Table of contents
- Haven’t had COVID yet? Wanna bet? - Aug 2022
- Vitamin D improves 2 parts of the immune system, but only the innate can fight mutated virus
- INNATE immune system uses interferons to announce an invader (which is helped by Vitamin D)
- Interferon resistance of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants - July 2022
- Innate immunity start declining in your 20's - 2013
- "...age-related deficiencies in the innate immune cellular response to SARS-CoV-2..." - Oct 2021
- Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations - April 2022
- Enveloped Virus
- Vitamin D meta-analyses of Virus
44 studies - VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
- VitaminDWiki pages with INNATE in title (11 as of Aug 2022)
- Flu has the following
- It is essential that the Vitamin D actually gets to the cells of the immune system
- The Vitamin D Receptor can greatly limit Vitamin D from getting to cells
- Many virus can deactivate the VDR:
39 studies - VitaminDWiki - You can increase the Vitamin D Receptor activation in 14 ways
- Founder superimmunity? 200 ng vitamin D, VDR activators (10), Zinc, 800 mg Mg, Omega-3. etc
Haven’t had COVID yet? Wanna bet? - Aug 2022
- "A follow-up analysis of 95 studies, published last December, reached similar findings, estimating that more than 40% of COVID-19 infections didn’t come with symptoms."
- "As Dr. tenOever and Dr. Sanjana suggest, another intriguing line of research has found that prior viral infections may prime the body’s immune system to fight COVID-19."
- Note: T cells are produced by the innate immune system, which is helped by Vitamin D
- "The new work builds on a prior research he helped lead that found 40%-60% of people never exposed to SARS-CoV-2 had T cells that reacted to the virus – with their immune systems recognizing fragments of a virus they had never seen before."
Vitamin D improves 2 parts of the immune system, but only the innate can fight mutated virus
INNATE immune system uses interferons to announce an invader (which is helped by Vitamin D)
The Coronavirus Has One Strategy We Can’t Vaccinate Against = Atlantic Magazine
- "It may be getting better at dodging one of the immune system’s main defenses."
- "Interferons, meanwhile, are the ultimate generalists, a set of catch-all burglar alarms. Even if the body has never seen a particular pathogen before and no relevant antibodies are present, cells will make interferons as soon as they realize a virus is around—“any and all viruses,” "
- "Interferons, then, can make or break a host’s fate. Researchers have found that people whose are weak or laggy after catching the coronavirus are far more likely to get very seriously sick. "
Interferon resistance of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants - July 2022
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Innate immunity start declining in your 20's - 2013
Age-dependent dysregulation of innate immunity
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
"...age-related deficiencies in the innate immune cellular response to SARS-CoV-2..." - Oct 2021
Effect of Age on Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations - April 2022
In VitaminDWiki - Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations - April 2022
Enveloped Virus
Vitamin D can inhibit enveloped virus (e.g. Corona, Herpes, Bird Flu, Epstein, Hepatitis, RSV, etc.) – March 2011
Examples of enveloped virus Coronavirus, Herpes simplex (cold sore), Shingles, Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis A & B & C, HMPV, Zika, HIV, Dengue, Yellow fever, Measles, Mumps, smallpox, Monkeypox, Ebola, rabies, influenza, West Nile, Valley Fever, Croup, Lasa Fever, Hemorrhagic Fever, H5N1 bird fluNumber of people to treat to prevent 1 case of flu: Vitamin D 4, Vaccination 40 – Feb 2017
One of the reasons - Vitamin D fights all variants of the flu virus- COVID-19: From Cough to Coffin - Jan 2022 NNT (Flu) = 4
- High-dose versus standard-dose vitamin D supplementation in older adults with COVID-19 (COVIT-TRIAL)... - May 2022 NNT= 21
Vitamin D meta-analyses of Virus
44 studies This list is automatically updated
- COVID ICU use reduced by 42% if take more than 100,000 IU of vitamin D over two weeks – meta-analysis Sept 2024
- Vaccinations did not stop COVID (68 studies) – meta-analysis May 2023
- Influenza risk cut in half by the only trial giving enough vitamin D for body weight – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- After COVID infection, Vitamin D helps - many studies
- COVID death rate in hospital halved if take any amount of vitamin D for any length of time – meta-analysis May 2024
- COVID and Vitamin D: 2X more likely to die if low, 2X more likely to survive if supplement – umbrella meta-analysis April 2024
