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Breasts process Vitamin D and change gene activation, might prevent breast cancer if given more Vit. D – July 2021

Vitamin D as a potential preventive agent for young women's breast cancer

Cancer Prevention Research, DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-21-0114
Sarah M Bernhardt, Virgina F Borges and Pepper Schedin schedin at ohsu.edu

Clinical studies backed by research in animal models suggest that vitamin D may protect against the development of breast cancer, implicating vitamin D as a promising candidate for breast cancer prevention.

However, despite clear pre-clinical evidence showing protective roles for vitamin D, broadly targeted clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation have yielded conflicting findings, highlighting the complexity of translating pre-clinical data to efficacy in humans.

While vitamin D supplementation targeted to high-risk populations is a strategy anticipated to increase prevention efficacy, a complimentary approach is to target transient, developmental windows of elevated breast cancer risk. Postpartum mammary gland involution represents a developmental window of increased breast cancer promotion that may be poised for vitamin D supplementation.

Targeting the window of involution with short-term vitamin D intervention may offer a simple, cost-effective approach for the prevention of breast cancers that develop postpartum. In this review, we highlight epidemiologic and preclinical studies linking vitamin D deficiency with breast cancer development.

We discuss the underlying mechanisms through which vitamin D deficiency contributes to cancer development, with an emphasis on the anti-inflammatory activity of vitamin D. We also discuss current evidence for vitamin D as an immunotherapeutic agent and the potential for vitamin D as a preventative strategy for young woman's breast cancer

Section Titles
Overview of Vitamin D
Vitamin D signaling in breast cancer
Vitamin D in breast cancer progression and metastasis
Anti-inflammatory actions of vitamin D within the tumor microenvironment
Vitamin D as a therapeutic for the prevention of breast cancer
Targeting vitamin D to high-risk populations
Future research directions


There is strong evidence that downregulation of vitamin D signaling contributes to the development and progression of breast cancer. Epidemiological studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with an increased risk of breast cancer development; observations that are well-supported by research in animal models. However, while the potential for vitamin D as a breast cancer preventative agent is well-backed by pre-clinical data, clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation have produced modest and/or conflicting results. Vitamin D supplementation during transient, developmental windows of elevated risk may instead offer a more effective approach for the prevention of breast cancer. Post- lactational involution represents a key developmental window that may be poised for vitamin D supplementation. The unique demands for vitamin D during pregnancy and lactation emphasize vitamin D deficiency during the postpartum period, which in the background of the pro-inflammatory microenvironment of the involuting gland may enhance the tumor promotional attributes of involution. Attenuation of the inflammatory microenvironment of the vitamin D-deficient involuting breast with short-term vitamin D supplementation may offer protection against the development of postpartum breast cancer. Further research into the protective role of vitamin D against postpartum breast cancer development and progression is warranted.

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Note: This study indicates that Breast gets semiactivated Vitamin D p from the liver. Other studies indicate that the liver is not needed

Activating the Vitamin D Receptor increases Vitamin D


CYP27B1 increases Vitamin D


CYP24A1 decreases Vitamin D


Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains:

Getting Vitamin D into your body contains:


CYP27B1 category listing contains:

The CYP27B1 gene activates Vitamin D in the Kidney,    Skin,    Lungs,    Brain,   Eyes   Breasts   etc.
Poor CYP27B1 is assocated with COVID, Miscarriage,   Lupus,   Alz, Parkinson, MSA,   Rickets

CYtochrome P450 family 27 subfamily B member 1    = 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase

What can be done if have a poor CYP27B1

  • Larger doses of Vitamin D
  • More Bio-available: Gut-friendly form, Topical form, taken with fatty meal, taken with evening meal
  • Additional sources: UV
  • Increase Vitamin D metabolism: additional Magnesium, Omega-3
    • All cytochrome P450 enzymes require Mg++ as a cofactor
  • Increase the amount of Vitamin D in the blood that gets to cells: increase activation of VDR

Vitamin D blood test misses CYP27B1 and other genes
in Visio for 2023

Cancers might alter CYP24A1 gene

The risk of 44 diseases at least double with poor Vitamin D Receptor as of Oct 2019

VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Receptor activation can be increased in many ways

Resveratrol,  Omega-3,  MagnesiumZinc,   Quercetin,   non-daily Vit D,  Curcumin,   Berberine,  intense exercise, Butyrate   Sulforaphane   Ginger,   Essential oils, etc  Note: The founder of VitaminDWiki uses 10 of the 16 known VDR activators

Items in both categories Vitamin D Receptor and Cancer - Breast:

Thus, the breasts try to increase receptor activation and Cancer cells try to decrease activation

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday January 5, 2024 13:27:05 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 13)

Attached files

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15894 Prevent CYP24A1.jpg admin 10 Jul, 2021 58.38 Kb 429
15893 Prevent CYP27B1.jpg admin 10 Jul, 2021 57.94 Kb 415
15892 Prevent VDR.jpg admin 10 Jul, 2021 58.58 Kb 416
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15890 prevent young women's breast cancer_compressed.pdf admin 10 Jul, 2021 329.53 Kb 316