- Vitamin D and Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- VitaminDWiki pages have MACULAR or AMD in title (14 pages as of Sept 2021)
- Vision category contains:
- See also web
- AMD expected to increase about 30% in a decade (adjusted for age) - Feb 2012
- 13X higher risk of AMD if smoke 20 pack years (i.e. 2 packs a day for 10 years)
Vitamin D and Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Nutrients 2017, 9(10), 1120; doi:10.3390/nu9101120, 13 October 2017
Alfredo Garcia Layana 1,* , Angelo Maria Minnella 2OrcID, Gerhard Garhöfer 3, Tariq Aslam 4,5OrcID, Frank G. Holz 6, Anita Leys 7, Rufino Silva 8,9,10,11OrcID, Cécile Delcourt 12, Eric Souied 13 and Johanna M. Seddon 14,15
In recent years, the relationship between vitamin D and health has received growing attention from the scientific and medical communities. Vitamin D deficiencies have been repeatedly associated with various acute and chronic diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Its active metabolite, 1α,25-dihydoxy vitamin D, acts as a modulator of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, and cumulative data from experimental and observational studies suggest that relatively a lower vitamin D status could be a potential risk factor for the development of early and/or late AMD. Herein, we made a narrative review of the mechanisms linking a potential role of vitamin D with the current concepts of AMD pathophysiology.
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VitaminDWiki pages have MACULAR or AMD in title (14 pages as of Sept 2021)
Vision category contains:
- 12% larger pupils in children who are Vitamin D deficient – Feb 2024 parasympathetic nervous system?
- Myopia, AMD, Dry Eye, and Diabetic Retinopathy are all associated with low Vitamin D - April 2023
- An ocular disease can be associated with low vitamin D and 1 of 5 poor vitamin D genes – June 2022
- Eye vitamin D may not be associated with blood VitD, but is associated with CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 – Nov 2019
- Vitamin D treats and prevents a variety of eye problems (need 70 ng) – June 2018
- Vitamin D and Myopia, AMD, Diabetic Retinopathy, Uveitis, Glaucoma, VDR etc. – May 2015
- Tears often have 25 % higher levels of vitamin D than does blood
Vision problems having many studies on VitaminDWiki
- Uveitis (inflamed eye) and Vitamin D - many studies
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Vitamin D - many studies
- Cataracts and Vitamin D - many studies
- Diabetic Retinopathy associated with low Vitamin D - many studies
- 7+ studies of Glaucoma and Vitamin D
- Dry Eyes treated by Omega-3 and Vitamin D – many studies
- 21+ studies of Myopia and Vitamin D
See also web
- The Association Between Serum Vitamin D Levels and Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Systematic Meta-Analytic Review April 2016; Free PDF online
9% decreased risk for each 10 ng increase in Vitamin D levels in blood - result was not statistically significant (p=.12) - Circulating vitamin D concentration and age-related macular degeneration: Systematic review and meta-analysis June 2016
AMD was inversely associated with the highest 25OHD quintile compared with the lowest (summary odds ratio (OR)=0.83
late AMD OR=0.47; doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.04.002 - Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations and Incidence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration - April 2019
- 2X reduction in getting AMD in those with > 30 ng of vitamin D doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-2594 FREE PDF online
- Serum vitamin D and age-related macular degeneration: Systematic review and meta-analysis - April 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.survophthal.2020.07.003 PDF is behind paywall
- late AMD 1.8 higher risk if serum 25(OH)D level < 20 ng/ML
AMD expected to increase about 30% in a decade (adjusted for age) - Feb 2012
The estimated prevalence and incidence of late stage age related macular degeneration in the UK
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2012;96:752-756
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13X higher risk of AMD if smoke 20 pack years (i.e. 2 packs a day for 10 years)
- Incidence of and Risk Factors Associated With Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Four-Year Follow-up From the ALIENOR Study
May 2018, doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.0504.
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11563 | AMD 20 pack years.pdf | admin 15 Mar, 2019 | 242.05 Kb | 582 | |
11556 | AMD UK.pdf | admin 14 Mar, 2019 | 230.27 Kb | 554 | |
11555 | Late AMD 10 years.jpg | admin 14 Mar, 2019 | 30.54 Kb | 1142 | |
9212 | AMD.pdf | admin 18 Jan, 2018 | 1.13 Mb | 764 |