- COVID fought by Vitamin D: 2.3X less likely to die of COVID if supplemented, 1.9 X less likely to become infected – meta-analysis March 2024
- COVID Vaccinations increased risk of cardiac deaths in youths by 19% - Aug 2023
- T1 Diabetes increased by 27% by second year of COVID – meta-analysis June 2023
- Yet another reason to take Vitamin D while pregnant – fight COVID - meta-analysis May 2023
- COVID death 1.5 X less likely if high vitamin D, emergency D (50K to 100K) is great – meta-analysis March 2023
- COVID ICU 3X less-likely if take any amount and type of Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2023
- COVID and Vitamin D: any amount of D, at any time, for any duration reduced ICU - meta-analysis Dec 2022
- Worse COVID during 3Q pregnancy if 2.5 ng lower Vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2022
- Severe COVID 2.6 X less likely if supplement with Vitamin D – 26th meta-analysis - July 2022
- COVID Long-Haul prevalence increases with time: 50% at 4 months - meta June 2022
- COVID test positive is about half as likely if have Vitamin D – 24th meta-analysis - Jan 2022
- Small amounts of Vitamin D reduce Influenza risk by 22 percent (loading dose is far better) – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Vitamin D fights COVID (54 studies of 1,400,000 people) – 23rd meta-analysis - Dec 2021
- COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D (reduce ICU by 3X) - 22nd meta-analysis - Dec 29, 2021
- COVID-19 death increased 2X if low Vitamin D (less than 10 to less than 30 ng) – 21st meta-analysis Dec 2021
- COVID-19 risk reduced by vitamin D supplementation – umbrella review of 7 meta-analysis – Oct 2021
- COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D (example: ICU reduced by 5X) – 20th meta-analysis Oct 13, 2021
- Severe COVID-19 2.5 X more likely if low vitamin D (23 studies) – 19th meta-analysis Oct 2021
- COVID-19 mortality extrapolates to zero at 50 ng of vitamin D – 18th Meta-analysis Sept 2021
- COVID-19 death 1.6 X more likely if low vitamin D (24 studies) – 17th meta-analysis Aug 2021
- Severe COVID-19 5X more likely if low vitamin D (23 studies) – 16th meta-analysis July 2021
- Severe COVID-19 3.5 more likely if low vitamin D (30 studies) – meta-analysis July 2021
- COVID-19 patients who had supplemented with Vitamin D were 3X less likely to enter ICU – June 2021
- Low Calcium associated with severe COVID-19 – several studies
- COVID-19 mortality 3X more likely if low vitamin D (999,179 people) – meta-analysis March 29, 2021
- COVID-19 was 2.6X more severe if very low Vitamin D (43 studies) – meta-analysis March 26, 2021
- Low Vitamin D associated with 2.7X more severe COVID-19 – 12th MA March 5, 2021
- Vitamin D supplementation fights COVID-19 – 11th meta-analysis Jan 24, 2021
- 3.7 X less likely to die of COVID-19 if supplemented with Vitamin D - meta-analysis Jan 5, 2021
- Less likely to test positive for COVID-19 if higher Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 6, 2021
- Vitamin D reduces COVID-19 by 80 percent - anonymous meta-analysis - Jan 5, 2021
- COVID-19 1.7X more likely to be severe if low Vitamin D - meta-analysis Oct 2020
- Low Vitamin D associated 1.8X increased risk of COVID-19 death in hospital – meta-analysis Nov 4, 2020
- Acute viral respiratory infections (RTI) reduced by Vitamin D - 20 reviews - Aug 2020
- Prudent to consider that Vitamin D has a role in COVID-19 – meta-analysis – Aug 7, 2020
- Risk of enveloped virus infection is increased 50 percent if poor Vitamin D Receptor - meta-analysis Dec 2018
- Hepatitis B patients have 2 ng lower level of Vitamin D – meta-analysis June 2019
- Influenza Vaccination not benefited by lowish levels of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had: trial results, meta-analyses and reviews, Mortality studies see related: Governments, HealthProblems, Hospitals, Dark Skins, All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D, Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly Vaccines Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID 166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023) Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries
VitaminDWiki pages with INNATE in title (11 as of Aug 2022)
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 14
Flu has the following
Vitamin D fights all phases of Influenza
- FACT: Vitamin D PREVENTS Influenza 7X lower risk
- FACT: Vitamin D SUPRESSES Influenza ( Vitamin D Hammer )
- Single dose of 50,000 IU of vitamin D stops Influenza symptoms
- FACT: Vitamin D PREVENTS & SUPRESSES Sepsis which is a rare but deadly consequence of Influenza
- FACT: Vitamin D enhances the activity of vaccines.
