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  working much better Oct, 2024
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Currently hoping for Dec

New and major modified pages

Page Hits Categories Major change
TBI reduced 5X by 300,000 IU of vitamin D (injection) – RCT Oct 2024 17 Trauma and surgery, Injection 25 Oct, 2024
COVIDIndex - over 1,000 publications - Oct 2024 2 Virus 24 Oct, 2024
UK Vaccine: 50 years 6,500 claims, 944 awards - 4 years of COVID 16,000 claims, 180 awards (14% vs 1%) – Oct 2024 1 Virus 24 Oct, 2024
Kamala Harris had a low level of Vitamin D - 22.2 ng - April 2024 4 Skin - Dark 24 Oct, 2024
Vitamin D preventing and treating COVID - 30,000 publications – Oct 2024 42 Vitamin D Receptor, Virus 24 Oct, 2024
Zeta potential of colloidal dispersions such as blood 24 AI 24 Oct, 2024
Perhaps getting Vitamin D as infant decreases risk of Autoimmune Diseases as adult 19 Autoimmune, Infant-Child 22 Oct, 2024
The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity - book Oct 2024 8 None 22 Oct, 2024
COVID vaccine doesn't reduce risk of infection... but it will prolong the length of time you can spread COVID - Oct 2024 78 Virus 22 Oct, 2024
Breast Cancer testing to start at 40 (no mention of prevention ) - Oct 2024 9 Cancer - Breast 22 Oct, 2024
Vitamin D is the 3rd best predictor of bleeding after hemodialysis - Oct 2024 38 Kidney 20 Oct, 2024
Vitamin D deficiency increased in 2021 (Kuwait) - Oct 2024 6 Virus 19 Oct, 2024
PFAS (forever chemicals) result in 1 hour less sleep - Oct 2024 6 Sleep 19 Oct, 2024
Magnesium and Cancer - many studies 1 Cancer, Vitamin D and Magnesium 18 Oct, 2024
Magnesium helps muscles in more than 10 ways - Dec 2023 9 Sports and Vitamin D, Vitamin D and Magnesium 18 Oct, 2024
Vitamin D: 200 Immunity studies, 750 Virus studies - many studies 62 None 18 Oct, 2024
Over 200 immune articles in VDW have Vitamin in the title 2 Immunity 18 Oct, 2024
Eye disorders 1.86 X more likely if low vitamin D – Oct 2024 13 Vision 17 Oct, 2024
Risk of childhood pneumonia reduced 30% by high Vitamin D - Oct 2024 37 Breathing, Infant-Child 17 Oct, 2024
Brain Plasticity improves the brain, helps Long-COVID - several studies 16 Off Topic 17 Oct, 2024
Some plants make Vitamin D5 and Vitamin D7 when exposed to UVB or UVC and warmth – Oct 2024 59 UV and Vitamin D 17 Oct, 2024
Jaw joint (TMJ) needs 30-50 ng of Vitamin D and a good VDR – April 2021 64 Pain - chronic, Osteoarthritis, Optimum, Vitamin D Receptor 17 Oct, 2024
Temporomandibular Disorders (superset of TMJ) - 3.8 X more likely to be vitamin D deficient – meta-analysis Oct 2024 58 Pain - chronic, Meta-analysis of Vitamin D 17 Oct, 2024
Sleep disorders nicely treated by Vitamin D (50,000 IU twice a month) – RCT May 2017 1 Intervention, Sleep, Intervention - non daily 16 Oct, 2024
Following sleeve gastrectomy surgery, 3,000 IU of vitamin D daily for a year helped – RCT Dec 2024 9 Obesity, Trauma and surgery 16 Oct, 2024
Lyme Disease and Vitamin D Receptor Activators 26 None 15 Oct, 2024
Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D Receptor Activators 75 Multiple Sclerosis, Vitamin D Receptor, AI 15 Oct, 2024
1 Billion dollars paid by Drug and Medical Device companies to Peer Reviewers of Medical Journals. - Oct 2024 18 Off Topic 15 Oct, 2024
Obese person with a cancer is 1.7 X higher risk of subsequent Kidney Cancer (low vitamin D) - Oct 2024 96 Obesity, Cancer 15 Oct, 2024
Increased those taking Vitamin D daily in nursing home from 45% to 78% with a lot of effort (higher % if weekly to monthly) – Oct 2024 5 Seniors 14 Oct, 2024
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Other Vitamin D pages

long list of changed and new pages      
Just New pages     
All Changed Pages     
Top Vitamin D
Overviews - in alphabetical order       
Most viewed pages -in popularity order
Can get 50,000 IU Vitamin D anywhere on the globe
List of short summaries containing "MANY STUDIES" 277+topics

COVID-19 and Vitamin D

5 most-recently changed Virus entries

10 recently changed items in Virus Category

Vitamin D Overview

Learn how Vitamin D is essential for good health
  Watch a 5 minute video "Does Less Sun Mean more Disease?"
  Browse for other Health Problems and D in left column or here
  see also Supplementing and More in the menu at the top of every page
If you have a disease associated with low Vit D take Vit D
Raising your Vit D levels will substantially prevent other low-Vit D health problems
Proof that Vitamin D Works   Getting Vitamin D into your body

Is 50ng enough?   How to restore levels quickly  VitaminDWiki interview and transcript - Lahore Jan 2022
Books and Videos 272   Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D
Reasons for low response to vitamin D   Why are doctors reluctant
Cancer studies include:   Breast 257   Colon 144   Lung 55   Prostate 103   Pancreatic 57   Skin 121
Colds and flu   Dark Skin 467   Diabetes 548   Obesity 441   Pregnancy 918   Seniors 431
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

A few important Vitamin D pages

Health can be greatly improved by weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D - video Lahore - March 2023
   founder of VitaminDWiki
VitaminDWiki interview and transcript - Lahore Jan 2022 30 topics
Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID 4 pills in one day

Vitamin D is the 3rd most important contributor to health,
   and the lowest-cost way to improve health
Importance to Health VDW10426

Does Less Sun mean More Disease a 5 minute video by VitaminDWiki

10 Reasons why children no longer have healthy levels of Vitamin D

Monthly dosing is better than daily: children & elderly

Live longer if more vitamin D - 13 meta studies

Left hand column - with links to 300+ health problem categories

Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D

High-Dose Vitamin D (10,000 - 200,000 IU/day)
Comparing High-dose vitamin D therapies

Click here to get PDFs before Dec 2020 which are not already on VitaminDWiki
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Substack: Has 160+ VitaminDWiki posts

Substack channel
has highlights of

Most important (top) new or modified pages


229110493 visitors, last modified 24 Oct, 2024,
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