concentrations > 100 ng/mL. A 50,000-IU loading dose led to faster achievement of 25(OH)D therapeutic concentrations (≥ 40 ng/mL). The estimated median (5th-95th percentiles) apparent clearance of vitamin D from the final population pharmacokinetic model was 0.181 (0.155-0.206) L/h. The body mass index z-score was a significant covariate on apparent clearance and was associated with a significantly decreased median half-life in 25(OH)D (body mass index z-score 1.00-1.99: 97.7 days, body mass index z-score 2.00-2.99: 65.9 days, body mass index z-score ≥ 3.00: 39.1 days, p < 0.001).
Conclusions: Obesity impacts vitamin D clearance and the half-life, but serum concentrations > 40 ng/mL can be reached in most children using a loading dose of 50,000 IU followed by a daily dose of 8000 IU.
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37 studies in both categories Obesity and Infant-Child This list is automatically updated
- Increased risk of child obesity if low vitamin D while pregnant
- Omega-3 added to father’s diet reduced offspring’s obesity (mice) – June 2024
- Obesity is associated with 1 to 5 poor vitamin D genes (childhood obesity in the case) – July 2024
- Obese children have poor vitamin D genes (CYP27A1, CYP2R1, CYP27B1) – March 2024
- Obese children had less gene methylation (gene not work as well) – March 2024
- Obese asthmatic children Vitamin D - 50,000 IU then 8,000 IU daily - RCT Jan 2024
- High-dose Vitamin D reduced inflammation and insulin resistance (obese children) - Dec 2023
- Vitamin D half life is shorter in asthmatic children who are more obese – Nov 2023
- Childhood BMI decreased when add a little Vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2023
- Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies
- Recent increases in pediatric endocrine problems may be decreased by Vitamin D – Aug 2022
- Obese during childhood usually results in obese adult (M.R., not a surprise) - Aug 2022
- Less obese child if supplemented with Vitamin D as an infant– meta-analysis Feb 2021
- Obese children had 2.2 X less response to a single dose of Vitamin D – Oct 2020
- Little weight loss in obese children from very small amount of vitamin D (1200 IU) – RCT April 2020
- Increased weight in children 8X more likely for each unit increase in adenovirus (if ignore Vitamin D) – Nov 2019
- Obesity 3X more likely in US children having low vitamin D – July 2019
- Overweight children are 3.4 X more likely to have low Vitamin D – March 2019
- Indoor pollution is a problem with obese black asthmatic children – May 2018
- Severe Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease treated by Omega-3 – RCT April 2018
- The Convergence of Two Epidemics: Vitamin D Deficiency in Obese School-aged Children – Jan 2018
- NAFLD in children nicely treated by combination of Vitamin D and Omega-3 – RCT Dec 2016
- Omega-3 in infancy reduces Obesity following antibiotic (confirmed in rats, suspected in humans) – Feb 2016
- Vitamin D deficiency and childhood obesity: interactions, implications, and recommendations (5,000 IU) – Feb 2016
- Obese children – 71 percent had low vitamin D– Jan 2016
- Infant risk of obesity increased by 50 percent if low vitamin D during pregnancy – Sept 2015
- Obese children and youths need more vitamin D – Review Feb 2015
- Overweight children associated with low vitamin D during pregnancy – 2015, 2018
- Higher vitamin D at birth associated with less diabetes and obesity 35 years later – Jan 2014
- More Hypertension in obese children with low vitamin D, especially at night – Dec 2013
- Very poor follow-thu with vitamin D testing and supplementation of obese children – June 2013
- Obese children gain weight more quickly when have low vitamin D – Oct 2013
- Obese mothers with adequate vitamin D gave birth to low D and fat infants – Jan 2013
- Heavier kids more vitamin D deficient, especially if dark skinned – Pediatrics Dec 2012
- Obese children with celiac disease had lower levels of vitamin D – April 2012
- The more vitamin D the lower the infant BMI – March 2011
- Obama task force told that childhood Obesity linked to Vitamin D Deficiency – Aug 2010
See also VitaminDWiki
- Half-life of vitamin D varies
- Overview Asthma and Vitamin D
- Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies
- Those with Asthma or COPD had half the response to Vitamin D – March 2020
Vitamin D half life is shorter in asthmatic children who are more obese – Nov 20232512 visitors, last modified 07 Apr, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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