- FACT: improves Flu vaccine effectiveness and reduces side effects
- FACT: Vitamin D has virtually no side effects
- but 1 in 300 get people get muscle pain or itching due to lower magnesium levels
- FACT: Vitamin D prevents/suppresses over 280 health problems (left column)
- FACT: Both COVID-19 and Influenza are enveloped viruses
- FACT: Do not take vitamin D if Sarcoidosis, excess Calcium, Chemotherapy
- CONCLUSION To help protect/suppress influenza, take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D once a week
during the flu season if you are an average weight adult "
It is essential that the Vitamin D actually gets to the cells of the immune system
The Vitamin D Receptor can greatly limit Vitamin D from getting to cells
Many virus can deactivate the VDR:
39 studies This list is automatically updated
- 10 of the top 15 things that treat COVID increase cellular Vitamin D
- Metformin appears to activate the Vitamin D Receptor (more D to kidney cells, etc,) - March 2025
- Vitamin D preventing and treating COVID - 30,000 publications – Oct 2024
- COVID maximum downregulation of Vitamin D receptor and CYP27B1 resulted in death - Feb 2024
- COVID in hospital stopped by Vitamin D Receptor activators (curcumin, quercetin) – RCT June 2023
- Children with COVID 4X more likely to have poor Vitamin D Receptors (Note: COVID deactivates VDR) – April 2023
- Diabetes 3X more likely if had COVID ICU (VDR was deactivated) - April 2023
- COVID variants protect themselves by deactivating different VDR variants– March 2023
- Dengue Fever decimated by Vitamin D - many studies
- COVID kids were more likely to have a poor VDR (4.3 X), than low Vitamin D (2.6 X) – Sept 2022
- Cancers are associated with low vitamin D, poor vaccination response and perhaps poor VDR – July 2022
- COVID 3X more likely if a poor Receptor (cells get less Vitamin D from the blood) – July 2022
- Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies
- COVID death 12X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (less D gets to cells) - many studies
- COVID severity, ICU, and mortality all associated with poor vitamin D receptor (but not D, everyone had low D) -Dec 2021
- Different Vitamin D Receptor problems cause different COVID problems - Dec 2021
- COVID-19 severity associated with 3 vitamin D genes – Oct 2021
- Poor Vitamin D receptor blocked Vitamin D from fighting avian influenza viruses (in mice) – July 2021
- Epstein-Barr is yet another virus that deactivates the Vitamin D receptor (COVID later suspected as well)– 2010
- COVID-19 symptoms and comorbidities associated with the type of Vitamin D Receptor – Oct 2021
- Enveloped virus infection (RSV, coronavirus, HIV, etc.) 1.5X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Dec 2018
- COVID-19 outpatients getting Quercetin nanoemulsion had excellent outcomes (Q increased Vitamin D in cells) – RCT – June 2021
- A virus that most adults have (Cytomegalovirus) decreases the amount of Vitamin D which gets to the cells – Jan 2017
- COVID virus alters the activation of 100 vitamin D related genes in the lung – April 2021
- Common sense COVID-19 risk reduction - masks, social distancing, vitamin D - Oct 2020
- AI is examining 170,000 potential COVID-19 treatments, Vitamin D is one of only 6 found – Sept 4, 2020
- Vitamin D Receptor activation should reduce ARDS associated with COVID-19 - June 2020
- Dengue viral production decreased 1000X if activate Vitamin D Receptor (in lab) – July 2020
- Vitamin D, Quercetin, and Estradiol all increase vitamin D in cells and increase genes which reduce COVID-19 – May 21, 2020
- Quercetin and Vitamin D - Allies Against COVID-19
- Risk of enveloped virus infection is increased 50 percent if poor Vitamin D Receptor - meta-analysis Dec 2018
- Hand, foot, and Mouth disease is 14X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Oct 2019
- Treating herpes reduced incidence of senile dementia by 10 X (HSV1 reduces VDR by 8X) – 2018
- Severe hand, foot, and mouth virus is 2.9 X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – Oct 2018
- Hepatitis B virus reduced by 5X the Vitamin D getting to liver cells in the lab – Oct 2018
- Some enveloped virus are 1.2 X more likely if have a poor Vitamin D Receptor -Aug 2018
- Severe Pertussis is 1.5 times more likely if poor vitamin D receptor – Feb 2016
- Dengue Fever associated with poor vitamin D receptor – July 2002
- Dengue virus 2X to 4X more likely if vitamin D receptor gene problems
VitaminDWiki - You can increase the Vitamin D Receptor activation in 14 ways
Resveratrol, Omega-3, Magnesium, Zinc, Quercetin, non-daily Vit D, Curcumin, intense exercise, Butyrate Ginger, Essential oils, etc Note: The founder of VitaminDWiki uses 10 of the 14 known VDR activators
Founder superimmunity? 200 ng vitamin D, VDR activators (10), Zinc, 800 mg Mg, Omega-3. etc
No COVID symptoms so far
Note:Several people have reported to me:> 50 ng of vitamin D but no symptpms but their family members didSuper-immune do not get COVID symptoms (perhaps Vitamin D) - Aug 202210576 visitors, last modified 05 Aug, 2022, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 18249 Effect of Age on Innate_CompressPdf.pdf admin 05 Aug, 2022 756.92 Kb 275 18248 Age-dependent dysregulation of innate immunity.pdf admin 05 Aug, 2022 606.75 Kb 241 18247 Interferon resistance of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants PNAS_CompressPdf.pdf admin 05 Aug, 2022 955.49 Kb 264